Xu Qiu’s humble building was completed at night, and the robots stopped working and returned to the yard to charge.

Jin Xingxing transformed into a big fox and attempted to burrow into her cub’s bed, but Xu Qiu prevented her.

“Come here, Ms. Jin. You have a place to live now.”

The other cubs’ fluffy ears perked up when they heard Xu Qiu’s comments.

“Dormitory, what dormitory?”

Things at kindergarten have previously been touched in secret by the cubs, so new things are especially appealing.

Xu Qiu had no intention of concealing this.

“Because there isn’t enough space in the kindergarten, I asked the assistants to help me build a dormitory for the employees.”

“No wonder No.1 and No.2 didn’t show up today,” the cubs understood.

Xu Qiu and Jin Xingxing prepared today’s meals at midday and in the evening.

“Can we see what the dormitory looks like, Principal?”

“Of course,” Xu Qiu said while nodding.

She unlocked the door that had been locked all day, and the cubs lined up neatly, led by Bai Sa. The procession made its way through the small gate.


The group of cubs exclaimed in surprise when they saw the big building that appeared out of nowhere.

“This building is huge.”

The cub spent the day in class, oblivious to what was going on outside the gate.

They didn’t believe there was anything while they were in kindergarten. They approached closer and noticed that this modest western-style building was quite tall.

Because the building is designed for the kindergarten’s future development, the first floor is five or six meters high, and the second floor is approximately ten meters high, to enable the activities of some people with massive prototypes.

This structure towers over the pavilion. After Yuan Jiu flutters his wings for a long time, he who can fly pretty high agrees that this new building is tall, large, and lovely.

“No. 1 is amazing. They can build such a house.”

[It doesn’t matter who is responsible for it.]

In Xu Qiu’s head, 008 was murmuring.

Unfortunately, its goodness will only be known to Xu Qiu.

Xu Qiu noticed the cubs’ bright eyes, full of expectation, and followed their intent, asking loudly, “Do you want to go in and have a look?”


The voice was very loud because it was in unison.

Xu Qiu took a peek at the big fluffy fox. Regardless, this will be Jin Xingxing’s dormitory in the future, so she must seek her teacher’s opinion.

“I have no objection,” Jin Xingxing said while touching her nose.

Is there anything else she could say? cubs

Out of the cubs, Jin Xingxing became nervous when she saw Bai Sa, and the wailing mermaid’s nails were also quite sharp. She does not know what her baby Lily has been through here.

Jin Xingxing wants to take Lily from the kindergarten if possible.

She had, however, signed the contract. The principal assisted her in resolving the accommodation issue in just two days, and she couldn’t back down now.

The dormitory’s design is identical to that of the kindergarten.

The majority of the resources for the house are found locally, and the stones are mined directly from the neighboring mountains by the robots using the system’s tools. The sand is readily available.

The system includes a house design sketch, diverse wiring, and water pipes.

These robots look silly, but their efficiency in digging stones is comparable to that of dynamite.

The big stone foundation is quite robust. The house is constructed of lightweight materials that are unique to this era. It appears to be made of a lightweight material such as foam. After tearing it apart, a fireproof, waterproof, and windproof building may be quickly constructed.

The buildings appear can be seen from the outside, however, on the inside, the new dormitory is much larger than the former small childcare worker room.

The dormitory door creaked open, revealing a rather large hall.

Taking future kindergarten development into account, this set of dorms that can be expanded is exceptionally spacious, with a full 200 square meters on the first level. The public area on the first floor is a huge living room with various wooden chairs supplied by the system. The chairs in the living room face a fireplace that is now unlit. However, as long as the firewood is present, it can be used normally.

The first level also includes a kitchen and a bathroom, besides the living area.

Given that this residence cannot take up as much area as a public restroom, Xu Qiu only made minor changes to the system’s drawing, converting the open toilet into a small cubicle with a smart toilet and a squatting pit. Men, women, and children can mix while maintaining their privacy.

These 10,000 gold coins directly increased the kindergarten’s area by 200 square meters. Even if she decides to build on this foundation in the future, the third floor will cost 100,000 gold coins, the fourth floor one million gold coins, and the fifth floor ten million gold coins. Xu Qiu agreed that the money was quite valuable.

Even Jin Xingxing was taken aback, not to mention the cubs who had been imprisoned in the kindergarten.

The cubs had lost their order and discipline, roaming around on the first floor and occasionally voicing admiration they had never seen before.

The restroom has piqued the interest of a few cubs. The toilet is located outside the little cubicle of the toilet, and the washbasin is a one-of-a-kind design. The base and the area as a whole are massive, sloping rocks. If there is a water overflow, the extra water will naturally run down the plane and into the sewer pipe below.

There are three sinks in total, two tall ones that are joined and one short one that is a single stone.

That the stone is made of local resources is obvious as soon as it is seen. The robot is very casual when building this sink out of these stones. It punches down, smashes a hole, and then digs a hole in the hole with a drill. The entire procedure takes less than a minute to complete. When using this material, there is no need to be concerned about safety.

An induction faucet was added by the system. The faucet slammed out of the clear water column when Yuan Jiu extended out his wings and placed them below. Then he quickly retracted his wings, and the water came to a halt.

Wings extended, retracted, and extended again.

Yuan Jiu stretched out his little feet again after stretching the wings for a bit, since the wings would get moist and make his body uncomfortable.

A cub is a cub, and this type of thing can be played with gusto.

Other cubs, besides Yuan Jiu, appreciate this design.