Chapter 2201: Daughter of the Prime Minister (34)

Chapter 2201 The Daughter of the Prime Minister (34)

Daughter of the Prime Minister's House 34

Chacha's face was indifferent, not interested in these.

immediately made an excuse and continued to stand in another corner.

These people don't have a trace of sincerity, why should she waste time?

The faces of those daughters were obviously not very good-looking.

They came to give Yue Cha face and hold Yue Cha, but Yue Cha actually looked like she was ignoring her?

Immediately, several people couldn't help feeling sore.

"Some people don't even look at what they look like. The prince has given a step, but he really takes himself seriously? Do you really think that you must be the future prince concubine?"

This kind of thing is impossible to say.

Maybe in two days, the prince will understand, but he doesn't like Yuecha anymore?

What score are you playing at this moment?

Who do you show?


One person said this, and several others began to agree.

When it comes to the end, I don’t know who said this.

"The Crown Prince was just an unfavored third prince before, so what if he gets married?

In my opinion, it is better to focus on King Chen.

Don't you know? His Majesty's younger brother, the prince's uncle, the current King Chen, is back! If we are lucky, maybe we can meet the legendary King Chen today! "

Speaking of King Chen, that pile of daughters seemed to have come to the spirit.

Immediately started to talk together.

"It is said that King Chen is valiant and handsome, and that face is even more shocking. Unfortunately, I have never had the chance to see him."

"Is King Chen you can see if you want to see him? Back then, King Chen was a well-known **** of war, invincible on the battlefield, and broke through twelve cities in a row. Since then, he has become a myth in everyone's heart!

In the past few years, there have been no wars, and King Chen has traveled around the world to recuperate. "

"Some people are so powerful that the Crown Prince never forgets them. Since they are so capable, why don't they try to hook up with King Chen?"

Cha Cha calmly glanced in the direction of these daughters, and his gaze fell on one of the women in green.

The last sentence was said by the woman in green.

The green-clothed woman rolled her eyes when she saw Cha Cha looking over.

The others giggled.

To say that this King Chen is a myth is true, but King Chen, he doesn't like women.

For so many years, there was no girl beside him.

Some people say that King Chen's eyes are higher than the top, and it is difficult to find someone who can stand side by side with a person like him.

Some people say that King Chen may like men.

The specific situation, no one knows.

Anyway, it is impossible for a girl to hook up with King Chen!

As for Yue Cha?

That's even more impossible!

That was someone who was divorced by the prince, so what if she was the daughter of the prime minister? Haven't been divorced yet?

And the prince is not an ordinary person.

If Yue Cha does not marry the prince, who would dare to propose to Yue Cha in the future without fear of death?

Who is not afraid to offend the prince?

So, they can still wait to see the joke!

Those daughters couldn't keep their mouths shut.

Chacha was too lazy to pay attention to those people, if she wanted to teach them a lesson, she could easily teach them.

It's just that the King Chen they were talking about...

Why does she feel something is wrong?

Chacha was a little surprised.

Ye Chen, King Chen?

plus the time Ye Chen left from Chenxiang Garden.

It shouldn't be what she thought, right?

Maybe it was just her illusion, maybe it was a coincidence, Cha Cha thought to herself.

When she saw Ye Chen, he was being hunted down, how could it be the heroic God of War King Chen?


(end of this chapter)