Chapter 153 Lottery Assignment

Chapter 153 Lottery Assignment

Karl laughed at the horror of the warriors, thinking that they would have to face Rae in combat. These were all first year students, there wasn't even a faint possibility that they would be able to deal with that sort of attack.

Even if Offensive Optimization wasn't a passive effect, they wouldn't stand a chance against her strength, and Rae wasn't one of the more physically overwhelming monsters.

Rita shook her head. "No, we won't do that to you. Rae is going to practice her bleed effect optimization, and then we have to prepare Karl for an away trip."

Only one of the students here knew that Karl had just gotten back from a trip, and he was more than a little jealous. But as strong as the pets were now, he would probably be heading out with an Ascended Rank group to try to solidify his gains and get himself recognized as an Ascended Elite during the end of the Semester exams.

The speed of his growth was far beyond what anyone would call reasonable, and even the speed of his pets' growth was crazy. The Windspeed Hawk wasn't full-grown for over a year, and the Lightning Cerro shouldn't be full-grown until three years old, but Thor was most of the way there already.

He actually had far less than Rae to improve until he reached his expected maximum power, now that his body had received such a significant gain from the drake scale potions, and he was well over half grown already. Rae was closer to her adult size, but fortunately for the armoured car, not so close to her maximum strength.

Finding a resource that would allow her to increase her power would be a difficult task, but Karl was certain that at some point they would find something that she simply must have. It had been that way with the others.

When they found the best resources for their growth, they knew it.

So, he just had to keep looking, and they would find a way to help Rae break through her limits once she reached them.

Rita led the group away from the warrior training, and Rae returned to her web to have a little nap and dream of tearing apart armoured vehicles.

The two Bureau agents were a bit too relaxed right now, and they couldn't have known about the actual attack power of the pets, so Karl assumed that it was a front for the eagerness to tell him something.

They were all excellent at hiding their emotions, but the fact that they were doing it when there was no obvious reason for them to be doing it was also a tell, in that it let Karl know that there was something that he was missing.

Rita led them to a classroom, where the remainder of the Bureau of Elite Development team was already waiting, along with Dana and two older soldiers that Karl didn't know.

Dana took out a notepad and a pen. "At least there won't be any wasted space. What do we know about the monsters in the area?"

Karl hurried to do the same, pulling a pen and notepad from his wasted space. What do we know about the monsters in the area?"

gear just as Colonel Valerie began her explanation.

"There have been at least three Goblin Tribes spotted in the area. We have reports of roaming Ogres and Trolls, and an unconfirmed report that there might be an Ettin Mage in the vicinity.

Strengths have varied, with most of the Goblins being on the low Common Grade range, but the Ogres and Trolls are all Awakened Rank. If there is an Ettin Mage, it will most likely be Ascended Rank.

However, there is a possibility that there will be an entirely different set of monsters when you arrive. Two weeks ago, the area was nearly overrun with Minotaur and Tremor hide Worms."

Karl knew what a Minotaur was, but the worms were a new one to him. He didn't recall seeing them in any of his books.

"Tremor Hide Worms are ten metres long, and large enough to swallow a grown man whole. However, they are slow moving, and restricted to sandy areas. They can't move through rock, and are especially obvious and ineffective in wooded areas." The Colonel explained.

Then she continued with her mission priorities. "If the makeup of the monsters in the area doesn't change, then we would ask that you bring back the heads of the Ettin Mage, if you should happen to find it.

They are a hot topic of study these days, as so few Ogre type species can use magic well. They're not particularly bright, and the government is curious about the brain makeup of the mages.

The rest is up for grabs, and you can keep what you want.

It should be noted that the monsters in this sort of self spawning region often have treasures with them that are far beyond what they should normally have. It has been known for them to have valuable potions, magical weapons, and even enchanted gems in their possession, so check everything that you kill."

Karl felt Hawk and Rae laughing in his mind. Killing was their specialty, and neither of them had hands to be searching through the belongings of filthy Ogres and Trolls. When they got there, they would be able to hunt to their hearts' content, and leave Karl to dig in the filth for treasures.