Chapter 2172: Daughter of the Prime Minister (5)

Chapter 2172 The Daughter of the Prime Minister (5)

Daughter of the Prime Minister's House 5

The front hall of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

The prime minister held a cup of tea, the aroma of tea was strong and long, he took a sip, and looked at the prince standing in front of him indifferently.

"What kind of wind is this blowing His Royal Highness?

I, the prime minister’s mansion, is small, and I’m afraid it won’t be able to accommodate His Royal Highness. "

Prince, "Prime Minister, I am indeed sincerely apologizing. Regarding the divorce, I really did not think carefully about this matter, and I was confused for a while. I hope the Prime Minister will forgive me."

The prime minister suddenly put down the tea in his hand.

The tea cup fell heavily on the table, and the tea was spilled.

"Prince, don't deceive people too much!" The Prime Minister's face was full of anger.

broke his face with the prince on the spot.

"Back then, you designed the little girl to fall in love with you, and you used my prime minister's residence to become the crown prince. I can turn a blind eye to these things, but you shouldn't lie to my daughter's feelings and hurt my daughter. heart of!"

Unfortunately, after doing all this, do you still want to marry his second daughter?

Is it not irritating to stab his daughter?

Sprinkled salt on the wound again!

The Prince knew that the Prime Minister was full of anger at the moment, so he could only continue to bow his head and admit his mistake.

"As long as the Prime Minister is willing to give this palace a chance, I can guarantee that Cha Cha will be the only queen of this palace in the future!"

As soon as the    voice fell, the Prime Minister was shocked.

Good guy!

He thought that this **** was here to ask Yue Jingjing to marry him.

Who would have thought that yesterday, after announcing the marriage, something like that happened, and regretting it again?

Start thinking about his daughter again?

The Prime Minister was so angry that he picked up the tea cup at hand and smashed it directly at the prince's forehead.

Prince dodged and dodged, the tea cup slammed on the ground with a bang, and was torn apart.

Prime Minister, "?" Is this called sincerity?


Dogs are shameless.

What a wolf-hearted thing!

"Go away!" The prime minister shouted in anger.

At this moment, he doesn't care about the etiquette of monarchs and ministers. If the person in front of him is not the prince of the dynasty, he would have taken a knife and chopped it directly!

Is marriage a Chinese cabbage?

If you want it, just throw it away? Do you regret it after throwing it away?


Who do you think his daughter is?

The prime minister was so angry that his chest heaved violently.

At this moment, Yue Jingjing suddenly ran over.

She looked at the prince, then at the prime minister, and then fell to her knees with a plop.

"Father! The daughter and the prince truly love each other. If the father is unwilling to agree to be with the prince because of his sister, the daughter has nothing to say. I just hope that the father will not embarrass the prince for the sake of his daughter!!!"

Yue Jingjing suddenly appeared, and as soon as she appeared, she said such a mess of nonsense.

The complexion of   cheng is like a palette, changing from time to time.

There was a strange atmosphere in the front hall, and Yue Jingjing didn't know it.

She didn't know that she was like a clown jumping on a beam at the moment, she was still there chirping, as if her relationship with the prince was so good and moving.

Finally, the Prime Minister couldn't bear it any longer, and scolded, "Enough! Isn't it shameful enough? Go back and think about it!"

Yue Jingjing cried with rain, "Father, why can't you give the prince a chance... Since he has no feelings for his sister, then..."

"Shut up! Do you know what the prince is here for?"

The prime minister looked at the prince next to him angrily.

Yue Jingjing was stunned for a moment, isn't the prince here to propose?

But, to be honest, she felt that the crown prince was a little impatient. He just broke off his marriage with Yue Cha and came to discuss his marriage with her father, and his father would definitely be angry.

But what can be done about this kind of thing?

The prince likes her too much and has too deep feelings for her!

This is her blessing.

(end of this chapter)