Chapter 116: Back to Where It All Started- Part II

Chapter 116: Back to Where It All Started- Part II

Silas continued his game and we continued to follow him.

We walked for a long time. In the end, it was over an hour. It didn't seem like we were getting anywhere. I just saw the same types of graves., the occasional body hanging from a tree that had been used as target practice.

A growing feeling of unease overtook me the further we moved into the unending forest of graves.

Something special was happening. I should have been excited. Silas was bringing us somewhere for a reason. All I could think about was what false assumptions I had made along the way and how we were about to pay for them.

Eventually, Silas stopped.

We all looked at each other. Antoine was not in the mood to wait around. He was the first to hit the button.

At least half a dozen tickets came out of Silas’ dispenser. Ticket types I had never seen before. I wasn’t interested in most of them just yet. There was one ticket type I was looking for.

A marigold yellow trope ticket.

Antoine shuffled through his rewards looking for it.

And there it was:

A Race Against Time

Type: Rescue

Archetype: Athlete

Aspect: Sport

Stat Used: Hustle

Monsters and serial killers make formidable foes, but one enemy takes more victims than all of them put together. Time. When everything is at stake, will you make it across the finish line?

Rescue: When a player enters a compatible storyline with this trope while possessing any missing posters of deceased players who died in that same storyline, the storyline will be changed into a Rescue. Succeeding in the Rescue will revive the dead players. This ticket will indicate on the red wallpaper if a nearby storyline is applicable.

With this trope equipped and activated successfully, the storyline will shift into a scenario where the players are forced to race against some established time limit to accomplish a discrete task to save downed players. Downed players will not be able to assist in their Rescue barring a trope that allows them to. The race will, as it sounds, be a feat of Hustle, but may incorporate other tests as well.

Applicable stories will typically be those with high-Savvy enemies who can design the race or high-Hustle enemies to race against the Player.

Countdown: The Player will be able to see the timer related to this trope.

Takeover: This trope will cancel out any story alterations except those inherent to the Archetype or Advanced Archetype associated with this ticket.

Beat the Clock is the only Win Condition. No others may be added to the Rescue.

Lived to Tell the Tale: Any players who survive a storyline altered by this trope will not die regardless of whether the storyline is failed. Those who die will need to be Rescued.

I sure hope you didn’t slack on cardio.

My heart skipped a beat. A genuine Rescue trope. Most players I had met had never even seen one.

I was still skeptical. I had been fearing this very thing.

“This is good though, right?” Kimberly said, desperately. She must have seen the look on my face. “We can save everyone now.”

Dina and Bobby sounded overjoyed in the background.

I didn’t trust good things that I didn’t earn. I was more interested in finding out why we were just now getting Rescue tropes. Why take them away just to give them back like this? Why bring us into this weird never-ending wooded graveyard?

I went and hit Silas’ red button. We all did. One after another.

Antoine got one stat ticket, two tropes (including his A Race Against Time rescue ticket), and three tickets we had never heard of before.

No one had ever mentioned some of these ticket types. I was dumbfounded.

The first was called a Luggage Tag, which I immediately understood to be one thing.

“It’s an item inventory,” I said. I was so taken aback by the realization that we had been playing without our inventories this whole time. Why would we just now be receiving something this essential?

Small Luggage Tag

Weight Limit: Ten Pounds

Transferable: No

Sign this ticket and place it inside the carrying implement of your choice, be it a backpack, purse, or similar item. This Luggage will become your inventory on the red wallpaper. Any objects that could feasibly be placed in the Luggage will be able to fit, in any amount up to the combined Weight Limit of all Luggage Tags. Contents will appear on the red wallpaper. The luggage will never get heavier. Items placed in the Luggage will only be retrievable in storylines if they make sense in the narrative.

When an additional tag is required, you will be alerted on the red wallpaper. Every time the Luggage is damaged in a story, the Luggage tag has a chance of needing replaced.

I thought back to the overstuffed bag that Arthur carried into storylines that contained all of his monster hunting equipment. To think, with Luggage Tags, he could have carried everything in a small duffle or even a satchel. Did Arthur just not know they existed?

His next ticket was called a Criminal Bounty.

Criminal Bounty

Name: The Star-Crossed Killers

Plot Armor: 20-40

Wanted for Torture, Mayhem, Murder, Witchcraft

Reward: Dead- 10 Dollars, Alive- 100 Dollars Per Killer

Last Know Location: East of Carousel, across the Hanging Bridge.

Details: The killers’ spree has left several dead and many others wounded. Bringing them to justice remains a high priority of the Carousel Police Department.

Antoine explained that he could see a wanted poster for these Star-Crossed Killers on the red wallpaper, though the faces were blank.

His final ticket was something called a Keepsake.

Congratulations, you have earned a Keepsake. Please select an applicable Trophy item from what remains of the killers you defeated to keep in your possession. This Keepsake may not be used in for its usual purpose in a storyline, but it can be spent for a one-time use of one of the following rewards:

A boost to a saving throw for [ Mettle ]

OrThe origin of this chapter's debut can be traced to N0v3l--B1n.

Use of the trope: Desperation- As the situation gets more desperate, move stats in Moxie and Savvy into Mettle and Hustle

Applicable stories will typically be those with a versatile main cast. Be warned: this Rescue will activate in storylines that it does not synergize well with. Further, some enemies with meta-knowledge will be able to interfere with the players.

