Chapter 305: The fish you bought will make you desperate

Chapter 305 The fish I originally bought will make you desperate

Three hundred and sixty-three catties, plus that round belly, already shows the value of this bluefin tuna.

Of course, the weight will be much lighter after bloodletting and removing the internal organs, but this fish can still be sold for more than 300,000 as expected.

Basically, the best bluefin tuna can be sold for more than 1,000 yuan per catty.

Excellent ones are probably between five hundred and one thousand, and good ones are between three hundred and five hundred.

At worst, it should be able to sell for more than two hundred, but there is also a prerequisite for the weight of the fish, that is, more than one hundred catties.

The price of bluefin tuna that does not exceed 100 catties will have a break and will drop a lot.

After catching such a bluefin tuna, Jiang Luoluo's mood really improved a lot, and she happily went back to the bedroom to rest.

When Chu Mingcheng lay down on the bed after taking a shower, he didn't immediately close his eyes and go to sleep.

He opened the map of bluefin tuna and bigeye tuna again, and then in order to chase points, he could only rely on cheating.

Currently, his own location is relatively far away from the gathering places of the two tuna species, and is to the southeast.

He has a lot of yellowfin tuna and albacore tuna, which is indeed a good fishing spot. The most important thing is that there is no competition from other players.

As for the other two types of tuna, the numbers are scattered and there are no schools of fish gathering.

He is now considering whether he should go fishing at the gathering place, or get rid of these scattered ones first.

Having caught so many tunas, he has discovered that scattered tunas are much more likely to be top-quality fish than gregarious tunas.

This is not absolute, but it is true of his own current situation.

In the end, Chu Mingcheng decided to catch all the scattered tuna in the current sea area first.

The position with the largest number is close to Xiaotian, but it is too far away.

There are almost no bluefin and bigeye tuna on the route of the middle voyage, and they seem to take another route for their migration.

In this case, it is better to go there directly after the next time you leave the port after the warehouse is full.

After thinking about it, Chu Mingcheng turned off the map and went to sleep, recharging his energy for big things tomorrow.

The next morning, because she had a good rest last night, Jiang Luoluo woke up very early, and took the initiative to go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

After Chu Mingcheng saw this and fed the dog and cat, he came to the cab first, started the fishing boat to warm up the engine, and opened the map again at the same time.

Overnight, the position of the tuna in the nearby waters has changed.

Chu Mingcheng repeatedly switched the distribution locations of bluefin tuna and bigeye tuna, and determined today's itinerary.

About seven nautical miles to the southwest, there are two bigeye tunas, which are currently the closest to him.

The position of the bigeye tuna continued to the south, and there were three bluefin tuna at a distance of 13 nautical miles.

If these five fish are all caught, it should be dark.

At that time, you can open the map to check the new distribution of tuna. After a day, the position of tuna will definitely change a lot.

After the engine is warmed up, Chu Mingcheng sets the coordinates and starts the cruise mode, heading to the first target location.

At the same time, he did not forget to tell Chen Yang to go fishing near Xiaotian.

There are a lot of bluefin tuna and bigeye tuna at that location, as long as the luck is not too bad, you should get something.

The rewards of the fishing competition are still very good, if it is cheaper for others, it is better to be cheaper for your own people.

Chen Yang also just sailed today, originally he wanted to go to the previous place, but after getting a new fishing spot, he changed the destination on the navigation without hesitation.

Chu Mingcheng told his fishing spots that he never returned empty-handed.

After a short while, Jiang Luoluo brought breakfast into the cab.

After breakfast, Chu Mingcheng asked her to stay in the cab to watch, while he came to the back deck.

He first took out two boxes of bait to defrost, and then took out the fishing rod and installed it on the fishing hole.

Two bigeye tunas, if they are not too big, he can catch them in a short time, and then go directly to catch the other three bluefin tunas.

Of course, he also took out five small bonito to thaw out.

Before he encountered a school of bonito fish, he caught a lot of them, about thirty of them.

They are not big, only two to three catties on average.

These fish are worthless, but fortunately they are very useful for tuna fishing, so he keeps them in the refrigerated compartment and does not plan to sell them.

Seven nautical miles, only half an hour away.

It's just that the two bigeye tunas have deviated from their original positions, so Chu Mingcheng had to operate manually, and drove the boat to intercept them in front of them.

It took another ten minutes, and the fish finder successfully scanned the traces of these two bigeye tuna.

The water depth here is more than 300 meters, but the two bigeye tuna are at a position of 120 meters.

The search function of the water layer where the tuna is located cannot be displayed, and the fish finder makes up for this very well.

Jiang Luoluo spotted the big fish immediately, and immediately took a step ahead, leaving the cab and running to the deck.

