Chapter 2167: Koi carp (end)

Chapter 2167 Koi This Carp (End)

Koi carp finished

Jiang Zhou was holding back a bunch of questions, he tried to ask to understand, but he was always watching from the outside of the wedding scene.

He had no invitations and could not go in for the wedding.

can only anxiously wait for the end of the wedding.

During the    period, Jiang Zhou tried to get in, but he was kicked out.

While Jiang Zhou was waiting outside, he also saw Song Qingyou.

Song Qingyou looked at him with hatred in her eyes, "Oh! Little man."

She snorted coldly and turned to leave.

Jiang Zhou was furious and hurried to catch up. He grabbed Song Qingyou's wrist, "What? Come to see your sweetheart getting married? It's a pity that people won't give you a second look!"

is not just heartbroken, who wouldn't!

Song Qingyou opened his mouth and started stabbing, "I heard that President Jiang has been doing well recently, the old man taught you to manage the company by himself, but you were so angry that you went to the hospital?

Tsk, if you don't have that ability, don't fight to be the heir. Even if you succeed in the end, isn't it still a waste?

will only make people laugh! Useless things, you only deserve to stay in the gutter and see the sun! "

Jiang Zhou's expression changed, and he slapped Song Qingyou directly.

Then...the two of them fought.

Song Qingyou is also a ruthless person, wishing to kill Jiang Zhou.

Although Jiang Zhou is strong, he has a big weakness, that is, his leg is broken. Although it seems that there is no problem now, the position where he was injured cannot withstand the impact.

Song Qingyou attacked directly at the place where he was injured.

Jiang Zhou was sweating coldly on his forehead.

When the nearby security guard came to separate the people, both of them had some injuries on their bodies.

Jiang Zhou was so angry that he scolded and left.

Song Qingyou left in embarrassment.

She doesn't want others to see her like this...

Jiang Zhou was the high-rise he found on the second day.

That man was also very direct, and he didn't hide his relationship with Jiang Ting at all.

Because they appeared at the wedding, this means that Jiang Ting does not intend to continue to conceal his identity.

Jiang Zhou learned at this moment that Jiang Ting was the president and founder of XX Company! ! !

Jiang Zhou was hit on the spot and almost fainted?

Jiang Ting has been doing business outside?

And five years ago, he reached the peak of his life?

how can that be?

Jiang Zhou couldn't accept it, so he called Jiang Ting like crazy, he wanted to hear Jiang Ting admit it!

Jiang Ting was not surprised by Jiang Zhou's question.

"I never thought about competing with you for the position of the heir of the Jiang family, because I never looked down on the Jiang family, and it was you who took me as an imaginary enemy. If there is nothing else, don't contact me in the future. There was nothing special between us."

Jiang Ting hung up the phone and continued his honeymoon trip with Cha Cha.

He wants to have a good two-person world with his family Chacha, and no one can disturb them!

Chacha, "..." Wasn't it a two-person world before?

Jiang Ting is righteous: Song Qinghuan can't find them, this is the world of two people.


After Jiang Zhou learned the truth, he was hit and became increasingly depressed.

Even the old man regretted it.

Where can I imagine that Jiang Ting has long been the founder of a famous company!

One wrong step, one wrong step, in the end he chose the wrong heir and harmed the Jiang family.

The Jiang family is destined to never be able to go to the next level.

On the contrary, it may be declining, and there is no possibility of prosperity.

The old man suddenly thought of the Song family, and it might not be long before the Jiang family will go to the end of the Song family...

is the same wrong person...

As for Jiang Ting, whom the old man was thinking of in his heart?

I'm busy on my honeymoon, so I don't have time to take care of the Jiang family.

The Jiang family, what does it have to do with him?

He only has his family Chacha in his heart, and his family is cute.

His life has become colorful because of meeting her, and it is no longer blank.

I have her for the rest of my life.

Hope, I can still meet her in the next life.

(end of this chapter)