Chapter 294: Those who pay attention to sea fishing bigwigs

Chapter 294 Sea fishing bigwigs who pay attention

"Ah Cheng, how many fish did you catch?"

When the sky turned pale, the school of tuna dispersed. Chen Yang only felt that he was hungry and tired, and his eyes started to fight, and he opened his mouth to yawn from time to time.

But he still called Chu Mingcheng immediately to find out about his situation.

"It's okay, I caught four."

Chu Mingcheng put the phone aside and turned on the hands-free reply.

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked at Jiang Luoluo, who had already taken a shower and was sitting on a chair drowsy.

There was a little tenderness in his eyes, and he accelerated the speed of making breakfast.

After eating, the two of them went back to the bedroom to have a good sleep.

There were a lot of tuna last night, but unfortunately even if he had a cheat, he could only catch one by one.

It took him more than an hour to catch a fish weighing more than 200 catties, plus the waiting time for the fish to be hooked, so he only caught four in the end.

This is the case when Jiang Luoluo has been helping out, otherwise it may delay more time and catch one less fish.

If it were fishing and hunting, Chu Mingcheng estimated that the refrigerated cabin would be full, but unfortunately it was a fishing competition.

However, everyone in Chen Yang, who heard that he caught four fish by himself, was completely stunned.

"Damn it, are you still human?" Zhang Wei yelled strangely when he heard it, "The four of us were divided into two groups, and we only caught four in total."

He and Chen Yang knew Chu Mingcheng's strength, and had seen how he caught a large tuna when he was physically strong.

But now that they have experience, they know very well how difficult it is for one person to catch four tuna weighing more than 200 catties in a row.

It took more than two hours for both of them to catch the first tuna in rotation, and the latter one took longer because of their physical condition.

So everyone felt a little incredible.

Chu Mingcheng frowned when he heard the words. He was somewhat prepared for this situation, so he had already thought of a way to cover it up.

He picked up the phone to turn off the hands-free, and then said softly: "You guys forgot how I caught that Masu tuna in Nansha back then? I have Luoluo here to help, one plus one is greater than two, you can try it too , the effect is very good!"

Although Chu Mingcheng suggested that they try it, he knew that they would not do so, so he was not at all worried that they would know the fishing efficiency of holding a sister in his arms.

"Huh~" Chen Yang and Zhang Wei were taken aback at the same time, and then thought of the scene when Jiang Luoluo got into Chu Mingcheng's arms to fish, and they suddenly understood, and said in unison, "The effect is so good?"

However, the people next to them were full of question marks. They didn't know what was going on. Zhao Jun even asked, "Why is it so effective? What's the secret to fast fishing in Acheng?"

Chen Yang and Zhang Wei looked at each other, and inexplicably imagined that they were huddled in the arms of Zhao Jun and Shu Ziqiang, or they were huddled in their arms.

The picture was so beautiful that they were shocked and shivered violently.

The two hurriedly shook their heads and shook off this terrifying picture: "There is no special secret, we are not suitable, so you should stop asking, you will see it next time you have a chance."

This appearance made Zhao Jun and others even more curious, but Chen Yang and the others were unwilling to say more, and they would have a chance to see it later, so they stopped asking.

Quickly finish breakfast, and help clean the disembarkation deck, Chen Yang and his party quickly went back to take a shower and sleep.

The same is true for Chu Mingcheng on the other side. After breakfast, he and Jiang Luoluo went back to the bedroom to rest.

Not long after lying on the bed, she made a whirring sound, obviously very tired.

However, during their rest time, many experienced players got up early and started looking for and fishing for tuna.

These are basically the bigwigs in the sea fishing industry, there are players who participate in fishing competitions and fishermen who make a living by fishing.

Even though Chu Mingcheng had a good harvest last night, there are capable players no worse than him, and even better harvests.

No, Wang Laoliu, who was fishing with a boat of female Internet celebrities last night, found tuna again at this moment, and has already arranged for his team to go fishing.