Takeover: This trope will cancel out any story alterations except those inherent to the Archetype or Advanced Archetype associated with this ticket.

Save the Innocents is the only Win Condition. No others may be added to the Rescue.

Lived to Tell the Tale: Any players who survive a storyline altered by this trope will not die regardless of whether the storyline is failed. Those who died will need to be Rescued.

You can tell them how to survive. Better hope they listen.

That sounded like a nightmare to use. Maybe Dina and Bobby would be able to work together on a Rescue like the one described, but it would be a while before they had the tropes needed to make it work. This Rescue basically turned the whole team into Wallflowers or Outsiders in effect.

Bobby got a stat ticket, a Luggage Tag, and a trope. He didn’t get a Rescue Ticket.

My Only Role is Exposition

Type: Insight/Rule

Archetype: Wallflower

Aspect: Recast

Stat Used: Moxie

Nuanced characters and subtle storytelling are for snobs. We need the information right away so that we can get to the slashing.

With this trope equipped, the player will be given more interesting and useful information during the Party and Rebirth. While important plot points may not be revealed, the player will have some insight on where to obtain such information. The nature of the information they obtain will depend on the role they are cast in. They will only have access to the information while On-Screen. When the player is delivering exposition, allies who are not nearby will go Off-Screen.

Be warned: the player will lose access to the extra information if the audience gets bored during the exposition, so try to be engaging.

Don’t be afraid to take notes.

I wasn’t sure if this was meant to be an ironic reward or not. Seemed useful.

Lastly, I received two tropes, the same Keepsake Antoine did, a killer collectible, and a Luggage Tag. No stat tickets for me.

I got a trope for pointing out where Antoine’s baseball bat was. Sometimes the feats that got you tropes astounded me.

The Insert Shot

Type: Insight/Action/Buff

Archetype: Film Buff

Aspect: Filmmaker

Stat Used: Savvy, Moxie

An insert shot is when the camera shows a close-up of an object or detail in a scene. The filmmaker chooses it to convey importance.

During the Party, the Player will have increased odds of finding important objects for the story, be it a weapon, MacGuffin, or similar. They will be able to “Mark it” on the red wallpaper, alerting fellow players to its presence and causing the camera to get several key insert shots of the object to help build its importance to the audience.

The object will have an increased usefulness in the Finale, whether that means granting higher Mettle for a weapon, higher Savvy for a book, or similar.

If the object was relevant to the player’s death, this trope can be used after the Party on Deathwatch.

Try this trope in Conjunction with Chekov’s Stagehand.

An object’s power grows with the audience’s anticipation.

Like my friends, I received a Rescue Trope.

The Wrong Reel

Type: Rescue

Archetype: Film Buff

Aspect: Filmmaker

Stat Used: Savvy

Not everyone has an uncle in the industry who can get their dream projects funded. Some people have to work freelance just to make ends meet while trying to make their filmmaking dreams come true.

That’s what you did. You became a freelance editor. Piecing together wedding videos and the occasional indie film. That is until you got a few film reels that no one was ever supposed to see.

Rescue: When a player enters a compatible storyline with this trope while possessing any missing posters of deceased players who died in that same storyline, the storyline will be changed into a Rescue. Succeeding in the Rescue will revive the dead players. This ticket will indicate on the red wallpaper if a nearby storyline is applicable.

With this trope equipped and activated successfully, the player will begin by viewing raw footage of the failed storyline as if it were filmed by the killer or victims themselves. Horrified by what they see, they begin to call the police. The phone line is dead. That’s only the beginning of your problem. You were never supposed to see that footage and now the killer knows you have it. They will besiege you as you and your “roommates” hope to survive until help comes in the morning.

Applicable stories will typically be those with high Savvy enemies who either filmed the carnage of the previous run, or otherwise were capable of learning the player possesses the footage. Some supernatural entities will also be applicable.

Additional Requirements: A Base at which you will be besieged. A room where you will watch the footage. When you have this trope equipped and the missing posters in your inventory, the footage and equipment to edit it will be delivered to your door by post.

Countdown: The Player will be able to see the timer related to this trope.

Takeover: This trope will cancel out any story alterations except those inherent to the Archetype or Advanced Archetype associated with this ticket.

Survive the Night is the only Win Condition. No others may be added to the Rescue.

Better pay attention to the film. You won’t get many chances to watch it again.

So, there it was. My own rescue ticket.

Would this be the one we used to save Camden and Anna? Only time would tell.

I was surprised to find that I had been given the credit for Bradley’s death. Often when a death got too attenuated, the player wouldn’t count as having killed them. There were obviously some rules I had not been told about.

Bradley Speirs

Psychopath Slasher

In the inky depths of malevolence, Bradley Speirs thrives. A creature of impulsive cruelties, dark curiosities, and feigned stupidity, he is a storm that even his brother Merritt struggles to contain. Time and again, he derails Merritt's meticulous machinations, leaving chaos in his wake. Yet beneath the surface, a sinister delight bubbles; Bradley revels in the bloody aftermath. For where his brother sees strategy, Bradley only craves the thrill of the spatter.

So, the good news was we got Rescue tropes.

What was the bad news?