Chapter 942

Name:The First Son-in-law Author:辰星
In Qin Feng will be the sharp branches, can pierce Qin Feng robber's neck. Qin Feng suddenly had such a slight hesitation: "am I really doing this right? Maybe these people are really heinous. But did I really kill them like this? "

This thought only flashed in Qin Feng's mind, and soon Qin Feng was relieved.

Now the situation has been so critical, why do you still consider these have no? If you lose, do you expect these bastards to let go of them?

So just a moment of confusion, Qin Feng's eyes from the new become firm up.

Again, he tried to pierce the neck of the robber.

Just let Qin Feng no matter what also did not expect is, is such a moment's trance, unexpectedly let the robber old two to slow over.

The second robber grabs Qin Feng's wrist with sharp dead branches, so that the dead branches in Qin Feng's hands can no longer advance half a minute. He said grimly: "boy, you want to kill me? I want you to die

The second robber grabbed Qin Feng's wrist like a pair of tongs. The other hand was clenched into a fist, which rained on Qin Feng.

Every fist of the robber's second brother is as heavy as a kilogram. After seven or eight fists, Qin Feng spits out a big mouthful of blood.

"Damn it! You want to kill me. Who do you think you are? Where is the little beauty The second robber beat enough, a pinch Qin Feng's neck, forced to ask the whereabouts of Mina.

Qin Feng seldom regrets in his life, but this time he is really a little bit regretful.

Why did you hesitate just now? If he had been resolute, this arrogant guy would have been a corpse. Just a few punches, let him suffer a lot of internal injuries, which will have a great impact on his next action.

"Is this the way to kill a snake without dying Qin Feng laughed at himself.

"Damn it, how dare you laugh? You are not afraid to die Seeing Qin Feng this time, the robber's second brother could still laugh, and his heart was even more angry. His face was twisted and ferocious: "I'll dig your eyes first, and see if you can get mad!"

Say, stretch out two fingers straight into Qin Feng's eyes, facial expression actually does not have a bit of hesitation.

At this time, the robber's second suddenly turned blue, staring at Qin Feng in disbelief. Holding his hands around his neck, he couldn't say a word.

Then, the robber's second son was lying on the ground, foaming and twitching.

Qin Feng rubbed the hot and painful place on his body and congratulated himself: "I didn't expect that it could be poisoned so quickly. The toxicity of this thing is really fierce!"

The robber's eldest brother had already come to the place less than five meters away from them. Seeing his younger brother fall down straightly, he asked anxiously, "second! What's the matter with you? "

Found that the robber's second brother didn't respond. The robber's boss, who knew that his younger martial brother had suffered a loss, looked like a cow, and seemed to be able to spray fire. Pointing to Qin Feng, he said, "little bastard, what did you do to the second? I'm going to kill you. "

Qin Feng sneered: "you don't know how many times you've said this. If you have the ability, you can come "Take the move" said, Qin Feng suddenly threw the snake in his hand to the robber's boss, and then turned and ran.

The other party is obviously very angry now. It is not a good choice to confront him at this time.

Of course, even if you want to play hard, he is not the opponent of these people. For the strength gap between the two sides, Qin Feng has a good idea.

His younger martial brother does not know whether he lives or not, which makes the robber boss fall into a frenzy of rage.

Seeing a group of black things thrown over, the robber boss didn't want to think about it, so he clapped it up.

The Viper broke away from Qin Feng's control and soon recovered. In the middle of the air, he twisted his body and bit the hand of the robber.

"Beast, die for me!" If it is a sneak attack, the robber leader may not be able to react and be bitten by a poisonous snake. But the head of the robber is not afraid to attack in person. Half way out of his hand, he changed his moves, bypassed the snake's fangs and slapped it on the snake's head.

Qin Feng early took advantage of this opportunity to run, but in order to confirm the robber boss's trend, just looked back.

Good guy, the head of that poisonous snake was almost all shot to pieces by the robber's boss. It's bloody.

Because of the snake's hindrance, when the robber's eldest brother looked for Qin Feng again, he suddenly disappeared in the woods.

The robber boss couldn't find Qin Feng, so he squatted on the side of the robber's second and pushed the robber's two hands anxiously: "second! Second! How are you? Are you all right

How can the robber have the strength to answer his words? Just keep swinging, foaming in the mouth. Slightly open eyes, can only see a white eye.

The robber's boss opened the robber's second's eyelids and looked at it with more stern expression.

The fourth robber is far away. I haven't seen what happened just now. After coming over, he said in surprise: "boss! What's the matter, second brother? "The robber's boss shook his head, slowly closed his eyes and said, "the second one is no good..."