He himself was very tired last night, and now his back is sore and his legs are weak, so he didn't participate.

Staying idle in the cab was also idle, Wang Laoliu lit a cigarette, turned on the radio to listen to other people's situation, and see if he had the capital to brag.

As soon as it was turned on, some familiar voices came from the channel. They were all fishing bigwigs from the same circle, and they all knew each other.

"I was unlucky last night, just two big eyes, and the total is only three hundred catties."

"It's even worse for me. I have a small blue fin, just over 100 catties. Fortunately, there are three yellow fins behind me, and I can barely pay back the fuel fee."

"You are very lucky. It's not like me. You just collected a thousand catties in one night. They are all yellow fins and don't even have big eyes."

Wang Laoliu swallowed and vomited, and after listening for most of the meeting, he knew that everyone's gains were not as good as his own, so he said leisurely.

"Sigh, it's good to be young. It's not like me. Bluefin tuna weighs 350 catties. One of them has a sore back and back pain, and I haven't recovered yet."

"Xiao Liu and the others are much better than me. They caught two 300-jin big eyes in a row. Oh, I'm old, I'm old!"

Three hundred and fifty catties of bluefin, the quality can almost sell for a small one hundred thousand, if it reaches excellent quality, it may be sold for three to five hundred thousand.

Not to mention there are two bigeye tunas that add up to 600 catties. This should be the player who gained the most among the contestants last night.

There was silence on the radio, and all the anglers who wanted to pretend were all cursing in their hearts, this **** Wang Laoliu is really too old.

Don't say it early, don't say it later, but waited for them to report almost all their gains last night before showing up. If anyone has more gains than him, this sixth child will definitely dive into the screen.

Hearing the sudden silence on the radio, Wang Laoliu smiled triumphantly.

That blue fin was not actually caught by him, but by a fisherman he called Xiao Liu, but it didn't stop him from showing it off.

He did fish last night, but it was a different kind of fish, scientifically known as female Internet celebrity.

This fish is easy to catch. After a little walk, it takes three minutes to catch it, and it can be fed with oxygen.

Facing Wang Laoliu's embarrassment, the other players had no choice.

Since the total price of fish caught by each boat is calculated in this competition, it is obvious that the bluefin tuna with the highest value is the key to winning the competition.

After all, a large bluefin tuna may be worth more than a boat of yellowfin tuna.

Wang Laoliu has a bluefin tuna weighing 350 jin. Maybe other contestants may not be able to meet a similar one in a month.

The game has just started, and the gap has widened far!

But in the face of Wang Laoliu's embarrassment, some of them must be upset and start to get angry.

"The competition has just begun. The 700,000 blue fin auctioned by the organizer half a month ago was caught by one of the contestants. Maybe he has already caught a 500-jin top-quality blue fin."

They are all in the sea fishing circle, and they will naturally pay attention to the sky-high price fish.

Even if you don't pay attention, someone in the same circle probably mentioned it, and then the news spread.

This matter is known to all the sea fishing circles near Shanghai.

So someone mentioned this matter, and someone immediately picked up: "That guy seems very young. I remember seeing a video of him fishing on the Internet. He is indeed very powerful."

"It seems to be the owner of the Poseidon, which is parked not far from me. His boat seems to be a type of fishing boat. If the organizers have not banned going to the high seas, his advantage is actually very large."

"That guy is better at fishing and hunting than fishing. If it weren't for the fishing competition, if he can fish and hunt, we probably won't be able to win the first place."

"Yes, no matter how expensive the blue fins are, they can't buy them at sea."

"Speaking of which, I always feel that the rule that you can't go to the high seas is a trap!"

"It's true, but who knows if the organizer will suddenly allow to go to the high seas later? After all, there are many ships that can go to the high seas this time, and the resources of tuna in the East China Sea are still too small. If you don't go to the high seas, you won't be able to meet a particularly large one." fish, the on-demand rate may not go up.”

