Chapter 2080: Hello, boss (35)

Chapter 2080 Hello, boss (35)

Boss Hello 35

Fu Miao was in a good mood when she saw that she had flickered into Shen Shenglin.

After a few more casual reassurances, Shen Shenglin honestly said that he listened to her.

"Don't worry, Miaomiao, I will never act rashly in the future. Before doing anything, I will ask you."

Fu Miao hummed.

"For the next few days, you will stay in the apartment and don't go anywhere. In this way, even if Su Yubai's people want to trip you up, they won't find a chance.

Layered forest, in the current situation, silence is the best choice. "

Fu Miao explained earnestly.

It sounds as if everything is for the sake of Shen layered forest.

Shen layered forests responded one by one.

Whatever she said, he listened.


As Fu Miao said, after a week, no one will mention the matter of Shen Shenglin.

There is a new melon in the entertainment industry.

And Su Yubai's film is about to start filming.

Fu Miao sat in the apartment with a cold face.

Shen Henglin whispered suggestions and analysis for her.

"Xingyue's next movie overwhelms Su Yubai in the lineup, and everything is too late. Besides, Xingchen Entertainment has nothing else to beat except this movie.

In other words, even if this movie is a big hit, it may not be able to pull back the loss of Star Entertainment. "

Hearing this, Fu Miao's face finally looked better.

"Yeah, you're right, I don't need to be brooding about a movie."

People should look forward.

This movie was just a momentary loss to Fu Cha.

Except for movies.

Many artists of Xingyue Entertainment also have variety shows and web dramas to be filmed.

No matter how you look at it, the development of Xingyue Entertainment is more promising.

Shen Shenglin looked at Fu Miao, who had regained his composure, and his mood improved a lot.


His eyes flickered, and there was one problem that remained unresolved.

He has terminated his contract with Xingyue now.

What will he do in the future?

Shen Henglin is a little worried, the entertainment industry is changing very fast, and newcomers are showing up. People like him who have not yet established a foothold are easily forgotten.

Plus, something like that happened again.

His future...

seems to be hopeless.

He didn't know how to get it back.

In other words, how to return to the public eye?

Fu Miao saw his thoughts and continued to appease him.

"Story Forest, don't worry, with me, Xingyue Entertainment is your backing."

Shen layer forest, "Hmm."

Fu Miao, "By the way, the company has something to do these days. I may not be able to see you every day. You must take good care of yourself here. If you have anything, please call me in time."

Fu Miao's concern, like a spring breeze, made Shen layered forest very happy.

"Miaomiao cares about me the most, and I will definitely not cause trouble to Miaomiao."

Shen layered forest is also very interesting.

When Fu Miao left, his eyes were somewhat meaningful.

Unfortunately, Shen Shenglin didn't understand it.


After Fu Miao left, he didn't return to the apartment for several days.

Shen layered forest also from the beginning calm, gradually became worried.

Fu Miao not only didn’t come back, he didn’t even reply to text messages anymore.

Shen Shenglin couldn't help but make a phone call, and Fu Miao asked the assistant to perfunctory.

"Mr. Shen, Mr. Fu is very busy right now. There are meetings to be held every day. Do you have any urgent business with her? I will tell Mr. Fu later."

Shen Shenglin frowned, "It's okay, let her pay attention to rest."

Assistant, "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Shenglin still felt uneasy, but he couldn't tell where he was uneasy.

(end of this chapter)