The little milk cat was full, and the plants have photosynthesis, making the progress become 2/10.

Although all the cubs were waiting for her to feed them, these cubs are extremely hungry. They would need a lot of food.

“Does the kindergarten have a place to store the food for the cubs?”

Xu Qiu checked all her inventory in the game conveniently.

Because the system needs a lot of energy to travel through time and space, her two farms and pastures were all cleared, and the space returned to the original empty land.

The warehouse previously was completely packed with all kinds of agricultural products and by-products but only a few of them were left when she activated the system.

The only things that were left when she just came to this world and ate were:

16 bottles of goat’s milk, 3 bottles of cow’s milk, 1 packet of wheat seeds (10 pieces), 1 packet of cabbage seeds (20 pieces), 12 potatoes, 3 tomatoes, and 1 pack of rice (100 pieces)

The gold coins in the system mall are also completely emptied.

One potato can be grown into 4 potato sprouts, Xu Qiu originally planned to use them as seeds.

The production rate of crops on the farms and pastures was very slow. How long can she support the cubs with these things?

Xu Qiu’s previous good mood to rub the fluffy was wiped out when she was thinking of the future food shortage situation.

【Doesn’t exist】

The system unhesitatingly gave a very sad answer.

Xu Qiu’s expression instantly became serious.

However, just when her smile collapsed, the system’s voice became cheerful.

【However, the barren star contains abundant energy. As long as the host actively completed the task and successfully improves the barren star condition, the system can use these energies to speed up the growth of the crops!】

008 can only do things within its scope. It’s a hard-working system, but it was just a system that was manufactured after all. It must follow the procedures to help its host.

Why doesn’t the system say it sooner! If the system hadn’t been with Xu Qiu for a long time, she would have beaten it up.

“Their attributes are very special. Can the cubs eat the food produced by the system?”

Kitten and dogs have some food that they cannot eat. Foxe, little mermaid, and clam are not bad. They should be omnivores.

As for the parrot, there were no insects here, but she can feed it some plant seeds.

But can bat and green snake drink goat’s milk?

【The food produced by the system is safe and harmless to all the cubs in the kindergarten.】

Xu Qiu found a large iron basin in the kitchen. She rinsed it with clean water, open the goat milk bottle cap, and poured the goat milk in 16 bottles into the basin.

She decided to pour the goat milk into the cub’s bowl in the middle of the dormitory so that they can drink it by themself.

She made sure none of the goat’s milk would spill and took a few potatoes from the system warehouse. She left two potatoes to plant later.

The potato was made into mashed potato. It would be better if the taste were to be a little salty. It’s a pity she doesn’t have any seasoning.

Xu Qiu speed up her movement when she thought of the cubs that were still hungry. She holds the two basins together and brought them to the cub’s dormitory.

Xu Qiu originally wanted to divide the goat milk into eights part and pour it into the bowl’s cubs, but when she looked at the bowl, she frowned.

Forget it, it’s better to come towards them one by one with this basin, so that she can control the amount of food she will give.

The cubs probably thought Xu Qiu couldn’t understand their conversation, so they talk to each other.

【Why did she come out alone? Where’s Bai Sa? 】

【I saw she entered the kitchen. Did she chop Bai Sa and eat him? She is horrible. 】

Obviously, they have not done much to kill the childcare worker.

Bai Sa was their companion, and the childcare worker was their enemy.

No matter how strong the new childcare worker was they could bring them down easily. Even those cold metal robots would be crushed in a short time, exposing their short-circuited and hot chips inside.

Bai Sa was the strongest in their group, but he was defeated by the new childcare worker. The cubs couldn’t help but become frightened when they thought that it would be their turn next.

The corner of Xu Qiu’s mouth twitched. She acted as if she didn’t hear what they were talking about.

She put the mashed potatoes aside first. Then she carefully holds the goat’s milk basin and walked to the position of the little fox No. 1.

As a childcare worker, Xu Qiu didn’t wear any special collar on her body. Of course, the electric device could do nothing to her.

The little fox saw Xu Qiu come towards her. She backed away with a look full of alertness.

Xu Qiu put down the milk basin and beckoned to the little fox: “Lily, come here, I just want to feed you some food.”

