Chapter 2144: Koi carp (38)

Chapter 2144 Koi This Carp (38)

Koi carp 38

Song Qingyou's mood is a little complicated.

immediately threw away the phone and sat there alone, sulking.

That's right, she's jealous... She has a jealous mind.

An inconspicuous green leaf beside her turned into a bright pearl on the stage?

For a while, Song Qingyou couldn't accept it.

She sat there for a while.

His eyes gradually burst into gloom.

She got up and took her phone, went straight out of the bedroom, and went to find Song's father and mother.

Father Song saw her, and his face immediately burst into a smile, "Qingyou, what's wrong?"

Song Qingyou handed over the phone.

"Mom and Dad, Qing Huan went to the draft during the time she was missing."

"Draft?" Mother Song didn't know much about this.

Song Qingyou explained directly, "It's just a talent show. I have to compete with a group of people to advance, and I may stay in the entertainment industry to develop in the future."

The voice fell.

Mother Song's expression changed.

"Where did she get the face to show her face?

Do you know that this kind of behavior will lose the face of our Song family? Our Song family is a famous family, how could she do such a thing? "

Father Song also disagreed.

Song Qingyou said slowly, "Actually, I took a look. Qingyou sings and dances well, but I'm just a little worried. After all, the entertainment industry is a mixed bag. If something happens to her inside..."

Father Song turned black.

"Find a way to contact her! Let her quit the show immediately! You are not allowed to step into the entertainment industry in the future! I think she is crazy! You want to be mad at me on purpose."

Father Song was furious.

Mother Song was also angry.

Song Qingyou got what she wanted, pretended to persuade a few words, and turned to leave.

After she returned to the room, she called Jiang Zhou again.

"Jiang Zhou, help me check Song Qinghuan, she appeared in a talent show today."

Jiang Zhou was stunned for two seconds when he heard the name Song Qinghuan.

Oh, the unloved second lady of the Song family.

also chased after him for a while.

then disappeared.

I don't know where to go.

However, he never interfered in the Song family's affairs.

He was a little surprised to hear that Song Qingyou asked him to check Song Qinghuan.

Jiang Zhou, "Okay, I'll give you an answer as soon as possible."

After all, it was the first time his fiancee had asked him to check people, so of course he wanted to do things nicely.

hung up the phone, and Jiang Zhou asked people to check Song Qinghuan's information.

After a few hours.

Jiang Zhou looked at the information with a somewhat inexplicable expression on his face.

Pear tea?

is really his nobleman!

First pushed Song Qingyou to his side, now, is this to make Song Qingyou give up on him?

Jiang Zhou's lips curled into a bit of sarcasm, but he didn't directly pass the information to Song Qingyou.

He was going to give Song Qingyou a surprise.


Song Qinghuan's performance on stage was excellent.

Almost that night, I gained a lot of fans.

Even some fans immediately set up a Qinghuan support club.

Chacha smiled and spent money to buy Song Qinghuan a hot search. With her escort, Song Qinghuan became very popular.

Jiang Ting, "..." I'm not jealous.

The vinegar jar was not turned over.

I'm very good!

Ah! Rival!

Chacha bought the hot search within two minutes, and Song Qinghuan made a video call to Chacha after she was busy.

Song Qing happily shared his joy.

Then the next second, the smile froze.

"?" Who will tell her why Jiang Ting was in her benefactor's room late at night?

Could it be that Jiang Ting has already eaten and wiped his benefactor?

Song Qinghuan's face changed and changed, obviously some couldn't accept this fact.

The joy of   's extraordinary performance on the stage is obviously not comparable to the current blow.

(end of this chapter)