Chapter 66 One Day Off Isn’t Enough

Chapter 66 One Day Off Isn't Enough

Dana came over after lunch, intending to study and meditate in the silence of the balcony. But Hawk had other ideas. He had far too much energy after his change in diet, and he needed to burn some off, so he wanted to play.

By play, he meant practising their skill control together, since his and Karl's were too similar to be entertaining.

So, she studied new ideas and techniques between rounds, while Karl focused on expanding the 'lake' to the size of a pond from a puddle. He worked on that until mid-afternoon, when the urge to go do something crept up on him again.

"We should see if there are other things to do on the day off. They have to have some sort of entertainment that isn't working." Karl suggested.

"There are movie rooms, the games lounge, and a few other facilities that we haven't explored yet. Or we could go to the pool." Dana suggested.

The pool was technically a training area for aquatic specialists, but on the rest day, it was simply a leisure spot for everyone to hang out, swim and relax. The problem was that it meant there would be a crowd of people around, and neither of them were really the social butterfly sort.

Being the first to Awakened Rank in the first year would draw a lot of attention, and they were hoping to let the furor die down for a few more days before they went out to mingle with people who didn't have anything better to do than ask questions about their training regimen.

"How about the movie lounge? Just sit and watch a movie and eat popcorn." Karl offered.

"That sounds excellent. But even better is the fact that nobody will crowd us and ask loads of questions because there is a movie playing." Dana replied, nodding in satisfaction.

So, that was how they found themselves side by side in a dark room, eating junk food and trying not to laugh as a group of girls ahead of them in the small theatre gushed about how handsome the star of the action movie they had picked was. The source of this content no/v(el)bi((n))

"You know, I have never seen a Windspeed Hawk with feathers like that. I've got my tablet with me, and the photo analysis doesn't even recognize it. It says that it's a mutation and not a strength progression for the species." One of the mages explained.

One of the others gave an excited look, eager for all types of new information. "So, you think that Hawk is on a whole new path forward now that he's learned another skill? Usually, monsters that reach maturity in the Common and Awakened Ranks will have one skill at the most, and they rarely learn another. Since learning that Shred skill changed his feathers, I think it might have been part of what he needed to break through the racial limits for a Windspeed Hawk.

At least, it certainly doesn't look like it was a detrimental change, and Shred is supposed to be much more powerful."

Karl nodded. "Hawk thinks the same thing, that he will be able to advance quickly. With my help and maybe another skill as he gets toward the top of Ascended Rank, I think that he can make Commander way before I graduate."

The mages sighed. None of them in that class would be making Commander before graduation. In fact, it was unlikely that more than a handful in their year would show that sort of potential, but Karl was already looking past the Awakened Rank and into Ascended when they had barely started their first semester.

Common Grade? What was that, he had barely even touched on it before he had left it behind. That alone was enough to let his training partners know that he was abnormal in the growth department.

They finished lunch and went their separate ways, leaving Karl to face a grumpy Sergeant Rita all by himself when he reached the training grounds for the martial arts class.

"Did you enjoy your new training regimen with the Bureau of Elite Development? A bit more exciting than the usual group training in the field?" She asked, and Karl realized that she wasn't upset at anything that he could control, she was mad that her authority as his development guidance counsellor and personal tutor had been usurped by people from higher up the government food chain.

"It was definitely different. They focus on working in pairs instead of in a bigger team, so the whole mindset is different. Really, doing both would probably be better, but there are only so many days in the week." Karl replied carefully, not wanting to volunteer to give up his leisure time.

"I am glad that you think so. Now, with your official advancement, we are changing your training partners to someone more durable. Meet Tank, he is the berserker combat instructor, and you will be helping him demonstrate the ways for unarmed and agility fighters to deal with berserkers today."

Karl decided that Rita was definitely taking out her frustrations on him. That guy was huge.