Chapter 277 Sneaky Yetis

Chapter 277 Sneaky Yetis

True to his word, Hawk eliminated the training group in a matter of seconds, and he was already on his way back to take vengeance on the Yetis.

Karl led the group close enough that he could get a general sense of how powerful the targets were, and found that they might have underestimated the power of the targets. What he had thought were High Ascended Rank Yeti were all Commanders, making this a ten Commander attack force.

Now that he had added the [Haste] Skill, they would be dealing much more damage for every minute of the fight, but they were still at a disadvantage in both numbers and Rank. [Terrorize] added forty percent damage, and [Haste] gave them forty percent more speed, but that still might not be enough to deal with ten Commanders at once.

The problem was that as soon as he attacked, those Yetis were going to start casting spells, which would exhaust Thor as he tried to keep everyone's barriers up. Once the barriers were down, everyone was in trouble, so Thor would have to be pulled back from the front lines to focus on the defence of the Golems.

What they needed to do was eliminate the targets as fast as possible, before they could do too much damage. It was that, or find a way to ambush the target with Golems and let them fight to destruction, then send more, preferably without being noticed. If they could take down a few targets, it would even the odds enough that Karl would be more comfortable fighting.

"Alright, I have a plan. Everyone stay back for now, and I will call when it's time to join. Rae, hide in the trees out of sight and summon your Golems into the group. Let them fight it out, but don't let yourself be noticed until I give the signal.

Once the Golems are fighting, I will start firing arrows from the other side, using [Chain Lightning] to slow them down.

The goal is to eliminate two or three of them right away, then charge in. Ten Commanders is too much, but if we can take that down to six in an ambush, it will be manageable." Karl explained.

Tessa pointed up. "You might want to be quick because Hawk isn't going to wait once he gets back."

"That's fine. If they think that this is a monster attack, they won't be ready for the mages when you approach. Thor, try not to get yourself too engulfed in the fight, the Golems are going to need your Lightning to hold up against the Yeti Ice Magic." Karl added.

Thor nodded and stomped the ground in annoyance, but he understood the order.

"Alright, I'm off. Rae, I will attack as soon as the Golems appear."

Karl rushed to get in position, so their ambush could be sprung before Hawk made it back, while Rae vanished into the woods after grabbing Dana instead of Lotus.

He activated [Terrorize] in advance, as it would spread to the Golems naturally, and then settled in behind a large bush, where his arrows would be fired without exposing his location.

The first grunt of warning marked the appearance of the Golems, and the entire patrol turned their backs on Karl, who began firing as fast as super humanly possible.

Three arrows were in the air at the same time, whistling toward their targets, and all charged with [Chain Lightning], while the Spider Golems leapt into combat with Stone Golems on their backs.

As the Frost Giant approached, Karl switched from arrows to his new Maul, and charged five layers of [Flame Body] on it, ready to swat the enemy leader into oblivion.

The Giant paused when he sensed the power of the weapon, and the Commander Rank Elite in the trees, but only long enough to switch weapons from the large club he was carrying to two smaller swords.

That would be a problem for Karl, as he still needed to actually land a hit on the beast, but Remi was ready with the assist.

Her Chain Lightning caught the Giant unaware, as it was only watching Karl for signs of a skill activation. That slowed it for a split second as the Maul streaked toward its target.

The giant crossed its blades, stopping the upward swing of the maul towards its tender bits, but Karl simply shoved forward with the strike.

It wasn't enough to cause any sort of damage with the weapon itself, but the skills activated on contact.

The Giant saw the opening and its blades flashed, striking the barriers over both of Karl's arms as the maul made contact with the Frost Giant's lower stomach.

Both combatants were knocked to the ground, and Karl was bleeding heavily from his left arm, where the second blow had landed after the barrier was weakened.

He brought [Refreshing Lightning] back up as Remi used [Healing Splash] to close his wound, and the Giant got to its feet, swatting out the smouldering wound in its chest with a handful of snow.

Now they were both more wary as they circled each other, buying time for reinforcements to reach their position.

The battle was getting brutal behind them, as the Yeti Clan realized just how flammable they could be against the targeted vengeance of Hawk's flames.

Karl sidestepped a strike and smashed the maul into the Frost Giant's right hand, sending [Chain Lightning] coursing through its body, which caused it to drop one blade.

The other was quickly discarded, and the Giant went in for the crushing blows, intending to grab Karl and simply rip him into pieces.

But [Flaming Body] came to the rescue, coating Karl in fire as the Giant grabbed his chest. It instinctively flinched, and the Maul smashed into its face, charged with fire.

Bones splintered, and the giant dropped dead, before vanishing into Remi's swamp.

There was a small pile of items left where its body was, unable to be transferred, but Karl was more interested in the actual fight.