Chapter 55 Body Harvester I

Name:The First King of Beasts Author:
"Yes please. For your clothes, the price will be 3 points. HEE" The young boy said with a wide smile.


"What 3 points? I don't know much about the value of these points, but I'm very sure it's not worth it. I'll buy the things I need and wash them myself."

"Ah, wai.."

"Come one, bring out the washing stuff." Dustin said.

Just then, someone else came from the back room and appeared from the dark part of the shop. "Hey Hanji, what do you think you are doing?"

"Mother, I wa-wasn't doing anything, oK?" The little boy said while leaving the back of the counter and coming out. When he stepped out, Dustin could now see the boy's entire body, and not like it was surprising, but the boy only had one leg as the other was cut from the knee below, and he used a prosthetic.

"Sorry for his behaviour, he's tends to be a bit..."

"It's ok, I knew he was just joking around."

"Oh? Thank you. So, If you need your laundry service, it going t cost five points per week." The lady said.

'So it's a subscription kind of service, perfect. And it's not that expensive, maybe even very cheap.'

Dustin paid the money, and seeing as he had no other clothes with him, the shop owner provided some for him. The size was a bit bigger than Dustin's, but it was ok. He was actually interested in it a little, since he could perceive it, the back story of this shop, but he was in n position to pry into others matter. He accepted their good gesture and left his clothes and shoes behind. Basically everything he wore, he dropped in the shop.

On the way out, Dustin couldn't help but feel like the shop looked larger than it seemed from the exterior.

"Hey, hope you didn't try anything funny? Huh?" the kid said while making a bit of a face.

'This disabled fucker. Did he grow on the streets or something?' Dustin thought in his mind.

"I know my mom is beautiful and young, it's understandable if you fall for her charms, but I warn you, the road is treacherous."

'What the fuck is he talking about now?'

"Forget it kid, I'm going."

Dustin left the shop, and just then, he turned back immediately, but the shop surely looked normal sized, and a little bit on the smaller side. He jumped in to the air high enough to see it's roof, but still, nothing peculiar about the building. He couldn't shake off the feeling, but at the same time he was sure that it wasn't just an illusion he experienced inside.

'This is definitely the plot for a hidden master or something.' Dustin said in his mind.

He forgot about it for the moment and returned to his house to change clothes. The ones he had on was good, but it made him look too much like a local, and for him, he felt it too early to be feeling so much at home.

Getting home, Dustin first thing to do was get into the bathroom. He might have changed his clothes, but he still had some blood on his body here and there, and the shop did not provide bathing services.

"Today was good. Tomorrow I might have to find a two legged monster to do the digging of cores for me, or I might actually have to take someone along." Dustin said.

The next day came quite quickly for Dustin, and the option he decided to go with was taking someone along with him. From the map, he was sure he wouldn't running into any two legged monster any where close, unless he was to head deeper into the forest, which he wasn't going to do now. The entire area close to the village was filled with nothing but beasts. It was probably beast territory, and not two legged beasts too.

Dustin left home at a good time, not too early, and not late. Just the perfect time when people would would be coursing the streets plenty. The first choice was John, but he had not seen or heard anything from him ever since, neither did the others. After getting to the city, they went their separate ways. Though Raven was going to do so since Dustin's request was to guide him till he reached the destination. Aria's case was different since she was chosen to be taught by the sisters.

John was the one to say goodbye first before Raven could even say anything. And after that, they never heard from each other again.

If that was the case, the only other option was to approach the sisters before going to approach random people. Dustin waited in front of the town's hall building for some time hoping their group would come there, as it was the most effective way. He was offered help by Elva, but he kindly rejected their help no matter how good it sounded.

There was something Dustin learned. If someone was being too nice, there was enough reason for you to check yourself and them. Not readily accepting their help was the way to go, as there was no one person that was truly that kind, if there was, then he hadn't seen, and it would stay like that till he saw one. People like that could only want something in return when it all came down to it, so in other not to owe anyone, he preferred to not even take the incentive.

"This is truly the best choice of doing things." Dustin said while waiting to see the girls.


Somewhere within the town's hall-

'I even asked politely, I wonder why he still rejected. Maybe his just that capable?'


Finally, after waiting for some time, the girls appeared in full combat attire.

'What took them so long? So sluggish.'

Both of them jammed each other, and after the trivial greeting between everyone, Dustin went straight to the point. He explained to them that he needed someone to come with him to the forest outside the the protective area of the barrier protecting the city. On hearing this, Raven was a bit taken aback, and wondered if he wanted to commit suicide or something. They knew he was stronger than them, but they were sure that even him would be in danger if he were to venture over the mountain now.

"I know you feel like you're powerful after absorbing the cores, but you need to rethink your choices." Raven said.

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"Oh, I still haven't used my cores yet."


"And you want to go there? Are you insane? The monsters over that mountains aren't as weak as the ones we faced during the first time, they are very much stronger." Raven said.

She didn't sound concerned or anything, it seemed more like she was trying to warn him.

'She isn't wrong, but then, there is nothing to worry about. If only she knew of the skill I had.'

"I won' be going deep, just a bit."

Mizu on the other hand was interested in going over the mountain, but Raven of course wouldn't allow it. While they argued about it, Aria spoke from the background.

"I'll go."

"Huh?" 'Did she lose some brain cells from all the training?' Kim said in her mind.

"I'll go with brother Dustin." She said again.

Hearing this, Dustin appeared behind her and placed his hands on her shoulder as he squat. "See? This is an enthusiastic kid right here!" Dustin said.

"Truly, the bible spoke of this. You have to think like a kid if you want to enter the kingdom of God, was it? Something like that." Dustin said.

"How does that even connect?" Kim said.

"It doesn't have to."

After more arguing, Dustin finally managed to convince them, and they allowed Aria to follow him. He made it clear what her role would be as she would only be harvesting the monster's cores and not fighting the beasts. Raven was satisfied with the terms, and he even offered to give them 50 cores, so it was good.

'If only he knew the value of these cores, he wouldn't be so generous. He will surely regret when he uses them later.' Raven said in her mind. If only she knew how many he had.

Dustin on the other hand was quite satisfied with the relationship with the sisters. The first time they were actually very reserved and carful when speaking to him like they saw him like just some bomb that could detonate at anytime. Now they actually had the guts to argue with him. Good relationship, the fear that was there originally was gone.

"Alright Aria. Are you ready to hunt?" Dustin asked after they exited the town's gate.


"Well, you won't be hunting or anything like that, but blehh. I can allow you try your luck maybe once." Dustin said while walking forward.

"Really?" Aria asked excitedly.

"Of course. With me there, what could possibly go wrong? No monster would even be able to touch you."

'That's right. I will finally have the chance to watch brother Dustin fight monsters.'

"Alright young one, walk with me let me see you well. You can't be walking behind."