Chapter 308 Clever Girl

Chapter 308 Clever Girl

The next morning, everyone took a leisurely shower, courtesy of the free use of cleric magic, and then checked all their equipment after breakfast while they mentally prepared themselves for the day.

Hawk was sent out to scout, and he hadn't found anything for the first twenty kilometres, so the start of their journey should be an uneventful one. They didn't waste any time getting Thor hooked up to the wagon so that the Golems were free to fight while he protected the casters in his cart. It was connected with relatively weak spider silk, strong enough that it wouldn't break during use, but weak enough that Tessa could easily slice it with a wave of her spear if Thor needed to be cut free during battle.

This way, he was the only one walking, and everyone else could rest in case of emergency. It was the most efficient method that they had come up with so far, and Thor was delighted with his new toy.

[How far is it to this hiding hole for the Frost Giants?] Hawk finally asked after lunch. Findd new stories at

He hadn't seen a single living thing all morning, just snow, snow and more snow. Plus, the temperature was dropping even further with every hour he travelled, and it was putting him in a terrible mood.

[From the location on the map, about a hundred kilometres from the ash. So, about the same as from the lines to the Dwarven Village. When you see two rivers meet, that will be where the cave is.] Karl replied.

[When we're done, I'm burning this entire country to the ground just to make it warm again.]

Thor plodded along, periodically looking back to see if everyone else was having as much fun as he was. There wasn't anything to bother him today, he just got to pull his wagon around, and nobody tried to rush him.

Only an hour before dark, Hawk sent back a report that, for the first time that day, was not about the easiest route for the cart.

[There are human bodies over here, and they are in armour. They might have something important on them.] He reported.

[Are we near the cave? How far is it to the spot where the rivers meet?] Karl replied, just to be safe.

[Thirty more kilometres. Their math sucks. But I can see it, and I can see the Giants in the distance.]

This location was entirely too far for humans to be inside the Frost Giant nation. If they were in armour, they weren't prisoners of the Frost Giants, so they must be another scouting team that had been sent in.

"Hawk found bodies ahead. They're in armour, so there is a chance it was another Elite team." Karl reported.

[Twenty of them in total. Three in white robes, two in red, the rest are not clerics.] Hawk amended.

"Yeah, almost guaranteed they were an Elite team. Hawk says that there are five clerics, including two war clerics, among the twenty bodies." Karl added.

George's eyes opened weakly, and he silently mouthed a word.


Karl stood up and drew his blade, surrounding himself with a layer of [Flaming Body] in addition to the [Refreshing Lightning] that he always kept active.

That seemed to trigger the trap, and from all around them, Frost Giants burst up out of the ground, showering the area in rocks and snow. They were surrounded, and the bodies were bait for whichever human group came next.

The warriors and the Stone Golems circled the wagon, while Tessa cut Thor free. The Frost Giants hesitated, but not like they were afraid, more like they were waiting for something.

The side of a hill collapsed, and a massive female Frost Giant strode out of the previously buried hiding spot.

{Look what I have caught. Stupid sentimental humans.} She spoke with a heavy accent, in a booming voice that somehow made her feel larger than she was.

And she was not small. She towered over the Commander Rank Frost Giants by an entire head, and Karl was hardly more than shin high on her, his head didn't even reach her waist.

Karl saw Bob nod in his peripheral vision. They would hold off the ambush while Karl took care of the leader.

[Rae, guard the wagon. Thor will be sad if they break it.] Karl instructed.

"Well, there is no point in waiting, let's get to it." Karl shouted up at the Royal Rank Frost Giant.

Rae appeared on the wagon, and called her Spider Golems in to ambush the Frost Giant lines as Karl leapt forward with the two-handed blade flaming in his hands.

{Puny human, I will enjoy eating you.} The leader laughed as she moved with astonishing speed and blocked Karl's attack.

Frost and fire clashed as the magic on their blades met, sending Karl sliding backwards as he lost the test of strength.

Using [Shred] layered with [Flaming Body] Karl hurled three fast arcs at the Giant leader. A twist of her blade blocked two, while one cut a gash in her side.

Blue blood dripped down her torso as the Giant roared in rage and the encirclement closed on the group, stomping the bodies of the unfortunate group who had come before them.

Ice magic was building around them, then fading as Remi used [Blizzard] to offset the leader's identical skill. She wasn't nearly as strong, but the Royal Rank Giant couldn't focus on the skill with Karl attacking her, and the snow was merely blinding, cutting visibility to under ten metres, making it hard to even see her head when he retreated between engagements, but not damaging his barriers.

If she had only been bigger and faster than the others, this fight might not have been so bad, but she was fast, and even with Agility bracers on, Karl was struggling to keep up.