Chapter 343 It's Art I Tell You

Chapter 343 It's Art I Tell You

The fact that Karl was aiming to shatter the Giant's weapon right from the first strike seemed to make it obvious that he had a weapon shattering technique, but [Shatter] didn't only work on weapons, but on anything that it hit.

The vibrations would cause bones to break just as effectively as it caused a wooden club to break.

That distraction let the other warrior get behind the target, and score the first strike of the battle, cutting a line down the Hill Giant's lightly armoured back as Karl kept it distracted.

The Giant turned to swing at the agile warrior, and Karl backed up, switching back to his bow to plug a [Flaming Body] infused arrow into the enormous target.

It was like shooting at a house from the middle of the lawn, impossible to miss.

The Giant stepped forward to keep both targets in sight, and Karl backed up again, drawing the Giant behind the lines where it could receive no reinforcements, before he was forced to switch back to his two-handed blade to deflect a flurry of attacks that he wasn't fast enough with the Maul to handle.

The teacher took advantage of the opening again, slicing the back of a knee, and going for a spot at the armpit where the Giant's crude armour exposed a weakness.

The Giant moved too quickly for that strike to land, and the warrior went rolling as he was clipped by a swing of the club.

[Rae, Golems, now.] Karl ordered as he aimed a strike for the Giant's left knee.

His blade and the Giant's club met a shower of sparks from [Flaming Body], leaving the two of them deadlocked for a split second before the pair of Spider Golems landed on the Hill Giant's shoulders and began to shred his face and back.

He reared back and flailed viciously at the attackers, throwing the first one deep into the Hill Giant lines, but his movement left him vulnerable, and Karl struck upwards, hitting him at the gap between his hanging waist armour and his chest plate.

The flaming blade buried in the Hill Giant to the hilt, and Karl used it as a conduit to cast first [Chain Lightning] then [Blizzard] from the inside.

The giant made a gurgling noise for a moment before his movements slowed, and the Spider Golem deprived him of his head.

Then Rae was on the scene, prepared to begin her art exhibition. She had prepared a dozen Commander Rank Hill Giant bodies on pikes, which she slammed into the ground, standing them up as grotesque mannequins, before she used her silk to tie the leader up by his arms between two of the Commanders, leaving the body spread eagle and standing upright, but headless.

"What the hell are you doing?" Karl heard Morgana shouting from behind him, as every Hill Giant in the area turned to him with rage in their eyes.

"No, why do you ask?"

She gave a meaningful look at the display, and Karl began to laugh.

"That's her latest art exhibition. Pretty isn't it?"

Remi looked at the row of corpses for a second, and placed her next round of totems on the second to last Giant's head on both sides, then nodded with satisfaction. That was much prettier. Visually balanced, and spitting fireballs, for the true interactive experience.

Hawk laughed at her idea before dipping into his space as a massive barrage of rocks from the back lines converged on him, and then reappeared to continue hurling fireballs at them from the other side of the formation.

[This is a fun game. We should make them mad more often.] He suggested.

[I think we're going to be in enough trouble for this time.

But look on the bright side, all those reinforcements from the other end of the line are coming this way. Well, at least the ones that can still walk.

The Spider Golems have been busy.] Karl informed the happy bird.

They also weren't dead yet. They were over a kilometre away, by Karl's estimation, and they were still going wild.

"You're lost in your conversation with the beasts again. The line is signalling the retreat, the Hill Giants are disengaging." Dana informed Karl as he finished mentally searching for the Spider Golems.

"Right, sorry." He had still been shooting, but he had noticed the target selections were getting a bit slim.

[Rae, move your art installation back indoors. We're done here.]

[Grab the shiny stuff, it's still on the bodies, but it will drop when I take them.] She replied.

Karl wasn't certain what she meant, but a club and dagger, plus a necklace, dropped to the ground when the Royal Rank Giant disappeared. Karl scooped them up, and the necklace immediately bonded to him, while his sword rejected the other weapons to the point that he almost dropped them.

"Tessa, do you mind holding these for me? They're causing a repulsion reaction from my bonded blade."