After the boat stopped, immediately began to spread bait and make nests.

The Poseidon stopped, but the two bigeye tunas were still swimming far away. Fortunately, they were not chasing prey at the moment, so their speed was not fast.

After the bait Jiang Luoluo cast out slowly sank in the water, the two of them spotted it immediately.

Tuna can only absorb oxygen by swimming constantly. After a lot of exercise, they are also especially edible.

Generally, he can eat food close to one-fifth of his own body weight, and he is a veritable big eater.

In addition, although fishermen need to throw a lot of bait every time they make a nest, in fact, a lot of bait will be taken along the water flow to unknown places.

The tuna that are attracted can't actually eat much, so as long as they are attracted, they are basically easy to take the bait.

Chu Mingcheng came to the stern of the boat and put on the belly belt, then took the fishing rod out of the fishing hole and put it on his belly to be ready at any time.

After only waiting for seven or eight minutes, the fishing rod suddenly sank, and his body was brought forward slightly.

But he reacted quickly, immediately raised the pole to stab the fish, and then fought with the fish.

Jiang Luoluo asked curiously when he saw this: "Is the fish big?"

"Big, only a little less powerful than last night's bluefin tuna, at least two hundred and fifty catties."

This weight made Chu Mingcheng quite satisfied, and it also made him more sure that if the tuna moved alone or in a small number of activities, the chance of encountering a large tuna might be higher.

Tuna has no concept of relatives and friends, they are all of the same size gathered together.

The larger the tuna, the fewer the number. Chu Mingcheng specially looks for the small number on the map, so it is not surprising that he often encounters the larger tuna.

"Big ones are better!" Jiang Luoluo showed a happy smile on his face, but slowed down the speed of throwing bait with his hands.

Just now she has thrown more than 50 catties of bait, and now that Chu Mingcheng has caught one, then the remaining one just needs to be lured and kept from getting away.

Slowing down the speed of throwing bait means not letting it get full. If you feed too much and get full, you won’t bite the bait.

It took Chu Mingcheng an hour and ten minutes to catch this big-eyed tuna successfully.

After catching it, he was not idle. He immediately took out the hook, hooked up a small skipjack and threw it back into the water.

Jiang Luoluo didn't stay idle after being robbed of her job. She took out a spike and a hammer, and skillfully tackled the bigeye tuna.

The fish was caught by the hook just now. Although it didn’t move much, it didn’t die completely, so it needs to be sent to ascend first.

Followed by bloodletting and evisceration, these tasks Jiang Luoluo is also very skilled.

After the fish was processed, she lifted it up with a crane and checked the weight first.

The screen on the side of the crane showed 287 catties. She nodded with satisfaction, and then operated the crane to send the tuna into the refrigerated compartment.

She herself followed into the refrigerated cabin, but the temperature suddenly came from the "equator" to the "north pole", and she shivered suddenly.

So he quickly untied the rope, immediately climbed out of the refrigerated compartment and closed the door.

As for the tuna, just put it at the door.

After it freezes hard, the surface of the fish will become smooth. Chu Mingcheng can easily push the fish inside and arrange it. She can't help with these things that require strength.

At 9:30 in the morning, today's second bigeye tuna successfully boarded the boat.

Chu Mingcheng was a little short of breath. After he slowed down, he took off his short sleeves, twisted the short sleeves into a strip with both hands, and then squeezed hard.

Suddenly, a lot of water was squeezed out from his clothes, all of which were his sweat.

Jiang Luoluo handed him the cup in her hand. In the cup was the water she had dried, with a little coarse salt added.

Chu Mingcheng drank it all in one gulp, and his dry throat finally felt much better.

"Go take a bath first, rest at noon and we will continue to look for fish in the evening." Jiang Luoluo took back the cup and said.

"Don't worry, it's still early, and I'm not very tired, let's continue to look for fish! There is such a big gap from the first place, I have to work hard!"

Chu Mingcheng was a little moved at first, and even he felt a little tired after catching two bigeye tunas weighing more than 550 catties in more than two hours.

It's just that after opening the distribution map of bluefin tuna, he suddenly discovered that the three bluefin tuna that were originally 13 nautical miles away from here were only three nautical miles away.

At present, they are still moving this way. According to the speed of the tuna, it will only take a few minutes to arrive. This is equivalent to taking the initiative to deliver it to your door!

But more than half an hour later, when Chu Mingcheng pulled a bluefin tuna to the water's edge, a look of disappointment suddenly appeared on his face.

"This bluefin tuna is so small, can't it weigh less than a hundred catties?" Jiang Luoluo gestured to the size of the tuna, and was also a little depressed.

