Chapter 2120: Koi carp (14)

Chapter 2120 Koi This Carp (14)

Koi carp 14

Song Qinghuan returned to Song's house with an uneasy mood.

On the way, she was thinking about how to tell Song Qingyou about this later.

When Song Qinghuan walked to the living room, he almost bumped into Song Qingyou because he was absent-minded.

Song Qingyou glanced at her lightly, "What's wrong with you? It's like you've lost your soul?"

Song Qinghuan looked up at her.

hesitant to speak.

Song Qingyou, "? What exactly are you trying to say?"

She has a soft voice, as her name suggests, with the temperament of an empty valley and an orchid.

gives a very comfortable feeling.

Song Qinghuan then hesitantly told her the news he had heard from Jiang Zhou.

Song Qingyou's face changed slightly, "There's a girl next to Jiang Ting?"

Song Qinghuan, "Yeah, they said they were picked up from outside and brought by Jiang Ting."

Song Qingyou thought for a while.

tasted it a little.

She doesn't have a brain like Song Qinghuan.

She didn't think Jiang Zhou would be so kind to remind Song Qinghuan, clearly revealing the news on purpose, waiting for Song Qinghuan to tell her.

Song Qinghuan didn't know that, but she was very clear.

Jiang Zhou and Jiang Ting fought openly and secretly because of the heir of the Jiang family. Now Jiang Zhou is afraid that Jiang Ting has an accident.

If Jiang Zhou's purpose was to see her trouble with Jiang Ting, then Jiang Zhou's abacus was wrong.

She couldn't believe what kind of girl Jiang Ting would like.

Song Qingyou was not in a hurry.

In her opinion, Jiang Ting will be with her sooner or later.

The Song family is also a famous family in Lancheng. If Jiang Ting is with her, it will be of great benefit for him to compete for the position of the Jiang family heir.

Song Qinghuan was still worried about Song Qingyou.

I'm afraid she can't think about it.

Song Qingyou shook his head, "I'm fine, I'll go take a look this afternoon."



There is one more visitor in the villa.

Song Qingyou said she didn't care, but before she came to visit, she specially put on delicate makeup, changed into beautiful clothes and jewelry, and the whole person looked extremely gentle, with gentleness and generosity everywhere.

Jiang Ting was in the study when he heard that Song Qingyou was looking for him.

Cha Cha was playing games with his mobile phone on the side.

Jiang Ting first glanced at Chacha, then said, "Don't run around here, I'll be back soon."

Cha Cha, "Am I ugly?"

Otherwise, why not let her go out with him.

Jiang Ting sighed.

met her serious appearance and surrendered immediately.

"I can take you out, but you are not allowed to talk nonsense, especially the kind of luck, you know?"

Chacha hummed.

"Okay, don't say it if you don't say it."

It's a rival in love, so she won't remind her rival!

Jiang Ting went downstairs with Cha Cha.

In the living room.

Song Qingyou raised her eyes and looked not far away.

Jiang Ting was still incomparably noble, but the little girl beside him... made her a little surprised.

Before    came, she really didn't take people seriously.

What if he was brought back by Jiang Ting?

Maybe it's just Jiang Ting's kindness.

However, the moment he saw this little girl, Song Qingyou felt an inexplicable emotion.

Her intuition told her that this person was not as simple as it seemed.

The **** and white eyes are clear and translucent, and the whole person looks soft and harmless. it really soft and harmless?

The little girl is so beautiful and delicate that even she couldn't help but take a look.

Aware of Song Qingyou's gaze, Cha Cha also looked over.

The two looked at each other.

Song Qingyou immediately showed her a gentle smile.

(end of this chapter)