Chapter 2155: Koi carp (49)

Chapter 2155 Koi This Carp (49)

Koi carp 49

Song Qinghuan felt that he also had a bottom line.

If Jiang Ting asked her to change her name again, she would... be miserable...

The benefactor's boyfriend, can I still fight with him?

Obviously not possible!

Song Qinghuan followed the two of them back to Jiang Ting's house.

Then, as Chacha said, he kept his whereabouts hidden and did not respond to the situation on the Internet.

Let the discussion on the Internet become more and more heated.

Countless abuses continue.

As if Song Qinghuan was scolded by them and flinched, as if this was their victory...


Song Qingyou has been observing the situation on the Internet all the time. When she saw Song Qinghuan's ruin, no one knew how happy she was.

What she wants, she will definitely come true!

Jiang Zhou looked at the crazy Song Qingyou, said a word at the right time, and dropped another blockbuster.

"Qingyou, Song Qinghuan was picked up by Jiang Ting himself."

The voice fell.

Song Qinghuan's expression changed.

"Jiang Ting picked it up himself?" She asked with an ugly face.

Jiang Zhou, "Yes."

Song Qinghuan's eyes overflowed with a sneer.

"Oh! Even if Jiang Ting picked it up himself, so what? Song Qinghuan couldn't turn over again!"

She is going to give Song Qinghuan the last blow!

She wants Song Qinghuan to be abused by everyone like a mouse crossing the street!

Two days later.

A news about Song Qinghuan was on the hot search again.

This time, it was an interview with a reporter about the Song family.

In that video, Song's father cried and cried, expressing that he hoped that his daughter could return to the shore sooner, the Song family was not short of money, and the Song family's money could make her worry-free for the rest of her life, so there was no need to covet that little fame! If possible, I hope Song Qinghuan will come back as soon as possible to perform filial piety.

This video was reposted by many people as soon as it was posted.

In the eyes of the people who eat melons, this is a video of an old father crying and crying for his daughter, worrying about her daughter, and hoping that her daughter will go home as soon as possible!

The people who eat melons are boiling.

The people who eat melons are angry!

Look at this old father, how miserable!

No matter how rich the family is, they still care more about family affection.

Cha Cha calmly looked at Father Song's interview video.

Tsk, this is the whole family driving Song Qinghuan to a dead end!

Since this is the case, then she will not show mercy.

Cha Cha looked at the people who didn't know the truth with great interest, and cursed Song Qinghuan again.

for a while.

Song's father's video caused Song Qinghuan to be completely trampled under his feet!

If you say, the recording has already caused the anger of everyone.

So the interview video of Father Song poured gasoline on this layer of anger, making it burn more intensely and fiercely.

Cha Cha took care of Song Qinghuan's emotions and comforted him carefully.

It seems that Song Qinghuan has reached a dead end.

But then, it's time for them to fight back! ! !

Chacha let the online speeches ferment, let Song Qinghuan be scolded, and did not make the slightest explanation.

Just when Song Qingyou thought he was victorious.

the next day.

Cha Cha brought Song Qinghuan a counterattack.

Cha Cha didn't rush to play the recording.

Instead, I bought a wave of navy and a marketing account.

Let the marketing account spread the word.

Although the marketing account is not willing to spread news that is diametrically opposite to the previous one, it costs a lot of money for tea tea!

For the money, they can!


Many people have seen such remarks.

[Suddenly broke the news, it is said that Song Qinghuan is innocent. She is very miserable in the Song family, and she lives by watching her sister and parents' faces every day.

I finally mustered up the courage to move towards my dream. Who would have thought that I had just stepped onto the stage and hadn’t even flown yet! It was pulled down by the Song family! 】

(end of this chapter)