Chapter 4: Windspeed Hawk

Chapter 4: Windspeed Hawk

While the cook got his meal ready, Karl closed his eyes and focused on what was happening in the strange spot in his mind. The result wasn't words, but a somewhat detailed impression of the status of the bird. He had to translate it himself, but the actual information was pretty basic.

[Beast Space Activated] 1 occupant

[Pet Number 1]

[Name] Windspeed Hawk

[Rank] Common

[Connection] Low


[Claw] [Rend] [Super Vision]

Karl felt an indescribable power flow into his body as the status was completed, and a second round of physical impressions came to him.

[Beast Master] Karl

[Rank] Common

[Bloodline] Human


[Beast Skill] Super Vision New novel chapters are published at

Royal Grade monsters were a terrifying thought to Karl. Even one of them could level the mining town he grew up in without breaking a sweat. The strongest fighting force in town was likely the Mayor, a Commander Grade Warrior, and in Karl's opinion, he was getting too old to be picking fights with monsters. Plus, the town didn't have any sort of armed guard, other than the handful of police.

If it came to a fight, the old Mayor would definitely not have a good time proving he still deserved his rank.

Karl sat in silence for a moment as he ate, then smiled at the two senior graduates in front of him.

"I suppose that I should get back to my room and see what I can do about awakening some sort of skill, then. If not, we will all be shut out of the class idol's phone list in the future."

The cook laughed. "I like the way you think, a bit of motivation goes a long way when you're trying to find a reason to get through the most gruelling parts of your training."

Karl thought a lot about that as he walked back to his room. The hardest part of any task was seeing it through to the end. It was easy at the start when you were motivated, but somewhere in the middle it became a dreadfully dull grind, with no reward in sight and very little progress to be made.

That was when you would lose sight of the goal and start to slack. If you were lucky, you recovered from it, but if not, you would end up in trouble and behind schedule. Even the Mine Foreman had said the same thing to the students when he came to talk to them on career day.

Not that anyone truly listened to him, with the prospect of the divine injection coming up only days later. But the others, the ones who returned to class afterwards, would be thinking more about it every day.

Once the door to the room closed behind him, Karl stared out the window and tried a skill for himself.

[Super Vision] grants the Beast Tamer the sight of the contracted Windspeed Hawk.

The forests in the distance were suddenly crystal clear in his eyes, and everything in his peripheral vision became just as clear as what was right in front of him. A bit of movement caught his eye, and Karl noticed a Quill beast moving through the grassland over a kilometre away.

It was incredible, and the world was so much more vivid, with colours that he didn't even have names for. As he recalled, not only could the Windspeed Hawk see into the Ultraviolet and Infrared spectrums, but they were also accomplished nocturnal hunters, with excellent night vision as well.

While [Rend] was the much cooler combat skill, [Super Vision] was incredibly overpowered in Karl's estimation. Just being able to see where you were going at night would give him a great advantage over other students in the practical tests.

Maybe the written tests as well. He could easily read other papers from across the room without moving his head or looking straight at them. Cheating on a written exam would be simple, if he weren't already certain that none of the other students from the Mines were smart enough to cheat off.