"Let's let him go!" Chu Mingcheng asked her to bring the scissors, and cut off the strands. Although I felt that the fish was not big when I was fishing, I didn't expect it to be so small.

The bluefin tuna, which had been lying on its side and resigned to its fate, suddenly felt that the huge force that restrained itself was gone, and immediately swung its tail and ran away.

This bluefin tuna only weighs seventy or eighty catties, so the price is definitely not much higher.

It is not counted in the quota of the leaderboard, so it is better to release it and raise it again.

Chu Mingcheng now has a search function, and finding fish is easy, so I have no interest in these tunas that are less than 100 catties.

Jiang Luoluo usually has no objection to his decision, even if they are still far behind the first place.

The first bluefin tuna is only about 70 to 80 catties, so the remaining two don’t need to be caught, and the probability is about the same.

Originally thought that the smaller numbers were larger, but this time they were slapped in the face.

Chu Mingcheng glanced at the other bluefin tunas closest to him on the map, and found that they were more than 30 nautical miles away, so he no longer had the intention to go fishing now.

It's past ten o'clock in the morning, and he's going to go after lunch.

As the sun rose and set in the west, one afternoon passed, and Chu Mingcheng successfully caught three more bluefin tuna weighing over two hundred catties.

This time it was a small school of six fish. Originally, he thought that the tuna would be relatively small, but he did not expect it to weigh more than two hundred catties.

It's a pity that after the three fishes were caught, the remaining three fishes were full and ran far away, and their speed was really fast. At least the Sea God couldn't catch up, and Chu Mingcheng couldn't do anything about it.

Fortunately, the harvest from last night to today has rekindled Jiang Luoluo's hope for the championship.

On the other side of Chen Yang, after more than ten hours of sailing, they stopped the boat at around nine o'clock in the evening and got busy.

They had already arrived at the location Chu Mingcheng said an hour ago, but they didn't find any big fish, so they kept driving towards the border of the open sea.

In the end, luck was very good, and I really met a group of big fish.

However, their efficiency was not as exaggerated as that of Chu Mingcheng. It took three and a half hours for the first fish to be caught by the two of them in rotation.

"Fuck, bluefin tuna!" Zhang Wei, who was tired enough to see the fish beside the boat, shouted in surprise, and the exhaustion on his body disappeared in an instant.

"Really?" Chen Yang also caught a big one here, and just let Zhao Jun take a rest, so when he heard the word bluefin tuna, he immediately moved over.

People who are not familiar with these are likely to confuse yellowfin tuna with bluefin tuna.

But for those who are often exposed to these, bluefin tuna can be recognized at a glance.

After confirming that it was bluefin tuna, he immediately stepped forward to help: "Quickly, quickly, pull the fish up quickly, and don't let it escape."

After a while of busy work, the bluefin tuna was successfully pulled onto the boat. After bloodletting, Zhang Wei couldn't wait to lift it with a crane, and then checked the weight.

"One hundred and sixty-one catties, I feel that it can sell for at least 30,000, which is not bad."

Chen Yang nodded, with a smile on his face all the time: "It's really good, if the quality is better, it can be sold at a higher price."

At this moment, Zhao Jun also suddenly shouted: "Come and help me, my side is also bluefin tuna."

As soon as these words came out, the smiles of the people on board suddenly became more obvious.

It's a pity that none of them are open hooks. Even though there are a lot of fish here, the fish shoals that catch the sun's head will disperse, and the two groups can barely catch six.

Fortunately, all of them are bluefin tuna. The only pity is that there are no particularly large ones, all of which are about 160 to 70 catties.

Even so, their six bluefin tuna can still be sold for a good price.

There is no problem with more than 200,000. If you are lucky, if there are two high-quality ones, the selling price may be higher than the sum of their previous two times.

After the fish shoals dispersed, several people on the boat began to collect the poles and clean up without getting enough. Zhao Jun's wife came out to take over their work and let them have breakfast at the same time.

However, after Chen Yang and others went to eat breakfast, Zhao Jun's wife suddenly rushed into the kitchen again, and said to Chen Yang, who is the captain, "Ah Yang, I saw a small boat heading towards us. Come here, could it be that you are looking for trouble?"

"We are in our own domestic waters, not in their country's waters, so it shouldn't be possible to cause trouble. But let's go out and have a look, and see what the other party is doing here!"

Chen Yang thought for a while, and then denied Zhao Jun's wife's guess.

But he really didn't know the purpose of the other party's visit, so they temporarily put down the bowls and chopsticks and came to the deck to check the situation.

Just before he walked out of the cabin, he grabbed Zhang Wei again: "Awei, you go to the pilothouse. If the other party really makes trouble, you should leave the boat quickly and notify the patrol boat by the way."

