Chapter 366 Spare Gear

Chapter 366 Spare Gear

Karl looked through the pile, looking for chest plates. There were only a few to choose from, as the ones worn by the Hill Giants were too large to be easily brought back.

But there was a decent one without any visible damage that Karl matched with its backplate and tried.

Unfortunately, It didn't bond with him.

So, Karl kept digging through the pile until he found a human sized one that was made of light blue metal chain with a shining steel or silver chest plate over it.

Karl knew this one, it had a single hole over the heart both front and back. That made it the first one that Rae had ambushed after her skill advanced, the guy who had died while trash talking.

It wasn't undamaged, but it was in better shape than what he had been wearing, and the materials looked both powerful and exotic.

There was no actual restriction on having spare armour, as far as Karl knew, so he tried to bond it, and the armour easily slid into place under his shirt and jacket.

It was lightweight, comfortable, and once the holes were fixed, it should be good protection that could be somewhat stealthily worn at all times, not like the heavy leather and plate combo he had before.

That might also mean that it wasn't actually great armour, but it was bonded now, and he could get Tessa to fix it quickly while the mangled pieces waited.

"What you up to down there?" Bob Mackenzie called from somewhere in the distance.

"Sorting through armour pieces for something that won't make Tessa cry when she sees the condition." Karl called back, then heard the Cleric laugh from above him.

Bob came over and looked at the loot pile. "Mind if I look as well? My gear was pretty beat by the end of the fight, and we loaded a literal tonne of stuff into Thor's bags."

"Have at. I've got a new chest plate the bonded. It's this, and only a little damaged." Karl explained as he took it off to show the warrior.

Bob whistled. "Now that's pretty. It looks like a Commander Rank piece, but the Clerics will be able to tell you better if it's any good."

"Throw it up here, and I'll tell you." Tessa called as she extended her hand out the entrance.

Tessa stuck her head out to see what they were talking about.

"No, that's Commander Rank as well, but made for a younger Ascended, or Awakened Giant. Likely some young master of the clan." She announced.

Bob put it on, and the armour completed his look, making him look like a proper knight, covered in shiny steel armour.

"Did you break anything else?" Karl asked as they both began to sort through the pile for the cleric pieces that Tessa wanted.

It appeared that the scavengers had managed to save most of the traitors' armour, minus the set from one that had been yeeted off into the distance somewhere or completely mangled.

Bob was not answering, but he was still digging after Karl was sure that they had all the repairable pieces of gear from the traitors that they were going to find. He was intent on something, so Karl just waited patiently as he hunted.

Then he came up with a helmet that had a beaked front, like the plague doctors wore to keep the smell from reaching them as they worked, but made of polished steel, with two black horns on the sides.

He equipped it on his head, and Karl couldn't help but laugh. "That hat is glorious. Absolutely ridiculous, but glorious." He joked.

"Right? I saw it going into the bag and knew that I had to try to get it when none of the teachers were watching. You know that they would all want it for themselves once they saw its glory."

Their conversation drew curious looks from above, and Morgana laughed as she saw Bob all dressed for work.

"What in the world were you thinking? That hat is ridiculous." She laughed.

"Come down here and help me find a matching shield. I've got a black tabard and cloak to go with the look." Bob demanded.

Morgana rolled her eyes and pointed to the far side of the pile. "There is a black oak one over there. Try that first."

It was round, with a metal central dome and banding. Simple, but effective enough, and hopefully a reasonable size once it was equipped. It had better shrink when equipped because right now, it could double as a dinner table.

Bob slid his arm through the straps to slide the pile of armour off the huge wooden platform, while Karl wondered what possessed Thor to bring that back with them. Unless he was using it as a platform to hold more bags of loot.

The final look of the replacement armour set was simple, and once Bob equipped his tabard over the top, it was a good blend of steel and black. Other than the helmet, he looked like a proper knight, and the shield was large enough to keep using in his role as a defensive warrior.