Chapter 266 Perfect Being

Name:The Fox Goddess Author:
Yuki breathed out of cold breath as she gazed down at everyone like trash, and after taking a deep breath. Yuki yelled out something that made every Adventurer tremble in fear.

"Sayaka! When do you want me to kill these f*ckers? That is your plan, right? This is the person who killed your entire race, the Holy Dragon Race." Yuki smiled coldly as she chained up everyone using her Ice, instantly they couldn't make a move.

"Yes, you're one smart person, Miss Yuki, or else this would have been much harder," Sayaka said with a smile that was full of gratitude to Yuki, she then held Aria's hand tightly. She begins to recollect how they massacred every one of their Race. It was still vivid in her dreams because she saw it right in front of her.

Sayaka then revealed her true face, and she also deactivated Aria's illusion facade, and when the Founders of the Adventurer Guild set their eyes on the both of them. All of them widened their eyes.

"You… Someone survived from that night?" Azir said as his body begins to tremble.

"Oh, looks like you didn't forget me. Yes, I'm that woman's daughter Azir, the woman you killed because she rejected you. You not only killed my entire family because of that, but you also killed every single one of our Race." Sayaka answered in a pained voice, Aria also couldn't hold herself anymore as her aura began to emit strongly at everyone but it didn't put that much effect since she is far weaker than the true monster there.

"That's horrible…" Anna covered her mouth in shock when she heard the story behind the massacre of the Holy Dragon. Everyone knows that story, but it was already twisted. The story that circulated the Mystic Dragon Heaven is that they were killed by some Gods out of anger, which was unbelievable at first. But since they don't have any evidence, all of them accepted that story.

The true story was something crueler. When Azir first became a Spirit Gathering, he fell in love with a woman. That woman happens to be Sayaka and Aria's mother. Her name was Arisu Dragen, she was the previous Queen of Holy Dragon, and everyone loved her because of her kindness and gentleness. People would even address her as a Saintess, not a Queen.

Because he thought so highly of himself, he made a public declaration that he will become the husband of the Holy Dragon Queen. Some people made some comments about it because they thought that he was too great for her. She was already a widow at that time, as her husband was already dead a few years ago.

And when the time came and he proposed to her, he was humiliated. "I will not marry anyone else other than my husband, even if he's already dead. He is the only person that I could ever love." Arisu said those words that made Azir feel like he was slapped in the cheeks, he was one of the greatest geniuses in Mystic Dragon Heaven and he was rejected that easily.

Because he couldn't take it down, he murdered all of them because of his anger. He didn't spare a single one, Sayaka was lucky to survive because of the Magic that Arisu has left her, it was also the same with Aria, but because during the war they were separated both of them thought that her sister had already died during the war.

"This is funny to me, how can you be so petty? You killed the woman who you clearly stated that you love, but then you suddenly killed her because she rejected you. What kind of pathetic excuse is that? Even I would not stoop that low, because of a simple rejection you just had to exterminate their Race huh?" Yuki asked with a smile that sent a chill down to every Race except for the Beast Race.

Now that they know the true reason why the Holy Dragon was extinct is because of the Humans, anger burns through their blood. As the whole War was being watched by everyone because it was a great moment for everyone.

"Shut up! You don't know anything! I'm a perfect being, no one should ever reject me because I am perfect, while you are a useless piece of shit that I can always throw away." Azir said loudly and clearly to everyone, it was clear to them that he was mocking all of them.

This statement made Yuki laugh coldly, she then closed her palms. Suddenly the Ice Chains that were holding Azir got even tighter, and colder.

"Momozano, you must have the powers to do this right? Make my voice so that every person in the Heavens can hear it. I want to announce something to open their minds. Also, make sure that every God can hear this, even the Primordials." Yuki asked coldly, but to Momozano it was more of a task than a favor.

"Fine, I wonder what you will be saying. I hope that it's not something offensive. Nevermind… You are Yuki, I forgot. You will say something absurd that would make a lot of people mad." Momozano gave up and did just as Yuki said, using her true, original powers. It was an easy feat.

"Do you think that you are perfect? Well, that's stupid. Nothing is perfect in this world, there is nothing. Even Gods are a failure. The people that you look up to, have made mistakes throughout their life. If there is something perfect in this world, then that would be meaningless. Perfection is what all people strive for, but when you already reach such a certain point it will lose all of its meaning. Do you say that something is perfect? But the words "buts'', and "it can be better" will always surface in your mind. Remember this, there is nothing perfect in this world because everything in this world is limitless." Yuki said coldly her voice rang into everyone's ear. Even Serene and Ayame were surprised that they heard Yuki's voice ring in their head.

And when they looked at the army that was waiting for their commands having a confused look on their face, they immediately realized that they were not the only people who heard Yuki's voice.

"What the hell is happening? Is Yuki somehow connected to a Primordial God?" Serene asked Ayame, but she also had no clue about what was happening.

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