Chapter 2078: Hello, boss (33)

Chapter 2078 Hello, boss (33)

Boss Hello 33

After Fu Miao reacted, she immediately called a friend she was familiar with to ask about the situation.

The other party hesitated and seemed reluctant to say anything specific.

Finally, before hanging up the phone, the other party reminded, "Mr. Fu, for the sake of our long-term acquaintance, let me remind you, this time, we've all hit an iron plate, so please apologize as soon as possible!!!"

Fu Miao was slightly startled.

She is not stupid.

She can give Xingyue a place in the entertainment industry, which is enough to show that her head is still very smart.

She reacted almost instantly.

Su Yubai has a bigger background behind him.

is the person who can't be bothered by the gold masters behind the few artists together.

Otherwise, those companies would not terminate their contracts with those artists directly. Obviously, the sponsors could not keep them behind.

Fu Miao soon made a decision.

While Su Yubai didn't trouble her.

Shen Shenglin just left Fu Miao's office not long ago.

Fu Miao issued a statement.

The content of the    statement has two main points.

One: I apologize to Su Yubai.

2: If Xingyue Entertainment can't afford an artist with problems in this line of business like Shen Sheolin, it will immediately terminate the contract with Shen Sheolin.

As soon as this statement came out, Jiang Zhuo reported it to Su Yubai.

Su Yubai was very satisfied with this.

The same is true for Cha Cha, with his eyebrows bent.

Alas, this time, Shen layered forest was a vain bamboo basket!

The two of them looked at each other, and both saw pride in their eyes.

Su Yubai and Chacha knew very well that Fu Miao was a person whose interests outweighed everything else. Since she wanted to make things difficult for Shen Shenglin and Fu Miao, the best way was to watch the two of them bite the dog first.

Let them bite the dog, it's very simple.

When Jiang Zhuo broke out the white list of those who framed Su Yu, put one less piece of evidence related to Fu Miao, so that Fu Miao thought she was safe, then Fu Miao would choose Mingzhe to protect herself.

The termination of the contract with Shen Shenglin was always expected by the two of them.

Chacha stared at the statement one more time.

Hey, poor Shen Chenglin, after entering Xingyue, he was kicked out before he stayed for three days.

Tsk tsk, I really want to set off fireworks to celebrate.


Sha pen stuff.


at the same time.

Shen Chenglin just returned to Fu Miao's apartment.

was about to call Fu Miao when he saw the message pushed by the software.

#Xingyue and Shen Sheerin terminated the contract#

Shen layer forest's feet were soft, and he clicked in with a sneer.

What kind of fake news is this?

How could Miaomiao not want him?

What a joke.

Shen Henglin sneered at the content above.

Until he saw the statement issued by Starlight Entertainment.

Shen Shenglin couldn't smile anymore.

Shen Shenglin was stunned.

Shen Shenglin was dumbfounded.

He clicked on the official Weibo of Xingyue Entertainment with dull eyes, and looked at the statement carefully.

For a moment, he collapsed to the ground.

His eyes were full of astonishment.

He could not accept this fact.

Shen Shenglin called Fu Miao in a state of collapse, but he couldn't get through no matter what.

Do not! ! !


Fu Miao will not give up on him!

Fu Miao likes him so much, they were still warm in the apartment yesterday.

How could he be regarded as a waste chess in the blink of an eye, and if he said no, he would not? Terminate the contract?

No no no!


Fu Miao must have had difficulties.

There must be something he doesn't know!

Shen Shenglin continued to call Fu Miao.

He must listen to Fu Miao say it himself.

Unless Fu Miao really doesn't want him and doesn't care about him.

He doesn't believe the relationship between the two of them is worthless! ! !

(end of this chapter)