Chapter 2133: Koi carp (27)

Chapter 2133 Koi This Carp (27)

Koi carp 27

In fact.

Song Qinghuan did not find anyone to take her in.

Really became a daughter in distress.

She didn't have a mobile phone, and she didn't even have cash on her.

Last night, after arguing with Song Qingyou, she ran out. In that case, it was impossible for her to go back and pack her things.

Plus, Song Qinghuan didn't want to contact his friends.

Those friends are mostly plastic sisters.

It won't help any substantial other than being laughed at and ridiculed by those people.


Song Qinghuan just walked outside all night.

The night wind was slightly cool, Song Qinghuan wore less clothes, and she was in a low mood, and the cold wind was blowing in the middle of the night outside, so she thought of finding a place to rest.

She found a park at random.

Lie down on a park bench all night.

The next day, I felt dizzy.

She knew in her heart that she was suffering from a cold.

She felt grievances and unwillingness in her heart.

But more of it is that he despises himself for being useless. He just left the Song family for one night, and he became like this?

She must hold on, she can't go back to Song's house so soon.

She has to work hard and never go back to that canary cage.

Song Qinghuan just walked forward aimlessly.

As he walked, he stumbled under his feet and fell to the ground with a thud.

And in front of her, just stood a little girl.

Song Qinghuan was thinking before he passed out: ... it seems that he accidentally caused trouble to others.

The little girl held the candied haws she just bought and looked blankly at the person who fell in front of her.

She stood there motionless for three seconds.

took a quick step back.

"!!!" Is this touching porcelain? !

"Qiqi, she touched porcelain!" Cha Cha complained silently.

As soon as she ran out and bought a bunch of candied haws, the man passed out in front of her.

This touch of porcelain also made her head hurt too much...

Do you look like a rich man?

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at the people on the ground.

"Hey, the last person who touched me, the grass on the grave has grown three meters tall!" Cha Cha reminded indifferently.

But the man on the ground did not respond.

Chacha quickly looked around again.


There are also cameras.

Is this person so unprofessional when he touches porcelain?

Chacha shouted again.

Occasionally someone passed by, and no one dared to ask what happened.

in a minute.

Cha Cha stepped forward and touched the little sister's forehead.

Oh wow!

So hot!

This person is not touching porcelain, but has a fever.

Cha Cha frowned and took a taxi, then sent the person to the hospital.

In the hospital.

Cha Cha sat there, expressionlessly eating the candied haws in his hand.

Halfway through the meal, the doctor came over and told her about the man's condition.

Cha Cha interrupted directly, "I don't know her, I found her on the road."

When the person wakes up and calls his family, the matter is over.

After half an hour.

Song Qinghuan woke up.

The nurse briefly told her about the situation. The situation is not serious, the main thing is that the weather is cold, and if you have suffered from the cold, you can take some medicine and keep warm.

Song Qinghuan remembered seeing a little girl before he passed out.

Just wanted to ask how I got to the hospital.

I saw the nurse pointed to Chacha over there and said, "You passed out on the side of the road. She sent you here. You have to thank them well, and the medical expenses are also paid by that girl in advance."

Song Qing's heart warmed.

Almost cried.

However, feeling the warmth is one thing.

Sadness is another aspect.

The nurse left.

Song Qinghuan looked at the pretty and soft girl, and thanked her first.

"Thank you for saving me..."


I do not have money.

This sentence cannot be said.

for a moment.

Song Qinghuan suddenly remembered that he still had a pair of ear studs on his ears.

This pair of earrings with drills, sold at a low price, should be able to cover her medical bills...

(end of this chapter)