The hamster’s comments drew the attention of all the cubs at once. The whole hamster shook like crazy as ten sets of very scary eyes looked at it.

The fluff from the hamster thief’s mouth was blown up all over his body. This hamster mutated into an explosive rat, and it was clear he was one of the 40 thieves.

The other hamsters left their friends without a second thought and made room for the cubs so they wouldn’t get killed by the death rays and become the fish that affected the pond fish.

The person pointed out by the hamster was none other than the two brothers, Ding Ding and Dong Dong.

The cubs were all together at first, and it was impossible to see who the hamster was referring to, but as the other cubs stood aside, the two low-key small bats were exposed to everyone’s gaze all at once.

There is no way, they don’t want to see the bat, and they all blame the chatty hamster.

Because the hamsters were hurried, the cubs shivered from the wind they created.

“What are you pointing at us two? Even if you say something nice, the two of us will not treat you well.”

The two little bats said it together and quickly began reading the group of thieves’ heart sounds.

“You two are blood races. Why would you two stay in such a desolate place instead of staying in your own home?”

The blood race is the most exclusive race, and they place a high value on their young cubs.

Why would these two small bats arrive at such a remote kindergarten if they were blood clan cubs?

Ding Ding and Dong Dong haven’t seen much of the world, and when they heard what the hamsters thought, they were confused.

What the hell does this guy mean? What does the blood family have to do with them?

Is neither of them a true human being? Even though they look different, everyone thinks they will all reach the same goal and grow up to be very handsome men.

The foreign blood race name seemed to open a mystery door in their bodies, causing the two brothers, Ding Ding and Dong Dong, to tremble.

But, soon after the other shouted the blood race, they both shut their mouths and didn’t say anything.

The two brothers were the only ones who could read people’s hearts. No one would know what the hamster thief thought if the latter did not say anything.

Lily asked the two brothers, “What did those two phrases mean? What exactly is that blood race? Are they related to your two parents?

Ding Ding and Dong Dong flatly denied the last question: “What relationship can we have with them? We look very different from them. It is estimated that this guy once stole our family members. But Qing Sha might have something to do with these people. After all, there is an idiom called ‘a nest of snakes and rats.'”

Qing Sha, who was often dozing off, had closed his eyelids little by little due to hibernation, and when he was suddenly called, he opened his eyes all at once.

He was like an old computer. The CPU couldn’t keep up with the running speed for a while, and his frozen brain moved at a glacial pace. He finally completed the process of receiving and analyzing the information.

“You two don’t talk rubbish, or I’ll bite you,” Xiao Qing Sha said fiercely, exposing his lovely small teeth that had just grown out.

“Okay, I won’t say it.”

Qing Sha is Xu Qiu’s favorite cub; who knows if this person would take advantage of the occasion to complain to the principal?

When the small fox saw Qing Sha’s pitiful appearance, she pondered it and invited it warmly: “The weather is so chilly, why don’t you sleep in my tail? My tail is warm.”

In this grade, there are no so-called male and female cubs. Furthermore, their species are distinct. There will be no such thing as craziness and hatred of women, even if they are of different genders.

“Thank you very much, Lily.”

This sweet and lovely girl is as good as the principal, much better than the annoying boys.

No, the principal is the best, and Lily is the best second here.

Xiao Qing Sha yawned and collapsed into a heap.

They are still in the kindergarten’s outer area, and the weather is cold.

The little green snake couldn’t help but snooze in this kind of weather.

Fortunately, the cold period did not last long, and a voice from the opposite side of the kindergarten called everyone to dinner.

“Hurry up and wash your hands before eating. The weather is really chilly, and the meal would be extremely cold.”

Because the weather is extremely cold and their fingers and toes are frozen, the efficiency of accomplishing tasks on this day is very low.

These cubs who live in kindergartens are the ones who are gifted with bliss.

“One, two, three…”

Before eating, Xu Qiu counted the forty hamsters one by one to keep them from being rowdy and sneaking away.

A comprehensive monitoring system is in place at the kindergarten. She, the principal, will be the first to know if someone tries to break in.

These hamsters, fortunately, are not particularly foolish. They chose to hug each other to stay warm in the winter, and none of them fled.

Everyone else has healed except for a few people who suffered severe burns.

Of course, they can change into human shapes, just like a white rabbit. But, the human form lacks fur and so cannot survive the extreme cold, making it too average, and it is not as good as the hamster’s fur.

After completing the counting, Xu Qiu nodded with satisfaction: “I have a job here for you that I would like to accomplish. The salary includes three meals per day.”

“We aren’t going.”

This group of hamster thieves flatly denied it. Such an absurd transaction. Who do they think they are, relying on three meals daily and dragging them to work? They believe they are stupid.

When she was rejected, Xu Qiu was not upset. “It’s okay, you guys can think about it,” she said with a smile.