Zhang Wei has no objection. He and Chen Yang are the only ones with driver’s licenses on board. If something really happens, he will be the one to drive the boat.

After he went to the cab, he immediately started the fishing boat, and then saw the small day's boat through the window.

What came was a fishing boat about the length of the Bailong, with the national flag flying on the top of the boat, and one could recognize where the other party came from at a glance.

After a short while, the fishing boat began to slow down and slowly approached.

Zhang Wei felt relieved for the time being, because two people on the other side were waving their hands at the ship's side.

There are two crew members behind them, using a crane to hoist a two-meter-long bluefin tuna.

Zhang Wei didn't know the purpose of the other party's visit in the cab. He could only watch Chen Yang and the other party holding a mobile phone to communicate, and he was a little curious.

The exchange time between the two sides is not long, just a short time.

Then Zhang Wei saw the enthusiastic smile of the captain in Xiaotian gradually disappear, and then he returned to the cab, started the fishing boat and left here slowly.

But the fishing boat hasn't moved away yet, and he hasn't left the cab either.

After a short meeting, Chen Yang, Zhao Jun and others came to the cab with ugly faces.

"Why are you here these days?" Zhang Wei asked curiously when he saw them coming.

"Fish seller!" Chen Yang's face was black, and his tone was not very good.

"Selling fish?" Zhang Wei wondered, "The fishermen in the small days sell fish to domestic fishermen?"

Zhao Jun answered his question: "Some retail fishermen who come to the far sea do trade with small-time fishermen, but basically we sell fish to each other, and the trading place will be on the high seas."

"I've never heard of the situation where Xiaotian took the initiative to come to our place to sell fish."

"I saw a bluefin tuna just now, isn't it here to sell this?"

"It's here to promote bluefin tuna." Chen Yang guessed, "I tried it just now, although the other party didn't say anything, but I guess the sudden change in the rankings this time should be related to selling fish on a small day. "

"When I came here just now, I probably sold bluefin tuna, or knew that there was a fishing competition here, so I came here specially."

This guess is almost inseparable, and Zhang Wei is very annoyed: "Damn, these people are too disgusting, and they still cheat?"

Zhao Jun touched his chin, and had a guess: "It may be related to the sudden release of monitoring. Although the monitoring can be broken after installation, the route of the ship can be checked, and the time needed to return to the voyage can be predicted."

“Monitoring can also check for intentional damage.”

"After the monitoring is installed, if they are not ranked high and want to buy fish to cheat, the risk will become very high."

"This should be a follow-up, but now we need to install monitoring, so some people with channels will make a wave first."

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, thinking that this possibility is very high.

"The surveillance on our ship captured all these things today, can you report them?" Zhao Jun's wife asked.

Chen Yang shook his head: "There is no evidence, and the other party is just selling fish without disclosing any information, which is useless. But the monitoring can be handed over to the organizer, at least they will pay attention to it, and send some staff to inspect it .”

Zhang Wei sighed, and at the moment it really can only be like this: "By the way, do you want to tell Ah Cheng about this?"

Chen Yang nodded: "Tell him about it! Convex (她盘哉), Ah Cheng had a great chance of winning the championship. These dogs don't have the spirit of competition at all."

Afterwards, the few of them continued to eat breakfast, and then went back to the bedroom to rest and sleep.

As for Chu Mingcheng, of course he received a message from Chen Yang.

After he finished reading, a look of surprise appeared on his face. It turned out that there was really something behind the changes in the rankings last time.

Afterwards, he deleted the message from Chen Yang, mainly because he didn't want Jiang Luoluo to know about it, lest she get angry.

After all, it's useless to be angry about this matter, and it will also affect her mood.

Tapped the console with his fingers, Chu Mingcheng, who was sitting in the driver's seat, showed a disdainful smile on his face.

So what about cheating, I originally wanted to restrain myself, but now it seems that it is time to let them know what despair is!

If there is no third place, will these people look very exciting?

Chu Mingcheng thought of Yao Xin. Among the current contestants, apart from Chen Yang, she was an acquaintance.

This time it was a bargain for her and her team.

Then Chu Mingcheng put away his phone, opened the bluefin tuna map, and began to look for today's target.

It's not time to contact Yao Xin yet. When he is far ahead of the second place, the other party may take the initiative to contact him.

initiative? He can never take the initiative!

After a short meeting, Chu Mingcheng had already found today's target.

Originally, he wanted to catch more bigeye tuna. There are currently four bluefin tuna, which is actually quite a large proportion. He also wanted to keep a low profile.

But it’s obviously not needed now. Anyway, there is monitoring, even if all the fish are bluefin tuna, it doesn’t matter. At most, others will think that he is unlucky.

(end of this chapter)