Chapter 175 Dana’s Trip

Chapter 175 Dana's Trip

While Karl was resting comfortably in the fort that Rae had made for them, Dana was having a much different mission experience.

Her team had been deployed to the far side of the battlefield, nearly fifty kilometres from where Karl had originally been stationed, but they hadn't managed to stay there for long.

Her team was not a group of devoted veteran mercenaries like Karl had gotten, she had been assigned to a team of slackers with a Commander Rank Priest in charge of them.

They treated the mission more like a prison sentence, complained constantly about every task they were assigned, and during the first battle were nearly outsmarted by a group of Goblins. New novel chapters are published at

If it wasn't for the fact that she had two Golems, they likely would have been overrun when the Goblins circled the clearing, as their warrior was next to incompetent, and was more interested in selling her on his new multi level marketing startup than actually protecting the group.

The others were supposed to be rogue classes, fast and deadly, but in reality, they were all slightly chubby IT guys who worked at the same company.

In short, the entire mission was a nightmare, but they had to keep moving because their group was so loud that it continually drew monsters to them.

"Can't you just cast that holy light circle around us and keep it up for the night while we sleep?" The warrior whined as the sun went down at the end of their third day on the mission.

The Priest nodded. "I can stay up all night and keep the circle active. However, the light will draw monsters to us constantly, like a beacon. So, as soon as I fall asleep, you will have a few dozen Ogres and a thousand or more Goblins to deal with, but without a healer.

If you can handle that, I don't have a problem being your nightlight."

Dana hid her smile at the way that he managed to say that without a hint of sarcasm in his voice, though it was clearly implied.

"What's the point of this anyhow? We're just out here getting attacked by monsters, instead of making money. Do they have any idea of the amount of market capitalization that my group has missed out on because I wasn't there to help pitch new members this week?" The warrior complained.

Dana glared at the man, and the Priest leaned over to whisper in her ear.

"Friendly fire is generally frowned upon, but if you have to, I understand." He whispered.

She smiled back at him. It was obvious why he had been sent with this group. Not just for his strength, but because he was unendingly patient with slackers and idiots.

"I wonder what Karl is up to." Dana muttered as she started her watch that night, hoping that he didn't have to deal with a group like this.

The priest sniffed at the air for a second, but only looked concerned.

"Everyone spread out. There might be a group in trouble nearby. Don't get out of sight of each other, but there might be an injured member hiding in the trees." He ordered.

Dana realized that she forgot to mention the web when one of the rogues began to shout in panic, and she could hear him flailing.

"It's a spider web, you idiot. Just cut yourself free and stand back up." One of his buddies called.

"You try it. My blade isn't cutting through it." He complained.

"Then use a skill. It's likely from a spider monster."

Dana sent the golem to cut him free with the magical blade, and noticed a collection of items sitting at the bottom of a huge redwood tree.

Then she looked up and saw that there was a rope ladder sitting in the branches, and some sort of fort above them.

"There is a fort here. Look up in the tree. It has a ladder, so it was made for humans, but it's made of spider silk." The priest informed the others as he noticed it.

"A druid?" One of the rogues asked hopefully.

"Possibly. It doesn't seem that they're here anymore, but we can check if they left anything behind." The cleric offered.

"Other than box tree spiders?" Dana asked, with a gesture up the tree.

"Votes for getting the fuck out of the creepy spider forest?" The warrior asked.

The rogues' hands all went up at once, and Dana shook her head as the cleric laughed.

"Well, at least we know that someone was in the area. That should explain why there are so few monsters here today. Let's keep moving, and we can inform the other groups of what we found, and warn them about the spider webs when we get to the base camp to resupply." The cleric decided.

That level of web control reminded Dana of Rae, and she wondered if this was where Karl had been stationed when he first arrived. If they had built a fort, they weren't being forced to run from anything in the area. Of course, if she had competent members, they wouldn't have had to keep moving so much either, but her and the cleric could only hold things together for so long on their own before they were too exhausted to continue.

Maybe they could just ditch these idiots in camp and join another team. That would be nice.