Chapter 2194: Daughter of the Prime Minister (27)

Chapter 2194 The Daughter of the Prime Minister (27)

Daughter of the Prime Minister's House 27

In the blink of an eye, it was His Majesty's birthday banquet.

On the day of the palace banquet.

The Prime Minister's House.

The prime minister specially sent a lot of new clothes and jewelry to Chacha.

Above the palace banquet, Cha Cha does not want to be the focus of everyone.

As long as it doesn't go wrong.

Cha Cha left Chenxiang Garden in a good mood.

At the entrance of the prime minister's residence, he met Yue Jingjing who had been standing there for a long time.

Yue Jingjing's face is not very good-looking.

Even if she used the powder, she couldn't hide her miserable state.

It's been very bad recently.

It is estimated that Yue Jingjing may be even worse at the palace banquet later.

Yue Jingjing's eyes flashed when she saw Cha Cha.

She raised her foot and walked over, shouting, "Sister."

Cha Cha ignored her and got on the carriage directly.

Yue Jingjing took a step, and there was a bit of hatred in her eyes. If it weren't for Yue Cha, the aunt would not have been driven to Zhuangzi, and she would not have offended her father.

She hasn't been able to step out of the hospital for several days. If it weren't for this palace banquet, I'm afraid she would still be locked in the courtyard and not allowed to go out.

Yue Jingjing became more angry the more she thought about it.

The    expression on his face could not be too obvious, for fear of being seen by his father.

Yue Jingjing was going to follow him into the carriage. At this moment, the prime minister suddenly appeared, "Jingjing, you and I are riding in the same carriage, don't disturb your sister."

Yue Jingjing's face paled a bit.

"Father said yes." She lowered her eyebrows and took two steps back.

The jinpa in her hands was almost torn apart by her.

Father is always thinking about Yuecha!

The prime minister glanced at Yue Jingjing, but didn't say anything at the entrance of the prime minister's residence.

He just felt that the relationship between Yue Jingjing and Cha Cha was not very good. If they were in the same carriage, they would probably argue again.

However, Yue Jingjing could not understand the painstaking efforts of the Prime Minister.

In the eyes of the prime minister, he asked himself that he had not treated his two daughters badly, but Yue Jingjing's daughter grew crooked.

The two got into the carriage, and the prime minister ordered the driver to rush to the palace.


Royal Palace.

Because the palace banquet had not officially started, and His Majesty had not yet appeared, the ministers and the daughters of various families had chatted with people they were familiar with.

A lot of daughters gathered around, and the chat was a lively one.

In the imperial city, the most interesting gossip is that the prince broke off the marriage. Even after a period of time, the mention of this matter can still arouse the interest of many people.

"You said, why did the Crown Prince break off the marriage? Just for the concubine of the Prime Minister's Mansion?"

"This concubine is not worthy of a prince, let alone a prince concubine. What do you think the prince wants?"

"The concubine in the picture is his true love!"

"If you want me to tell me, that daughter of the prime minister's residence is really miserable and shameful. Who would dare to ask for marriage in the future for the person who was divorced by the prince?"

"I don't have the same opinion as you. I am more concerned about whether the prince and the concubine of the prime minister's residence can be together..."

The prostitute of the prime minister's house, as soon as you hear it, there is no future.

It is really not a wise move for the prince to offend the prime minister for the sake of his concubine.

However, after thinking about it, probably only the word true love can explain the behavior of the prince.

Desperate to break off the marriage.

Tsk, why didn't the crown prince like them?

They don't need to be a prince concubine, it's not bad to be a prince concubine.

In the future, when the prince ascends the throne, they will be concubines.

It makes me excited to think about it.

I don't know if there is a chance to see the prince at this palace banquet.

Many daughters started to be jealous of Yue Jingjing as they talked.

A concubine? Why in the end?

(end of this chapter)