Chapter 2135: Koi carp (29)

Chapter 2135 Koi This Carp (29)

Koi carp 29

Chacha thought for a while.

She felt that she could take Song Qinghuan back with her.

"Would you like to stay with me for a few days?" Cha Cha asked with her head tilted.

Song Qinghuan, "!!!" Woohoo, the benefactor still wants to take her in! She was so moved.

What a peerless little fairy!

No, it's just her little angel!

Song Qinghuan was moved to tears.

In the afternoon, after Song Qinghuan's fever subsided, Cha Cha took her away from the hospital.

Song Qinghuan was not at all worried that her benefactor was a bad person.

Can bad guys be so cute and soft?

It looks like a little fairy, a little angel!

Sweet little angel!

Cha Cha took Song Qinghuan to the villa area.

Song Qinghuan was stunned for a moment.

Is this quite familiar?

Isn't this the address of Jiang Zhou's dog?

Jiang Zhou also lives here!

No wonder the benefactor said that there is no shortage of money, the benefactor can live here, it must be the second or third generation of wealth.

Song Qinghuan pondered, after living in by himself, he must not be able to eat plain rice!

In addition to thinking carefully about her future, she has to do something for her benefactor, and she has to work hard to repay her benefactor.

Chacha didn't think much about it.


Before entering the villa, Chacha still talked to Jiang Ting who was working outside.

Would take a friend to stay here for a few days.

If Jiang Ting disagreed, she might have overturned.

It doesn't matter if the car rolls over, since Song Qinghuan called her a benefactor, then she has to be responsible for Song Qinghuan's next affairs.

Send the Buddha to the west, the big deal is to take her to stay in a hotel.

Soon, Jiang Ting made a direct call.

Chacha answered the phone.

"I want to bring a friend..."

Jiang Ting interrupted her directly, "Male or female?"

He didn't think she was in Lancheng, so she could find friends so quickly, in case she was fooled...

Cha Cha, "It's a little girl who ran away from home."

Jiang Ting breathed a sigh of relief, "Well, take her there first."

As long as it's not a man.

However, even so, Jiang Ting rushed back quickly.

Her little girl will not be bullied.

But the other party... If he has other thoughts, it will be bad.

Cha Cha hung up the phone.

Song Qinghuan was a little curious.

"Are you calling your family?" She understands, she has to ask her family first.

Cha Cha nodded, "Asked for his opinion, let's go, he agreed to let you in."

Song Qinghuan was very happy.

The benefactor is so sweet and kind, and the family who want to come to the benefactor is also easy to get along with.

Cha Cha took Song Qinghuan into the villa.

At this time, the servant had already received news from Jiang Ting.

As soon as he saw them, he took Song Qinghuan to the guest room on the first floor.

Chacha is very satisfied.

Song Qinghuan was even more moved.

Even if her benefactor sold her in the future, she would still be willing!

Because it's not his own home, Song Qinghuan stayed in the guest room honestly and didn't dare to go anywhere else.

Cha Cha thought about it very comprehensively, and went upstairs to pick out a few pieces of clothes to show to Song Qinghuan.

Song Qinghuan was a little embarrassed.

"Then I'll take a shower first."

She must be very embarrassed now.


Chacha did not expect that Jiang Ting would come back so fast.

Song Qinghuan came back before he even came out.

"Didn't you say you'd be back at night?"

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at him and saw fine sweat on his forehead

stood up and walked over, wiped his sweat with a tissue, and moved gently.

Jiang Ting's eyes were calm, "The work was done ahead of time."

He didn't think there was anything wrong with his nonsense.

He just flew back to see who Chacha brought back and whether it would have a bad influence on Chacha.

(end of this chapter)