Chapter 2109: Koi carp (3)

Chapter 2109 Koi This Carp (3)

Koi carp 3

Jiang Zhou's whole body is not well.

This riding horse is the devil, right?

The little girl in front of me looks harmless to humans and animals, but what she does... is truly amazing!

"you you……"


Chacha suddenly had a hemp rope in his hand.

Under Jiang Zhou's astonished gaze, she tied the person up.

Then threw the man into the trunk and stuffed a rag in his mouth by the way.

Jiang Zhou, "..."

woo woo woo woo...

Cha Cha got into the car contentedly.

drove to the nearest police station.

That's right, she came to report the crime.

Chacha explained the situation in detail.

"Uncle, this person should be a human trafficker. As soon as I got off the mountain, he tried to trick me into getting into the car."

Not only that, Chacha also provided recordings.

Jiang Zhou, "..." What the hell?

When did she record it?

In the recording, Jiang Zhou's words are obviously abnormal.

kept saying that he had a broken foot, but his foot was not injured at all, and the other foot, Chacha's self-defense, stepped on it in a hurry.

In addition, at the foot of Lishan, few people appear.

The purpose of this Jiang Zhou is problematic at first glance.

Jiang Zhou wanted to cry without tears, but he never thought that he would be locked up as an adult trafficker.

Jiang Zhou had to call and ask his lawyer for help.

After waiting for the lawyer to come over and try to prove that this was a misunderstanding, Cha Cha disappeared long ago.

even so.

When Jiang Zhou left.

Those policemen, looking at him, are still not right. It was as if he would be arrested again if he did something wrong.

Jiang Zhou, "..."

is just a little sad.

The master also came with the lawyer.

Jiang Zhou sat in the car and told the situation with a dark face.

Master's face is unfathomable.

I didn't think that things would turn out like this.

It stands to reason that that person should be very good at fooling around, but now he has tricked Jiang Zhou.

Master    lowered his head and tried to continue the calculation.

Unpredictable, his face changed slightly.


He couldn't find any trace of Pear Tea! ! !

No no no, it shouldn't be like this.

Master    was shocked.

"No, no..." The master continued to be shocked.

He tried to continue the calculation, but the next second, his chest seemed to be hit by a sudden blow, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Jiang Zhou, "...?"

Master    fainted directly.

at this time.

Cha Cha took another car to go to Lancheng.

Hey, that master is really dishonest.

You still want to spy on her tracks?

Tsk, you have been attacked!

Chacha went to Lancheng in a good mood.

The original owner is going down the mountain for the first time.

Jiang Zhou's home is in Lancheng, she thought about it, she should also go to Lancheng.

Jiang Zhou's male supporting role is definitely an existence that promotes the plot.

In the absence of a goal, going to Lancheng should be the most correct choice.


Chacha arrived in Lancheng and first found a hotel to stay.

A stay is three days.

Lying in the room is like a salted fish.

Don't ask, it's just too busy to ask.

She is now aimless and doing nothing.

Hey, when will she meet the poor little one in her family?

Cha Cha decided to go out and try his luck.

After all, she is a little koi, and she can definitely achieve what she wants!

Chacha just walked out of the room when he bumped into someone in the corridor.

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, and when he looked up, he saw those calm, unwavering eyes, pitch black as ink.

was stunned for three seconds.

Cha Cha immediately smiled.

Really met!

Her family is pitiful!

ah ah ah ah!

Have koi luck, which is great!

The man who was hit was a little surprised. Was this little girl stupid?

Why are you still giggling?

(end of this chapter)