Suddenly, the robber's boss raised his hand and clapped it on the chest of the robber's second. The second robber's limbs were stiff and twitched rapidly. When the head is tilted, it is completely immobile.

The fourth robber didn't expect that the eldest brother would attack his younger brother. He stepped back two steps in panic: "old Old Old Boss, you You What is this for? "

The robber's boss opened his eyes and flashed a dangerous light in his eyes. He said earnestly, "old four! I don't want to attack my brother, but I can't help it. "

"The second one should be snake venom. None of our four brothers can detoxify it. If you send it to the hospital, you have to wait for the police to arrest you. What's more, the old No. 4 middle school is five step down. Even if we really want to send him to the hospital, he may not be able to survive. "

"Anyway, the second is dead. In that case, it's better to give him a happy one and suffer less, don't you? "

The fourth robber swallowed his mouth and said, "this This I think the boss has a point. "

"Good!" The robber's boss nodded with satisfaction: "now we should find that bastard early and avenge the second one. We will not die today if we kill our people. "

The old four of the robbers nodded repeatedly: "the elder brother said that is too right. We must break that little bastard into pieces and avenge the second brother!"

"Chase!" The robber boss snapped.

Two people immediately toward Qin Feng just ran away from the direction of the past.

Just out of a few steps, the robber boss suddenly ordered: "fourth, don't leave me too far. As long as the two of us stay together, the asshole has no chance to sneak in. If the order falls, we may suffer. Just now the second one is belittling the enemy. Otherwise, with his skill, how could he die in that bastard's hand? "

"Got it, boss!" The fourth robber recovered from shock. Think of his second brother died in Qin Feng's hand, gnashing teeth to ensure the way.

In the dark of the woods, Qin Feng hides in a cluster of shrubs. Gently knead and knead the place where the second robber hit him, and kept pumping air: "hiss ~! It's a bloody attack. I think I hurt my internal organs. Fortunately, I was poisoned, otherwise I would die this time

Although he won the fight with the second robber, Qin Feng has a deeper understanding of the strength of these people. Just a moment of hesitation, he was almost doomed. If it was not for catching a poisonous snake and smearing poison on the branch, it would be over when the robber's second brother caught it.

I massaged the wound hard to dredge the blood. To avoid waiting for pain to affect his movements, Qin Feng carefully climbed out of the bush.

He soon found the robber boss and the fourth who were looking for him without any idea.

In the jungle, the skills of these two martial arts masters have been compressed by 99%, almost becoming deaf and blind. Can only rely on instinct blind search.

But Qin Feng is like a fish in water. He has learned many things in the army. Only when he really uses them can he realize his power. So Qin Feng had an idea. He wanted to use these two people to try what he had learned in the army.

Qin Feng is not in a hurry to start with the robber's eldest brother and the fourth, but first returns to the second robber.

"Dead?" Originally, Qin Feng just wanted to see the situation.

To Qin Feng's surprise, the robber's second brother has already died.

A simple examination of the robber's second injury, Qin Feng found that the robber's second was actually killed. According to Qin Feng's observation of several people's personalities, the fourth robber belongs to the relatively straightforward type, which should not be his hands.

Think of the robber boss to his brother can be so cruel, Qin Feng is really some heart bogey him. Such a person, if he really let him escape this time, will his relatives be implicated in the future?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng made up his mind that the robber boss must die anyway. He can escape from prison this time, but he may not be able to escape next time. The dead are the safest.

If you've already killed one, you don't care about killing another. This kind of thing is the same as a man looking for a woman. As long as you pass this first time, it will be natural for you.

With the spring knife just found from the robber's second, Qin Feng takes a look at the direction of Mina's hiding. Hesitated for a moment, I think it's safer to let Mina hide here.

The robber didn't catch up with the robber again.

But this time, Qin Feng went directly around in front of two people.

Then, the first robber and the fourth robber's suffering began. They were walking, and suddenly there was a click. The robber felt as if he had stepped on something. He could not help looking down. But heard the robber old four exclaimed: "boss, be careful!"

Feel the top of the head of the strong wind hit, the robber boss disdain a sneer: "diaozi small skills!" He raised his hand to block the branch.

But the robber's chief obviously miscalculated. Although the branches were blocked, the branches and leaves on the branches could not be blocked by the arms.Although the branch was blocked, the robber was still covered by leaves.

"Hum!" "Since there are traps here, that is to say, we are in the right direction. He was injured just now. He should not run far away. Let's go after him

After they left, Qin Feng came out of the dark and said with a sneer: "chase? Good! There are surprises waiting for you