Chapter 324 Drake's Verdict

324 Drake's Verdict

Once the reports stopped coming in, the staff brought over food for everyone at the table, an oddity at the cafeteria, where you usually ordered from the counter and waited for it. But this was an impromptu meeting with the Prince and the Overlord, whose gear had already been brought in, and was sitting by the door.

Overlord Drake's deep voice carried through the room with ease. "As you've guessed, we have been called back to the line. But we have the official reports for your groups. Lao Tie, Harry Kim, and Bob Mackenzie. Your wounds are considered healed, and you are officially fit for duty. High Priest Doug Mackenzie, you will be reviewed in two more days. She's not here, but Ascended Tori has been officially assigned to the Spellblade Clan for training, as it has been determined that she is now a naturally awakened Mage.

Sisters Lotus and Tessa, you are both cleared and fit for duty. Ascended Elites Ophelia and Dana, you are both on medical hold for the next two weeks, barring a change in circumstances. Commander Karl, your healing will be reviewed at the end of the week."

Karl looked at Ophelia, and wondered if her quiet acceptance of everything and generally mild nature when she wasn't in Werebear form was hiding more issues than she was willing to speak about in public. With Dana, it was much easier for Karl to tell that she needed more time. She had been right next to Tori in the wagon, and she had taken it hard.

Drake cleared his throat and continued. "For the others gathered here, I have some news as well. There are assignments for fifteen of you to the Frost Giant border, as a recuperative period after your injuries, as the fighting there has decreased to a minimum.

There are many others in our pile of reports who are cleared to return to duties, but who are not being requested to go to battle at this time. Military personnel who are cleared for duty will be contacted by your commanding officers, and cleared civilian personnel without a combat assignment will have transport arranged for them. There are enough names here that I will post them on the wall. Long-term patients, those who have been here more than a month, are with Prince Axel, and those who have been here under a month are with me.

If your name is on the list, you are cleared for discharge from the hospital. If it is not, your doctors will advise you as to when you might be."

The two Elites put the list on the table next to them, and the doctors put copies up on the poster board by the door.

That caused a slow exodus of bodies from the room, as the patients who had gathered to hear the news began to get excited to see the official determination. The doctors had told most of them whether they could leave or not, but the doctors didn't know who would be going where.

Once the room was mostly cleared, Prince Axel looked around at the group with a tired expression before giving them the final announcement of the night.

"As much as I fought against it, as I don't support student soldiers, the entire Awakened and Ascended population of the Academy is being sent to the border in the next two weeks. Once you are cleared, you will not be going back to your dorms, but to the border near the Hill Giant offensive.

Commander Doug Mackenzie and his group have been assigned to the Capital for security, along with his two sisters. While you are cleared for combat, the Bureau wants you to have some downtime between battles, so you will spend a minimum of one month here in the Capital. High Priest Doug, that will unfortunately include you as well.

"So, once we clear you, there is a good chance that you're going to throw yourselves back into battle, and challenge the Hill Giants to please the Red Dragon?" The Doctor


That was clearly a trick question, and designed to be used against the other members when they were doing their evaluations the next day. But the Doctor had no shame about his actions, and wasn't trying to hide it.

"I wouldn't call it throwing ourselves in combat. Thor likes to smash things and Rae is likely running short on blood by now, so we will take a cautious outing to find some monsters to refill our supplies. Then, whatever happens, happens. Maybe we will find another village full of refugee children. That pleased the Red Dragon a lot."

Tessa replied.

The Doctor nodded, having heard the story already.

"Alright, I won't pry too deeply. I know battle is an essential part of most Elites'

lives." He reluctantly agreed.

The last of the assembled doctors slowly dispersed, and then Karl's team retired back to their respective rooms for the evening, prepared for at least another week of monotonous tests and afternoons filled with lessons and chores.

The 'chores' part was especially fearsome to Lotus, who had been enjoying the wilderness far too much, even if it was cold. Now that she was back in the city, and headed for the Cathedral, she would be expected to join the chore rotation during her stay there. That meant long hours and honest work, two things that no nature priestess willingly volunteered for.

