Chapter 32: Efficient Nutrition

Chapter 32: Efficient Nutrition

After lunch was combat training, the physically taxing counterpart to the mental workout that the morning's skill training was. Karl was certain that if they kept this up for much longer, he would be completely exhausted and just operating on autopilot within a few weeks, but Sergeant Rita didn't seem too concerned. Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

"Isn't it a bit much to have high intensity classes all day long? It's only four in the afternoon, and I'm so sore that I can barely move." He complained once the training was done for the day.

"Fortunately, you have the garden on your balcony to help refresh you until your body adapts. Give it a few weeks and this will be completely natural to you." Rita insisted.

"Is that even how it works?"

The Sergeant sighed at his whining and helped Karl to his feet. "That is precisely how it works, and the harder that you push yourself during the first few weeks, the faster you will adapt to the training schedule. Short-term suffering for long-term gains."

Karl sighed. He couldn't actually prove her wrong, but he had a sneaking suspicion that as he got stronger the training would get harder, so he would never actually get to adapt to the training level.

"Alright, I'll go meditate and get some dinner then. It seems to help with the mental space where Hawk stays." Karl reluctantly agreed.

The Sergeant didn't argue with him any further, she just took out her notepad to write down her observations about his practice, and the remark about meditation helping. Karl knew that it would likely make it into his routine now that she knew, but it was for the best, as he was going to need it to keep the Windspeed Hawk happy in his living space.

Compared to that, the extra effects of growth were just a bonus, as the Hawk was very vocal in his mind when it needed or wanted something, so letting it get bored would be a disaster for his mental health.

"Did you change the recipe of the pasta special? It seemed different than I remember." He replied.

"Nope, same ingredient batch as last week, we didn't get anything in for that dish. Did you want to try a selection and see what works for you? I know that some of the classes get a taste for new things as they train.

The Berserkers in particular like extra spicy foods, and the more powerful they get, the spicier they want it."

"That sounds like a great idea. If you can give me a bit of each of the specials to start, I will pick the ones that seem best." Karl agreed.

She began to load a plate with a little bit of everything, and Karl took it back to an empty table, where he began to work through them one at a time. The effect was the same as the pasta, his body was just absorbing much more energy from the food than it had been before, and the excess was building up for him to channel into Hawk's surroundings.

Karl smiled at the cafeteria lady as he returned his empty plate.

"I think that the pasta and the meatloaf are the two best specials of the day, but whatever changed in my body, they're all better for my training efficiency."

"How much do you need for the evening?" She asked, lining up plates on her counter.

"Two each should be enough for the night. I'll come early in the morning so that I can have a heavy breakfast as well."