Chapter 76

Qin Zhongyue felt that something wasn’t right with him today. He was a little overwhelmed.

But he persisted and continued, “And you like to lie.”

Shi Yanyu, “Who have I lied to?”

Qin Zhongyue, “Your mother. You have hidden from her your identity as an illegitimate child. What you’re doing is not right.”

Qin Zhongyue blushed when he heard his praises. He said, “Don’t think that I’ll forgive you if you say that. You are a sneaky rat. I’m sure you have said plenty of bad things about me!”

Shi Yanyu said, “I haven’t said anything bad about you.”

He thought about it and added, “At most, I just called you an idiot because you’re still hanging out with those people.”

Qin Zhongyue, “I’m not an idiot, you’re the idiot.”

Xie Zhongxing looked towards Qin Zhongyue and asked, “You can do all those things?”

Qin Zhongyue answered, “Yeah.”

He seemed to have noticed the light in Xie Zhongxing’s eyes and proceeded to puff up his chest, “Developing all kinds of hobbies is good for you! It’ll allow me to live a long life!”

Xie Zhongxing glanced at Shi Yanyu. Although Shi Yanyu had been voicing out his true thoughts to Qin Zhongyue all this time, he couldn’t help but feel that those last words were spoken deliberately so that he could hear it too.

Was he exposing Qin Zhongyue’s clean and pure background using his identity as a former friend in order to gain his favour?

…..It was at least better than Li Jin and co.

Xie Zhongxing couldn’t deny that his mood was good when he heard those words but there was also a small part of him that wasn’t happy because he hadn’t known about this before.

Shi Yanyu continued, “You have never touched any women or any men. You are a pure virgin.”

Qin Zhongyue said proudly, “I am still one now!”

Shi Yanyu looked at Xie Zhongxing and then at Qin Zhongyue and was puzzled, “…..So you’re not going to be one soon?”

Xie Zhongxing, “……..”

Shi Yanyu said again, “I am also a virgin.”

Qin Zhongyue, “? You are too?!”

He raised his tea cup and said super loudly, “Then cheers to our virginity!”

Qin Zhongyue was too heavy. Xie Zhongxing called over the chauffeur and worked together with the chauffeur to carry Qin Zhongyue into the car.