Chapter 2118: Koi carp (12)

Chapter 2118 Koi This Carp (12)

Koi carp 12

The housekeeper ran over to help Jiang Zhou very wisely.

"Master Zhou, why are you so careless? Did you fall?"

As soon as the voice fell, the housekeeper noticed that Jiang Zhou's face was wrong.

"Master Zhou?" he called again.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Zhou suddenly let out a tragic scream.

"Ah—my legs!"

Butler, "!!!"

The housekeeper hurriedly called the emergency number.

Along with the medical staff, we went to the hospital together.

After they left, Jiang Ting pulled Cha Cha and pushed her against the wall with serious eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense in the future, it's easy to get into trouble, you know?" Jiang Ting urged seriously.

Cha Cha blinked with a cute and harmless look on his face.

Of course she knew.

She dared to say that because she was sure that the housekeeper would not spread those words.

However, looking at Jiang Ting's serious appearance.

Chacha nodded cooperatively.

"Don't worry, I won't cause you trouble."

Hearing this, Jiang Ting was very depressed, is this a troublesome thing?

Does she know how terrifying her abilities are?

It is easy to be coveted!

Jiang Ting's face was written with worry!

He will focus more on her in the future, so that she will not bury herself.


After Jiang Zhou was sent to the hospital, after examination, Jiang Zhou's left leg was broken.

This matter, just riding a horse is very confusing.

is incredible.

Can you break your leg if you fall on the ground?

Even the medical staff were stunned.

This is also incredible.

Then he gave Jiang Zhou a full body examination. It was very strange. His left leg was broken, and there was nothing else in his body...

The housekeeper was shocked.


Miss Pear is indeed a very good existence!

Through what Jiang Zhou said in the villa, the housekeeper immediately realized that Licha was the noble Jiang Zhou was looking for.

Take a look now.

No wonder Jiang Zhou ran to the foot of Lishan to find her!

Where is this noble person? Simply heavenly!

This existence is simply bullshit!

He didn't even know what to say.

Thinking that Jiang Zhou offended Miss Li and then broke his left leg, the housekeeper subconsciously broke out in a cold sweat.

It seems that in the future, we must not offend Miss Pear!

Life is important!

The housekeeper reported the situation here to the old man.

emphasized that Jiang Zhou went out the door, took a few steps, and then broke his leg. No one shot during this period, it was purely an accident.

is quite unlucky.

After hearing this, the old man was silent for a while.

This trash can even break his leg while walking?

In addition to being ruthless, he really can't help the table.

The old man sighed and asked the housekeeper to give him a few more condolences, and he would not go to the hospital.

The housekeeper understands it in seconds.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of these things."


When Jiang Zhou woke up on the hospital bed, he saw the housekeeper at a glance.

He frowned and was about to ask the housekeeper why he was here.

Next second.

He realized that something was wrong with his legs.

He looked at his left leg in horror, "My leg! What's wrong with my leg! What happened? Why is this happening?"

Jiang Zhou was emotional.

The housekeeper hurried to appease him.

"Master Zhou, calm down first, calm down! Listen to me, your legs won't be a big problem..."

The housekeeper paid attention to Jiang Zhou's mood and carefully repeated the matter.

Obviously, Jiang Zhou could not accept it. He was so angry that he smashed a lot of things, but he couldn't get up again...and then got even more angry.

The housekeeper could only watch him vent his anger.

After all, he was injured for a hundred days, and his condition was very serious. Even if the best doctor was invited, Jiang Zhou would not be able to recover for several months.

(end of this chapter)