Chapter 382 Challenge Complete

Chapter 382 Challenge Complete

Many of the group members had assumed that they would get the reward they had chosen at the start, the one in the chest, so they wondered what there was to calculate, unless it was an additional reward for the team effort.j

But that thought was secondary to most of them, as their armour was heavily damaged, and every bone in their body was either broken or aching after that area attack. It was a good thing that the battles were over because they were going to need more than a few minutes to recover, even with the two healing specialty Clerics on hand to assist Thor's [Refreshing Lightning]

[Reward Calculated. Enhanced Epic Rank Team Trial Successful.]

[10 Percent Bonus added to all rewards.]

Everyone stared at the reward announcement, visible in the air above the arena's sand.

"A ten percent bonus for a third trial? Somehow, I feel a bit cheated." Bob sighed as he gingerly flexed the fingers on his freshly repaired arm.

Then, the awards appeared.

In front of each of the members, except Lotus, sat two silver chests, one small purple box and a leather bag. Lotus only had the purple box and a smaller bag.

"Oh, it's ten percent on top of the Epic reward for the third trial. I take back any and all criticisms I might have been thinking." Bob amended.

Lotus giggled. "I don't think it counts if you only take it back after you got the reward."

The silver chests were quickly opened, and Lotus sighed as she realized that her fun playing with the boxes meant that she didn't actually get them in the end.

But she did get a pretty purple one, and that was the one that she hadn't dared to mess with in the waiting room.

Now, there was no chain around it, but she waited with Karl while the others opened their chests and removed a pair of skill books plus a load of coins and gems.

There were no magical rings or other items in there, only precious metals and gems, but the skill books were the real treasures.

Karl opened the book, and it vanished, leaving him with a new skill, and real options to keep his beasts advancing, even if their power stalled.

"Alright, so the silver chest is one skill and some loot, the Epic chest is an overpowered skill. It looks like we're all in luck today." Tessa noted as Karl prepared to open the next chest.

The same golden light flashed from the chest when Karl opened the second Epic Rank reward, and again, there was a skill book. The book vanished in Karl's hands the moment he thought of opening it, and a second skill appeared in his mind.

[Bestial Raiment] grants the user armour suitable to their current environment. The armour will be of Epic Quality and of their current Rank.

"I wonder what sort of standard Epic Quality is?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Doug asked.

"The skill is [Bestial Raiment], or Beast Armour for us less fancy folk. It creates armour at my Rank of Epic Quality." Karl explained, then switched armour from his battered main gear to the suit provided by the spell.

What he got was a mostly black scale bodysuit, with hard chitin plates over all the vital areas, and a black and white tabard hanging over the top, the colours split vertically.

As he recalled, Prince Corbin had said in the dungeon that those tabards were the mark of the Darklight Host. The ancient cult, or religious organization, depending on who you asked, that followed the World Dragon.

Karl shifted and found that the scales moved like the softest of silk, flowing with his body, while the plates were as secure as if they were attached to him, not shifting or bouncing at all as he moved.

"It's comfortable, I will give it that much." He explained as he examined the armour itself to see the bonuses that it would grant him.

There were unfamiliar stats among them, number bonuses to strength, constitution and agility instead of percentages. Then percentage-based bonuses to various types of elemental and magic damage, life steal on hit, and a durability percentage for the armour that was currently at one hundred percent.

"I wish you could cast that on everyone. It would save me so much work." Tessa sighed as she took in the state of everyone's armour after the last fight.

"Well, at least it's one less suit to do. Because mine is trashed again. The repair teams in the camp are not going to be happy with us when we get back." Karl laughed.

"So, do we just open the last one all at once and see who gets the best loot from the final boss? They should all be from the same fight, except maybe Karl's, since we don't know what order they were in." Lotus asked eagerly.

"That sounds like a plan. Everyone, prepare to open the boxes on the count of three."