Chapter 2112: Koi carp (6)

Chapter 2112 Koi This Carp (6)

Koi carp 6

Chacha nodded obediently, "Okay."

I will follow Jiang Ting from now on!

Hey, it's nice that her family is pitiful.

Qiqi, "..." Bah!

This is obviously kidnapping you! Say he's okay?

woo woo woo, my Cha Cha!

Qiqi's heartache group, but they are helpless.

can only watch Chacha chat with Jiang Ting, the dog man.

But in this case, what can it say?

It can't say anything.

Moreover, its tea tea thought it was taking advantage of itself!

ah ah ah ah!

Obviously it is the dog man who takes advantage.

Qiqi is very heartache.

If I knew earlier, it should cultivate well in the plane of the master, maybe there is a chance to cultivate into a human form, and then, it can also have a good contest with the dog man.

However, it did not cultivate seriously, and only cared about slopping.

Alas, its wrong.


Two days later.

Jiang Ting, who suddenly disappeared, came back, and brought back a beautiful little girl, which caused an uproar in the Jiang family.

One of the most surprising is Jiang Zhou.

Jiang Zhou's eyes were full of disbelief, "How is it possible? Wasn't he being hunted down? How could he come back safely?"

Jiang Ting disappeared for two days this time, and he almost thought that Jiang Ting would never come back...

Jiang Zhou immediately ordered the people around him.

"Go and check, who is the little girl Jiang Ting brought back!"

Jiang Zhou's eyes were cloudy.

Now, the Jiang family is choosing an heir.

He and Jiang Ting have the best chance.

And Jiang Ting performed better than him everywhere, which naturally became a thorn in his eyes!

Originally, he followed the master's wishes.

I found the noble man at the foot of Lishan, and from then on, I could rise to the top. However, the development of things was completely unexpected.

interrupted all their plans.

The noble person not only cheated him, but the master is also unconscious now.

And Jiang Ting, came back at this time?

Jiang Zhou was so angry that he almost ran away on the spot.

Why is Jiang Ting safe and sound?

Are those people just that trash?

Jiang Zhou scolded for a while.

and the other side.

Jiang's old house.

The old man calmly listened to the butler's report.

"Master Ting came back safe and sound, and brought back a girl."

"Where's Jiang Zhou?" The old man asked calmly.

Butler, "Master Zhou found nothing. It is said that he was sent to the police station, and he was released after finding a lawyer."

The old man snorted.

"It seems that Jiang Ting is the most suitable heir, but...he is not cruel enough."

It stands to reason that Jiang Ting is so good, he should hand over the heir to Jiang Ting, but Jiang Ting lacks a bit of ruthlessness.

On the other hand, Jiang Zhou is ruthless enough, but not smart enough.

If Jiang Ting can continue to escape from these people's calculations, then this heir will naturally belong to Jiang Ting.

"By the way, go and find out the origin of that little girl. Jiang Ting is usually not close to women, so this time, after escaping from death, he won't fall for a beauty plan, right?"

The old man narrowed his eyes, his eyes were clear and sharp.

The housekeeper should come down.

Since it was the old man’s account, he naturally had to do it.

The housekeeper turned his head and went to check the little girl's history.

However, he didn't find anything, as if it appeared out of nowhere.

The housekeeper immediately told the old man about the situation.

Afterwards, the old man asked the housekeeper to go to Jiang Ting in person. On the surface, it was condolences, but in fact, he checked the little girl.

Jiang Ting's residence is not far from Jiang's old house, including Jiang Zhou's residence. The two now live in the same villa area.

(end of this chapter)