Chapter 256 Contracts

Chapter 256 Contracts

Sadly, that might have been the best out of the six proposals, but they only got through four, as two of the others excused themselves to "take a call" and didn't return.

"I appreciate you all taking the time to make your presentations today, and if you will leave a copy with me, I will look them over at a later date, when my time is not so limited, and I can properly consider their merits." Karl informed the remaining four recruiters once the final pitch was done.

"Thank you, Commander. We look forward to your positive response." A young woman, who had tried to sell Karl on spending three days a week being the spokesperson and security chief for their exclusive gated community, replied.

The others offered similar sentiments as they left, and the Green Dragon High Priestess turned a smile on Karl.

"Well, that's the nicest way I've heard to tell someone to go fuck themselves all day." She announced.

"Which implies that you've heard less polite versions today." Karl replied.

The aura of inebriation suddenly vanished, and the woman's sharp eyes turned on him. "You know, we really did suggest that Lotus should stay and entertain you to keep you aligned with the church."

Alice cleared her throat. "For legal reasons, I am going to pretend that I didn't hear any of the questionable implications behind that comment. But I don't think that he's ruled out keeping the clerics around yet. They work very well together, and they have both made good friends with his beasts."

The High Priestess shrugged. "They're too young for what you're thinking that I'm thinking. Dirty minded Elite. But where did that spider go? Did you really send her to find Sister Lotus?"

Karl nodded. "With instructions to take her to play in the woods, but not to let her get lost or harmed."

The High Priestess sighed. "Great, now we're going to have to look for them both at the end of the day."

Karl chuckled and did his best to imitate his Uncle, who had seven children of his own.

"They'll come back when they're hungry."

They relaxed for a few minutes and finished their coffee before anyone came up with another good reason to bother them. That ended up coming from the church, in the form of Tessa and a Red Dragon High Priestess.

"Good, we found you together. Have you come to an arrangement?" The muscular High Priestess asked.

Karl had never seen muscles like that on a woman before. She was built almost like Tank, the Berserker. Her arms were the size of Lotus' torso, and she was wearing her robe parted up one leg, showing off a massive, muscular thigh.

"Sort of. Rae and Lotus are out playing in the woods." The Nature Dragon High Priestess replied happily.

"Is that everyone in agreement, then?" She asked.

"Agreed." Karl, Lotus, Tessa and Dana all replied at the same time.

The scroll flashed red, and a red ring appeared on the wrists of the four teammates.

Dana smirked, as Tessa and Lotus realized that she wasn't just here to watch, and that she had gotten herself attached to the deal. Now they couldn't leave her behind to train with the other students, or to be reassigned to other missions.

Karl looked at the three girls and smiled. "Well, it looks like we will be working together for some time. It's a pleasure to have you."

Lotus giggled. "How about you show us to our room? I want to see the plants."

"Our room? I'm fairly certain that the Academy can manage to find you a room of your own." Karl reminded her.

"But it wouldn't have silk hammocks or a balcony full of magical plants. I don't really care where I sleep, but I want to see the room." Lotus countered.

That was when Alice, Colonel Valerie, and what looked like half the staff of the Academy burst in.

"Stop, before you sign, let us see that contract." One of the Professors shouted.

The Red Dragon High Priestess laughed. "Too late, we got verbal agreement. But it's not a work contract, at least not in the conventional sense."

She turned over the magical contract, which Colonel Valerie grabbed from her hand and rolled out for the others to see.

"No leaving them in danger, ensure proper treatment. Alright, it's not as bad as we had feared." The Professor who had shouted replied with a sigh.

Colonel Valerie glared at Karl. "I thought we had something going here?"

Karl smiled back. "I think we do. There's nothing in that which prevents us from having an arrangement, only that once every three months or less, it must please the Red Dragon."

Colonel Valerie smirked. "Well, isn't that a coincidence? Because what I have in mind just might please the Red Dragon. How would you like to lead a team back into the anomaly area and find out what the Frost Giants have been up to, and where the extra ice is coming from?

It might take some time, but it will please the God of War. They made a formal declaration of war less than an hour ago."