"Fuck, it's really possible for you to say that!"

"It should be a fair environment for ordinary players now! When there are fewer boats, the competition will not be as fierce as it is now, and naturally more fish resources will be shared."

"One thing to say, this guy's family should be very good, he can afford a first-class fishing boat, and he has such a beautiful girlfriend, he is a winner in life!"

These people's praise of Chu Mingcheng is naturally not really optimistic or admired, it is purely to make Wang Laoliu feel comfortable.

As for why they didn't mention a few famous fishing champions, it was because they didn't take these so-called fishing masters seriously at all.

are all fishing, who can convince anyone!

It’s like playing lure and looking down on table fishing, and table fishing is also looking down on lure.

Chu Mingcheng, a young man playing sea fishing, has gained a little fame in their circle because of the bluefin tuna.

But no one regards him as an opponent, so it is most appropriate to mention him to change the subject and suppress Wang Laoliu.

Wang Laoliu naturally understood the meaning, but the original happy mood was still completely destroyed.

Knowing that he can't be angry with N mouths with one mouth, he didn't make a sound, and began to direct the fishermen on the deck to fish, and waited for more top-quality tuna to be caught before slapping these people in the face.

Chu Mingcheng, mentioned by these people, woke up around twelve noon.

Although he stayed up all night and consumed a lot of energy fishing for tuna, his current resilience is also very strong.

After only about six hours, I have recovered to my best condition, and I am just a little hungry.

Seeing that Jiang Luoluo was still sleeping deeply, Chu Mingcheng quietly got up and left the bedroom.

After lunch, he came to the cab.

Start the Poseidon first, and then look at the fish finder, but unfortunately there is nothing found on the fish finder, he obviously wants to leave here.

Within a few minutes of waiting for the engine to warm up, Chu Mingcheng opened the Fishing Contest APP and checked the latest situation inside.

However, apart from the information about the withdrawal of more than a dozen fishing boats, nothing else has changed.

Obviously, the boat that caught fish on the first day has not returned yet, and will not return until the refrigerated compartment is full.

None of the participating boats has a refrigerated tank larger than the Poseidon, which cannot store many fish.

So it is obviously impossible to fill up the refrigerated compartment yesterday and this morning.

Even if they encountered schools of fish, the number of catches was extremely limited. Last night, Chen Yang and the others caught four together.

The amount of Chuming City that has been opened is also only this amount. Fishing tuna is not an easy task.

For example, now, fishing boats and fishing boats are still everywhere in fishing areas where tuna is infested.

Many of them worked like Chu Mingcheng all night, and then changed shifts to let the other two continue.

Although everyone was tired and fell asleep, and was blown by the sea breeze all night, they all gained more or less.

But most of these harvested ships only caught one, and only accounted for one-third of the total number of ships, which means that there were two-thirds of the air force.

Like those twitching contestants on the radio in the morning, there are only seven or eight players in total, that is, seven or eight ships.

The sea is so vast, there are always a few people who will eat dumplings.

And people like Wang Laoliu were even more lucky. No, another group of fishermen on his boat caught another bluefin tuna this morning.

That is, this one is only over 150 catties, but if it is more than 200 catties, he can install it on the radio.

But he is very confident, and feels that his current grades are conservative, and he can also be ranked in the top three.

If other people are not as lucky as him, then they must be ranked first, and much higher than the second place.

Of course, in terms of specific circumstances, you will have to wait until the first wave of returning to Hong Kong to know your ranking.

If she ranks first, she will definitely be interviewed by reporters from the TV station on board, and then she will be able to show her face?

After becoming famous and seeing his income, wouldn't there be more young girls sent to his door?

Thinking of the ecstasy last night, Wang Laoliu became excited again.

Knowing the taste of food, he hurriedly continued to look for fish. When the time comes to bring his sister to catch a big fish, can't he continue to exchange fishing experience at night?

The fishing competition in the early stage was not very lively, so the time passed slowly and steadily.

