Chapter 2138: Koi carp (32)

Chapter 2138 Koi This Carp (32)

Koi carp 32

Song Qinghuan somehow felt as if he was stuffed with dog food.

Cha Cha curved his lips, a little smug in his eyes.

It's too late for Jiang Ting to spoil her!

is the vinegar jar turned over.

Alas, she is so difficult.

You also have to pay attention to the scale when communicating with girls.

Well, she should try to pay attention~

Qiqi, [Chacha, don't you think his behavior is very...]

Chacha, "It's good, it's just that the possessiveness is stronger, don't worry."

She can accept it.

Qiqi silently shut up.

What else can it say?


Song Qinghuan lived in the villa for a day.

In one day, she found out... Jiang Ting really likes her benefactor.

is almost petted to the core.

To match her family benefactor, it's just reluctance.

That face is okay, but he has a bad temper and often has a black face.

Song Qinghuan looked worriedly at her benefactor in Jiang Ting's arms, woo woo woo, she was so jealous...

Why didn't she meet her benefactor earlier.

Oh wait, something doesn't seem right.

Even if she meets her benefactor in advance, she can't abduct her benefactor, the girl... not!

She is simply grateful and worshipful to her benefactor!

That's right, that's it!

Two days later.

Jiang Ting took the initiative to find Song Qinghuan.

Song Qinghuan panicked.

She always felt that Jiang Ting was somewhat hostile to herself.

Jiang Ting, "I've found a few jobs for you, you can tell me if there is any suitable one, or if you like it."

Song Qinghuan was stunned on the spot.

"Are you suddenly so kind?" He even blurted out this sentence.

Jiang Ting glanced at her with an indifferent attitude.

"I don't want you to haunt my tea tea every day."

Song Qinghuan, "..." Okay, she understands.

Song Qinghuan immediately looked at a document sent by Jiang Ting. There were many jobs in this document. As long as she nodded and agreed, she could go to work immediately.

"Can I think about it for a day?" Song Qinghuan had a humble attitude.

"Yeah." Jiang Ting dropped the word, turned his head and left.

Song Qinghuan looked at his back and thought to himself: Really cold and ruthless.

Only when you treat your benefactor, will your attitude change slightly.

Song Qinghuan took the document and thought about it carefully.

Most of the jobs here are quite suitable for her and do not require much challenge. After all, she has stayed in the Song family for so long and has no work experience.


Song Qinghuan fell into contemplation.

She has always had a dream, but... it was never allowed.

Song Qinghuan stayed in the guest room all morning without showing up.

Even at lunch, Song Qinghuan didn't eat on time.

Chacha looked at Jiang Ting in surprise.

"I saw you looking for her today."

Jiang Ting, "...Am I the kind of person who would bully her? I didn't kill her, but I just gave her a job profile and let her see if she liked a job."

Chacha nodded, "Oh, that's it! Then you're pretty good."

I didn't expect that he would take the initiative to find a job for Song Qinghuan?

Oops, it's so nice to be pitiful!

Jiang Ting sneered angrily, "When did I feel bad?"

Picked up one of her, and she picked up Song Qinghuan again...

Did he say anything?

Isn't it just quietly disgusting?

Who made Song Qinghuan look at his tea tea every day.

also a benefactor...

He can find a job for his rival, he is already very kind!

If it wasn't for fear that his family Chacha would be unhappy, he would have thrown Song Qinghuan out long ago.

After all, Chacha still asked the servant to call Song Qinghuan.

(end of this chapter)