Chapter 2125: Koi carp (19)

Chapter 2125 Koi This Carp (19)

Koi carp 19

The affair between Jiang Zhou and Song Qingyou soon spread to the old man.

The housekeeper naturally wants to report the situation he sees in detail.

The old man snorted lightly and did not comment.

However, the butler seems to think that the old man probably doesn't like Jiang Zhou's use of this method.

Relying on a woman to take the top position, the old man may be a little disdainful.

The help of the Song family is good or good, but I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse, it's easy to be bound together...


Jiang Ting, of course, got the news right away.

When the people under    reported to him, Cha Cha was also beside him.

Cha Cha was a little surprised.

This Miss Song is really brave!

She blinked and looked at Jiang Ting curiously.

Jiang Ting met her gaze, "What's wrong?"

Chacha, "It's nothing, I just want to ask, how do you feel now, your former suitor is with your brother!"

Don't you have any ideas?

Jiang Ting shook his head, "It has nothing to do with me."

He rejected Song Qingyou, and it was not a matter of once or twice.

But because there are no women around, Song Qingyou has always been fascinated by self-confidence...

He didn't know where her confidence came from.

Every time he said something plausible to him, he either declined politely or refused outright... He didn't think he had given Song Qingyou any hope...

This time, with Chacha by his side, Song Qingyou gave up.

But it seems that his brain may not work well, he doesn't like her, and whoever she is with has nothing to do with him.

Is it possible that you still want to use this behavior to stimulate him?

Well, probably my brain is flooded.

Chacha tilted his head, pointed at the oranges on the coffee table, and suddenly said, "Help me peel an orange."

Jiang Ting naturally reached out and took an orange.

Cha Cha looked at him with a smile.

Hey, he, ruthless is really ruthless.

However, it's all for others, to warm her alone, that's enough!

"I'll take you out for a walk tomorrow, okay?" Jiang Ting asked suddenly.

Since he brought her here, she hasn't gone out for a walk, and she is bored at home alone, so it's time to go out and breathe.

"Okay." Cha Cha nodded without thinking.

"Is it just the two of us?"

Jiang Ting, "Besides the driver, there are only two of us."

Driver: I am not a person, I am a tool person...


The next day.

Jiang Ting went out with Chacha.

First we went to a large shopping mall.

Ever since the little girl was by his side, he wanted her clothes.

I want to see her put on all kinds of beautiful clothes, the little girl should be beautiful!

When Jiang Ting took her to a stop outside a women's clothing store.

Cha Cha was stunned for a few seconds.

"Want to buy clothes?"

Jiang Ting, "Yeah, I'll buy you clothes."

Chacha, "..." Well, that's fine too.

Then, Cha Cha happily dragged Jiang Ting and walked in.

buying clothes!

Buy a pretty little dress to show him!

Jiang Ting is in a good mood.

As soon as the clerk saw the watch in Jiang Ting's hand, he hurried over, a group of gentle attitudes.

That watch is no less than a million.

In the face of such rich people, of course, you have to have a better attitude.

The clerk was very enthusiastic about introducing the clothes in the store.

The little girl in front of her is beautiful and soft, no wonder she caught the eyes of this gentleman.

When it comes to choosing clothes, Chacha has a very good eye, and she chooses styles that are very suitable for her.

I was very happy at first, but when I paid, I met someone I shouldn’t have met.

Chacha: Bad luck!

(end of this chapter)