Five days later, the tuna port finally became lively again, and a large number of spectators and tourists gathered again.

They are all curious about how much the players from these games can gain when they come back.

"Du~" A siren sounded, and at ten o'clock in the morning, a boat finally came back.

This is a fishing boat, about fifteen meters in length.

After he docked, staff immediately boarded the boat and moved out the fish in the refrigerated cabin.

Tunas that looked like small torpedoes were carried ashore, which immediately aroused the discussion and exclamation of tourists.

Most people have never seen tuna in real life, so when they see some big fish that are about the same height as people, they are naturally extremely shocked.

There is indeed a big difference in perception between watching big fish in reality and in the video.

The first fishing boat to return to Hong Kong had a mediocre harvest, only five tuna and two three-meter-long oriental swordfish.

The staff first weighed the fish, and when they found two yellowfin tuna weighing less than 100 catties, they stepped forward to ask the contestants to record the video.

The competition stipulates that the minimum weight of yellowfin tuna must be more than 100 catties to be recorded on the leaderboard.

But one hundred catties is when the fish is not bled or gutted, so a video needs to be recorded for the organizer to review.

Since the players on this boat want to continue the competition, they will naturally record the weight of the fish.

Otherwise, they will be dealt with as non-compliant, so thanks to them!

Soon, all the catches of this player were counted, and a few minutes later, the ranking on the big screen at the port changed.

Originally the first place score was more than 13,000 yuan, but this immediately became 35,700 yuan for the fishing boat players.

Before him, there were naturally ships that came back. Some ships had very little equipment, and had to come back when the resources or fresh water were exhausted, even if the harvest was mediocre.

With the calculation of the number of catches of the first boat today, other contestants also returned to the voyage one after another.

Soon, the port became very lively, and the round tuna was moved to the shore by the staff, which was a very spectacular scene.

Today is also the time when Chu Mingcheng and Chen Yang returned to the voyage. There are a lot of tuna near the open sea, so their harvest is not bad.

The refrigerated compartment of the Bailong can only hold a dozen or so tuna weighing two hundred catties, and it is already full.

However, there are only thirteen tuna in the refrigerated compartment of Chuming City, and the refrigerated compartment is still one-third empty.

He could indeed continue to fish at sea, but he would get tired easily after drifting in the sea for too long. Out of concern for Jiang Luoluo, he decided to come back first to rest for a day.

Jiang Luoluo actually felt that he was in good condition, and wanted to continue fishing, after all, the refrigerated cabin was not full.

But feeling Chu Mingcheng's distress, he didn't stop his decision.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the Poseidon and the White Dragon returned to the port together.

Currently, the leaderboard has been updated a long time ago, and there are not many talented and lucky players.

To the surprise of ordinary viewers, Master Deng, who is well-known in the fishing industry, is currently only ranked tenth, with a total catch price of 85,000.

Those Internet celebrities who come to grab traffic, most of them are not ranked, because they are not here to fish.

But there are also clever and special ones, such as a small Internet celebrity who is tied to a few big names in the fishing industry.

The original choice of retreating, but it made them gain more traffic by accident.

There were more than 30 people who were close to the score, but the best one actually reached the ninth place, surpassing Master Deng in the ranking.

This female Internet celebrity is wearing a tight-fitting fishing suit at the moment, and her bulging figure is fully displayed.

She just finished the interview, looking excited. The same is true for the Internet celebrities in her group. At least after this wave passes, their worth will definitely rise a lot.

They didn’t catch many fish this time, only three tuna, but there was one bluefin tuna among them, so the ranking is so high.

And this bluefin tuna happened to be found by Wang Laoliu, and he instructed them to catch it.

At that time, seeing the blue fin coming up, Wang Laoliu smiled on his face, but his heart throbbed with pain, feeling that he was at a loss.

However, others have already caught it, so it is impossible for him to **** it again. So I had to exchange my fishing experience a few more times at night to barely make up for this heartache.

