Chapter 339 Ancient History

Chapter 339 Ancient History

Karl focused on the interior of the Dark Elf city, the mushrooms, the glowing fungus, the crystals, and finally the dark black angular buildings. One by one, he described every element of the city as they had encountered it, with the beasts filling in any gaps they thought were important.

For example, Thor insisted that it was important they note that the short glowing grass smelled like mint, and Rae noted that the black buildings had been painted with blood in the past, but the stone itself was black, so you couldn't see it.

Both of those were good points, and they helped Morgana narrow down the era and region that they had seen replicated in the dungeon, even though the Dark Elves made it fairly obvious who had built the city.

When he got to the man standing on the platform, preaching about the dungeon being opened for the people of the city, and more specifically his outfit, Morgana knew exactly when and where Karl had been sent to. Fôll0w current novÊls on n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(co/m)

But she wouldn't tell them right away, and she had the two students search through the books for clues until they got to the section on the Cult of the Darklight Host. They were believed to have been a world dominating army just over a hundred thousand years prior, and they were alternately believed by some historians to be the precursors to the World Dragon Church. According to their beliefs, the World Dragon had not been born as a world Dragon, and he had actually been an Ancient Eldritch Being, from the species that had helped create many of the worlds that the Great Pantheons ruled over. They believed that it was only when he decided to devote himself to protecting the world that the World Dragon had changed forms, taking on the aspects that were needed to obtain divinity and grant his blessing over the world.

That didn't match with what the World Dragon Church taught, but it didn't directly conflict with it either, as there were no teachings about the start of this world in specific among church doctrines, only that the Dragon Gods often chose or created worlds to watch over. According to the textbook, many of the ancient civilizations believed that the Darklight Host had come to this world and slowly conquered the entire planet, bringing with them the power of the System and the Ancient Training Grounds, now more commonly known as the magical dungeons.

"So, it's basically a fairy tale of the origin of the world?" Mick asked.

"More or less. It might be true, but there isn't any solid evidence. The fact that Karl actually saw one of them interacting with the ancient Dark Elves and opening a Dungeon Portal for them is the closest thing to proof of their existence that I've ever heard of.

Everything else about them is told as a legend, an oral history or religious belief passed down through the ages, and those aren't always historically accurate after a hundred thousand years." Morgana explained.

"What is with the grass, though? Thor insists it's important to remind you about the grass." Karl insisted, then took a blade out, as Thor had kept some for himself.

"Where did you get that?" Morgana demanded, eyes wide with shock.

"From Thor's space. He kept some as we passed by. My skills say it's not a growth resource for any of my beasts, so it's just growing there, looking pretty." Karl explained.

Morgana laughed. "It's a Commander Rank potion. It could have you and Lotus swap appearances for the duration if you both used it."

Karl considered that for a moment. "She would go insane with jealousy, seeing her own body get to pet all the monsters whenever I wanted."

Morgana couldn't help but laugh at the mental image of Karl transformed into Lotus, taunting her by playing with monsters all day long while she was stuck as him with no monsters.

"That's evil in a whole new way that I hadn't even considered. Only a Nature Priestess could be tortured that way." The Witch Doctor replied, shaking her head in dismay.

Mick nodded. "I don't see the issue, though the guy who freaked out about Remi could be tortured that way, I'm certain. It would be like watching a live action nightmare. Or the bimbo brigade, they're all terrified of spiders."

Morgana gave him a concerned look.

"Sorry, they're a group of girls from the senior class who are extra bitchy to us nerdy sorts. They've all got high - paying corporate careers lined up from their ultra-wealthy families, and I'm a favourite target, since I went bald long before I shaved my head." Mick explained.

Karl patted him on the shoulder. "I should introduce you to a good friend of mine, Skittles. He specializes in helping people work through internalized issues. If you ask High Priest Doug Mackenzie, he should be able to hook you up with a good referral after all this on the border is finished."

Mick smiled. "His name is Skittles?"

Karl shook his head. "No, it's just a nickname that the High Priest gave him, but it stuck, and it's better than his actual name. He's also a nature priest, and very relaxed about any sort of issue you want to work through. Very easy to talk to."

"I will talk to the High Priest later, I know who you mean. He's here as a teacher now, right? Wilderness Survival, if I recall."

Karl and Morgana both nodded, while the Witch Doctor worked to keep her thoughts on Doug Mackenzie as a person to herself. Karl seemed to recall that there was something between Mick or his group and Doug's sisters, but he let that thought fade. If it were important, it would come back to him later.

"Alright, let's get back to the lesson. Now, we have found the basics about the Darklight Host, so what we need to get into are the building styles of that era, where many of the world's Dungeons, instances and magical trials were founded." Morgana diverted them back on topic.