Chapter 2122: Koi carp (16)

Chapter 2122 Koi This Carp (16)

Koi carp 16

Jiang Ting still looked indifferent.

In his opinion, Song Qingyou has nothing to do with him.

She is very good not to look back at him.

He didn't want to be disturbed.

His attitude says it all.

Song Qingyou left with hatred and anger.

Before leaving, he glanced bitterly at the little girl beside Jiang Ting.

She remembered!

Cha Cha was speechless.

how? Does that make her hate it?

Her little koi didn't do anything to Song Qingyou!

After Song Qingyou left.

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at Jiang Ting.

The white fingers tugged at the corner of his clothes and asked him softly, "Why don't you let me leave with her?"

Jiang Ting looked down at his little girl, "I'm not familiar with her, and there are many bad people, you are safest to stay by my side.

This incident can also make you remember for a long time. In the future, no matter who asks you to go to him except me, you should not go. "

Chacha oh.

The big watery eyes flashed a hint of loss.

She lowered her head and sighed, "I can't bear me? So I misunderstood!"

Cha Cha raised his feet and left.

Jiang Ting paused and stood there with a look of bewilderment.


He really misses her!

But I'm too embarrassed to say it directly.

Cha Cha crawled upstairs, leaving Jiang Ting to stand alone.

Does he want to call the little girl back and tell her carefully?

Does he really miss her?

But wouldn't that be too abrupt?

Jiang Ting sighed, the little girl is really hard to coax.

After Song Qingyou left Jiang Ting's villa, she did not rush back to Song's house.

At that time.

Her heart is full of hatred!

also means jealousy, as if it can start a prairie fire!

She always thought that she was different from others in his heart.

But in the end, she still overestimated her position.

Maybe Jiang Ting never cared about her at all!

Song Qingyou's face turned black.

Many people in Lancheng knew that Song Qingyou was pursuing Jiang Ting, but as a result, Jiang Ting was with a little girl from the countryside. Where would she put her face in the future?

Song Qingyou became more and more unwilling.

She suddenly thought of something.

The one who passed the news to her!

Jiang Zhou!

Song Qingyou squinted and went to the hospital where Jiang Zhou was at the fastest speed.

She is lucky at the moment, there are no extra people in Jiang Zhou's ward.

Jiang Zhou saw her appear, raised his hand, and motioned for the bodyguard to guard outside the ward.

The door was closed.

Jiang Zhou looked at Song Qingyou who came here in a good mood.

"What wind blows Miss Song?"

Song Qingyou snorted coldly, "Stop pretending, didn't you expect me to come to you?"

What are you wearing now? Didn't he just wait for her to come?

Ask knowingly.

Jiang Zhou sighed.

"Hey, as expected, I'm not Jiang Ting, so I can't win Miss Song's favor. If it's Jiang Ting lying here, Miss Song will probably cry in a hurry?"

Song Qingyou's face was ugly, "If you don't say it or not, I'll leave if you don't say it!"

It's so annoying, she's in a bad mood at the moment, and he's still here to make fun of her?

Jiang Zhou snorted as soon as he said this.

"If you don't say it, don't say it. It seems that Miss Song has been stimulated a lot by Jiang Ting!"

Otherwise it would not be this attitude.

But for him, the more stimulation Song Qingyou received, the better it would be for him.

Song Qingyou, "..." What did he think?

Can we continue to chat happily?

If she can't talk, she'll go!

Song Qingyou turned around and was about to go out, Jiang Zhou saw that the time was almost up, and hurriedly called out to hold back.

(end of this chapter)