But this time, Wang Laoliu is full of joy, because he has the best results so far, and his catches have sold a total of 473,000 yuan.

The second place is only 157,000, which is more than 300,000 behind him.

The big difference is mainly due to the 350-jin bluefin he caught the first night.

This blue fin is really of excellent quality and can be auctioned.

In the end, for the real-time update of the leaderboard, the trading market directly accepted a high price, and the transaction price was 330,000.

The difference between him and the second place is this fish.

Now, the interview has ended, he is preparing to take his crew to dinner, and in the evening, he will go to a regular massage shop for a massage to relieve his tired body and waist these days.

Just as he was about to leave, he found the Poseidon returning to the port.

The 24-meter Poseidon stands out among the crowd of fishing boats, only a dozen can compare with it.

Of course, there are not many fishing boats whose actual price exceeds this boat, there are more than 30 fishing boats.

The price of some second-class fishing boats has reached seven to eight million, and the owner of the boat is quite rich.

When Wang Laoliu saw the Poseidon, he remembered the embarrassment of the next morning.

So he walked over, wanting to see how much Chu Mingcheng had gained this time.

When he saw the thirteen tunas brought out from the boat, he looked more or less surprised, and his heart became serious.

Thirteen fish, two more than him. The point is that the smallest fish here weighs 150 catties. From his experience, he can naturally tell the approximate weight of the fish.

Although there were thirteen tuna, only yellowfin and bigeye, not a single bluefin, there were only two people in his boat.

Obviously, the two of them caught these thirteen tunas, which made it impressive.

Although the time is nearly a week, it is still very difficult for the two of them to catch thirteen large tuna.

Tuna is not encountered every day. Sometimes it takes two or three days to meet it. At that time, you have to catch it quickly, so tuna fishing is a very tiring job.

The two of them caught more fish than the four professional fishermen on his boat, and he had to be added as an experienced captain. This strength should not be underestimated.

The thirteen fish in Chuming City, including eight yellowfin tuna, have a total weight of more than 1,400 catties and a value of 76,000.

Five bigeye tuna, with a total weight of more than 1,200 catties, and a total value of more than 106,000 yuan.

After selling out, the ranking immediately went to No. 2. Although there is a big gap with him, what is lacking is luck, which Wang Laoliu knows very well.

The sea fishing players who used Chu Mingcheng to overwhelm him before were all surprised when they found him ranked second.

They were just talking at the time, but they didn't expect that the other party would run to the second place all of a sudden.

After finding out that two people in Chuming City had caught thirteen fish, and the smallest fish weighed more than 150 catties, they paid attention to each of them.

Obviously, there was an unplanned heavyweight player in this competition.

On the other side, with the help of Chu Mingcheng, Chen Yang and the others sold a catch worth 130,000 yuan, ranking sixth, which is also very good.

The gap from the second to the sixth place is not that big. If they continue to keep this catch, they will be able to rise one more liter if they can’t rank.

So Chen Yang and others were very excited, and they themselves were surprised that the results would be so good.

"This first place is amazing, directly surpassing you by 300,000." After the fish was sold out, they came to Chuming City, and Zhang Wei looked at the screen and sighed.

Zhao Jun said: "I just asked, and the first place was very lucky. He caught two bluefin tuna, and one of them was sold for 330,000 yuan."

"There are still more than 20 days to come, Acheng, you still have a good chance of surpassing him, only one top-quality bluefin tuna is missing."

Chu Mingcheng was not surprised by this. He read the rankings every day. The number one ranked fish hadn’t appeared before, but this time it went straight to the top. Obviously, it was the fish sold for the first time after returning to the voyage.

This means that no matter how many fish he has on board, the refrigerated compartment will just be filled, and the number is not much.

In this case, the fish can be sold for nearly 500,000 yuan, and there is nothing else except the top-quality bluefin tuna.

This is purely a matter of luck, but he doesn't think his luck will always be so bad.

(end of this chapter)