Chapter 2090: Hello boss (45)

Chapter 2090 Hello, boss (45)

Boss Hello 45

Su Yubai looked at the little girl's appearance.

Suddenly, he said, "How about... I'll let you bite back?"

Then he tugged at the collar.

presented the collarbone in front of her eyes.

Cha Cha grinded his teeth, looked at Su Yubai again, and hummed.

Then, he opened his mouth and took a bite.

Perfect for leaving a small tooth mark.

Chacha's beautiful eyes had a smile, "It's even!"

Su Yubai, "Okay."

Evened out.

Actually, he didn't mind her biting a few more teeth marks.

Alas, the little girl is so coaxing.

To be honest, he was a little embarrassed.


Thinking of what he planned to do, Su Yubai felt that he should continue to be a human being.

He approached Cha Cha with a sincere expression on his face.

"Chacha, I thought about it, since it was broken by Xu Yue this time, why don't we just announce that we are together, and don't wait until the movie is over, so we can be together now..."

Su Yubai opened his mouth to fool you.

Xu Yue's matter was handled very well.

But he also really wants to make the relationship public as soon as possible.

He also has a Lord.

He has a girlfriend!

So in the future, those rotten peach blossoms better stay away from him, otherwise his girlfriend will be jealous! ! !

Cha Cha did not rush to agree.

She thought about it for a while, and was a little worried, "Actually, Xu Yue was right.

Your fans think you have a career, so you took this drama. If now, let them know that you took up this drama because of me... It should have a great impact on you..."

She didn't want this to affect him too much.

If she hadn't come to him, maybe he wouldn't have taken this drama at all, breaking the principle for it.

Chacha felt guilty the more she thought about it.

She is so bad, she accidentally used beauty and made Su Yubai agree to take over the play.

Su Yubai sighed, stretched out his hand to embrace the person,

"You don't care about this matter, I will let Jiang Zhuo handle it. Also, many things are my own decisions, and it has nothing to do with you, so don't have any psychological burdens.

I was very satisfied with this movie. If I didn’t have you, I would probably have taken it, but I probably wouldn’t have made this movie right away.

Your appearance just keeps me from missing this movie..."

Chacha blinked.

Well, his words really made her feel a lot better.

soothed Cha Cha.

Su Yubai turned around and called Jiang Zhuo.

Jiang Zhuo sighed with emotion and immediately notified the company.

Su Yubai's love affair, they have long been prepared, always guarding against the exposure of love.

Therefore, there are several solutions in the company.

So at this moment, Jiang Zhuo was not too panicked.

After negotiating.

Su Yubai logged on Weibo and sent a message.

Su Yubai V: Let me introduce, my girlfriend @Star Entertainment President Fu Cha.

Chacha also responded to Su Yubai's Weibo.


This night.

No one expected that such explosive news would happen.

Su Yubai is in love?

Su Yubai officially announced?

Su Yubai...with that CEO of Star Entertainment?

In less than two minutes, the Weibo server was paralyzed.

Su Yubai's fans almost exploded in situ!

One after another wailing and screaming sounded in the middle of the night.

【Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! 】

【My house collapsed, my horse-riding house collapsed…】

【A person like Su Yubai is still in love? No, I don't believe it! 】

[Su Yubai's account has been hacked, anyway, I definitely don't believe he will fall in love, if his temper, if he can like someone, then there is a problem! Just ask, who is worthy of him? 】

(end of this chapter)