The little fox’s furs were erected. She arched her body and raised her big fluffy tail, making herself look very powerful.

“Go away, you go away, I don’t want your food!”

The little girl’s voice was very soft and immature, with a hint of crying. The bluffing appearance makes her seem to look like a fierce milk fox.

Xu Qiu couldn’t get angry when she was facing the fluffy face even though the other party showed an unwelcome attitude.

She squatted down and said patiently: “These are goat’s milk. Your health status is already extremely hungry. If you don’t eat it, you will faint eventually. I am a childcare worker, and it is my job to provide you with food.”

She took out a clean spoon, took a sip of the goat’s milk in front of the little fox to show her it was harmless.

When drinking, she made a gulping sound, and said in an exaggerated tone: “It’s so delicious.”

The little fox’s beautiful eyes still looked at her vigilantly.

Xu Qiu turned around and said: “Well, I won’t look at you, but the food here is for everyone. Drink it yourself, remember to keep a portion for everyone.”

She put the goat’s milk basin in the middle of the bowl, making sure it would not be knocked over by the little fox.

The fresh goat milk exudes a sweet aroma, attracting the little fox’s greedy stomach to make a sound.

The new childcare worker was turning her back towards her and she found that the childcare worker has no eyes behind her back. Even if she wants to catch her, when the new childcare worker turns around, she will escape instantly!

Lily didn’t want to eat it, but her stomach was empty for a long time. She has no flesh, and her proud fur was not smooth enough.

If this goes on, she will starve to death.

The little fox rushed over to the basin and put her two paws on the basin.

She buried her head, and a splashing sound could be heard.

The fox’s eyes turned bright.

Lily never drunk this so-called goat’s milk, but it tastes super delicious.

She inexplicably remembered that when she was still very young, she was in her mother’s arms and her mother was breastfeeding her.

Tears fell from the little fox’s beautiful and bright eyes, and it rolled into the goat’s milk basin.

The rooms were all open and Xu Qiu can’t see with her back, but the other cubs that were facing the little fox could see.

The little bat flies in mid-air condescendingly and can see everything clearly: “Smelly fox, you can drink as much as you like. Why do you cry ah!”

For the blood race, their favourite drink was blood.

They can’t drink the other cub’s blood, but the milk smells delicious so without having blood is okay.

Bats were mammals, and as a cub, they also liked to drink milk.

The tears of the fox fell into the basin. It was simply polluting the goat’s milk!

When Xu Qiu heard the movement, she turned around and saw the little fox’s tears were rolling down.

Although Lily was thin and out of shape, she can tell that she was a little beauty by looking at her facial features.

The tears made the hair on the edge of her nose wet. She looked embarrassed and pitiful, making people feel distressed.

Xu Qiu unconsciously wanted to give it a touch to smoothen the little fox’s fur, but Lily immediately jumped away vigilantly.

The system judged that the task was completed by 3/10.

Just a little of goat’s milk. Was the little fox full now?

The other cubs were starving. This would not be a good time to patiently comforted the little fox. She took out the goat’s milk basin and give it to the cub one by one.

She also divided the mashed potatoes into several parts. She took the milk bottle’s cover that had been washed before. She dug a large spoonful of mashed potatoes and placed them next to the cubs.

The cubs were very courageous. They saw that the little fox and the childcare worker were fine and after thinking that they were being trapped in the kindergarten, they lowered their noble heads, trying to drink the goat milk they have never seen before. They also tried to eat the wired-looking mashed potatoes.

Most of the cubs like goat’s milk very much, but You Yu and Zhu Niang show that they preferred mashed potatoes.

To show fairness for fear that Hua Lan would be sad, Xu Qiu gave it a portion of milk and mashed potatoes even if it does not need to eat.

The task progress slowly and became 4/10, 5/10…9/10. It stuck on the last cub.

No. 8 fluffy, Yun Jiu, who was fainted by the electric shock, flew with his wings, puffed his chest, and said fiercely: “Give up! I, Yun Jiu, just starved to death. All my feathers fell out and changed. If I become a bald parrot, I absolutely will never drink your milk!”