Chapter 2203: Daughter of the Prime Minister (36)

Chapter 2203 The Daughter of the Prime Minister (36)

Daughter of the Prime Minister's House 36

Cha Cha was amused at that time.

Well, he is a very narcissistic person again.

Whether Ye Chen looked here, she didn't know, but Ye Chen also looked at her when he wanted to, so it was impossible for him to look at the woman in green.

She did not break the illusion of the woman in green.

Averted his gaze, and looked at the top of his eyes lightly.

King Chen, who was sitting with the emperor above, seemed to be aware of it, and just happened to look over, and the two of them were separated by a long distance and looked at each other.

The woman in green beeped a few more words at this time, "Miss Yue, if you stare at King Chen again, King Chen will not belong to you, and it is impossible to look at you again!"

A daughter of Xiang Xiangfu who was notorious for being divorced by the prince!

What if she is the daughter of the prime minister?


Above   , King Chen's heart trembled, and he silently turned his head to wink at the emperor.

Emperor, "..." He doesn't understand, what is the younger brother in such a hurry to do?

At the same time, the prince sitting on the other side also realized that something was wrong.

He found that Uncle Huang did look in the direction of Cha Cha several times.

This is definitely not his illusion!

Could it be that Uncle Huang doesn't like Chacha?

Or... Chacha caught the attention of Uncle Huang?

Prince was a little puzzled.

At this moment, I heard the emperor say, "Today is my birthday, and I have a happy event to announce."

Everyone was surprised when they mentioned the word "happy event".

The prince just broke off the marriage, and then he regretted it. Could it be that the prince asked the emperor to give him marriage again?

Then this is really...

Makes people not know what to say.

The emperor first said a few words at random, and then he started to talk about business.

"Yuecha, the daughter of the prime minister's residence, is gentle and virtuous, with a graceful and blue heart, and the **** of war, King Chen, is arrogant. I specially congratulate the two of them today, and hope that they will have a good relationship for a hundred years!"

The emperor gave the marriage and glanced at King Chen.

Chen Wang's eyebrows were stained with a little smile.

At this moment, everyone above the palace banquet was shocked.

King Chen and Yuecha?


Why were these two given to be married together?

This horse riding... It doesn't match how you look at it!

Cha Cha was relatively calm, although a little surprised, it was still expected.

The moment she saw him appear as King Chen, she had a little guess in her heart.

as predicted.

She got up and stepped forward to thank her.

Yue Xiang looked solemn.

He stretched out his hand to grab Chacha and asked in a low voice, "Daughter, if you don't want to, I will reject your majesty."

Prince, that **** has already hurt his daughter once.

categorically did not send his daughter to the royal family.

And King Chen is different from the Crown Prince.

King Chen is the most difficult to deal with. He is more ruthless than the emperor. He is very unhappy when he is married to King Chen.

And King Chen is also an old fox.

Bah! The shameless thing wants to marry his daughter, it's just an old cow eating young grass.

Yue Xiang could not wait to scold the street on the spot.

Cha Cha patted his hand in a soothing way, "Father, I am willing to give you a marriage."

Prime Minister Yue frowned, "You don't have to worry that resisting the decree will bring disaster to the prime minister's residence..."

Cha Cha, "I knew King Chen before."

The explanation of    made Yue Xiang suddenly understand.

Between the electric light and flint, he seemed to suddenly realize.

His daughter had been infatuated with the prince before, and the prince broke off the engagement, but it didn't affect her daughter much...even her spirit was better than before.

Could it be that after breaking off the marriage, the daughter hooked up with King Chen?

Yue Xiang sighed in pain.

My dear daughter, why was the royal deceived again?

His Shui Lingling daughter, is King Chen worthy of it?

(end of this chapter)