The shadow assassin walked through the slaves and looked up at the ceiling from time to time. The female assassin walked on the wall and ceiling as if walking on the ground, and repeatedly launched attacks on her head, leaving a deep impression on the shadow assassin.

But this is the last floor of the black ship, and the lifting frame is very high. If the female assassin wants to repeat the old skill, the time in the air is enough for the shadow assassin to finish the anti killing easily, and then watch her body fall to the ground.

There was no place to hide. The shadow assassin swept the whole cabin with his eyes. This was the cabin of the slaves. There was no ornament, because they didn't need it. Besides the entrance they had just entered, there was only an exit on the other side of the room.

Colin follows the female assassin's steps all the way. The size of the cabin, if the female assassin doesn't have full strength, there won't be enough time to leave through the exit at the end of the room before he enters.

But the shadow assassin didn't hear the female assassin running. She was still in the room. The only possibility was that she was hidden in the slaves.

At first glance, the slaves were all naked, with only a veil around their waists. Everyone was shaved. How could a woman hide among these people?

Despite his doubts, the shadow assassin has seen so many incredible things in his career that he would rather believe that his enemy can do anything impossible than relax his vigilance.

Assassins check the past one by one. Every slave will caress each other's bald head carefully and leave a mark on each other's scalp with a dagger to prevent him from missing a potential danger.

"Come on, let's see if you can calm down!" The shadow assassin cuts a slave's scalp with a dagger, and gently presses the other's neck with the other hand, and measures the pulse and heartbeat of the person under the knife.

Numbness, tension, fear, these are the gains of the shadow assassin, up to this one in front of you. The assassin feels that under his own blade, others are startled by the sudden contact, followed by a violent heartbeat, fear, or completely corpse like, from beginning to end, there is no response.

This one is different. The opponent's heart beat fast, and then quickly returned to calm. The shadow assassin smiles, puts the dagger across the other's throat, reaches for the target's ear and says, "too fast, the mood changes too fast. You should know more about the psychological changes of ordinary people."

On the other side, the demon hunter, who lost the guidance of the shadow assassin, was lucky not to encounter any other side roads, and walked all the way to a round cabin. In the middle of the cabin, a huge stone pillar with various inscriptions was fixed on the metal base. With the pillar as the center, seven black cast iron doors were distributed in a ring.

Xu Yichen breathed a sigh of relief. It should be here. The sense of oppression that looms in the surrounding environment reaches its peak here. The demon hunter draws a Dharma seal in the air, and the effect is like a fart.

The hunter examined the surroundings to make sure that there was no other passage except the one he had entered. Then he gently knocked the first gate on his right hand with his sword.

Special symbols are arranged on the cast iron door with rivets. The meaning of these symbols can not be distinguished by demon hunters. If it is not numbered, it represents the grade. Because at the far end of the door, the use of a different material, particularly conspicuous.

Seeing that there was no response after the door, the demon hunter stepped back and split the chain on the door. The dark room was empty.

Xu Yichen goes to the second gate and opens the door directly with his sword. Just now he looked at the thickness of the door. The sound in the room may not be heard outside.

In the second room, nothing was found, but the marks on the back of the metal door, which seemed to be left with nails, let the demon hunter feel the despair of those who had been locked in it before.

As the hunter opens the door of the third gate with his sword, the subtle sound of the chain shaking comes into his ears. Sure enough, in the room, a skinny girl with a slender arm in front of her eyes, like a frightened rabbit hiding in the corner of the room, shivering.

"Hi, can you hear me?" The demon hunter tried to make his voice seem amiable, but Xu Yichen felt that it was very difficult for him to do this. The scald on his arm had not healed. How could he get up with his ferocious wounds, daggers, swords, and all armed?

But unexpectedly, hearing her own voice, the little girl put down her arm timidly. Her eyes seemed to be shaken by the light outside the room. She looked tearful. The demon hunter realized that the little girl was not too old and was still a Lori.

"Who are you?" Because the little girl has not seen the light for a long time, she can only see a black figure standing at the door. The bright light shines from his back into the dark room. Most importantly, his voice is low, which is different from those scary women!

Demon hunters think it's better to avoid introducing each other at this time: "I'm here to save you. Follow me. I'll take you out of here!"

Then the demon hunter walked into the room and cut off the chain that bound the girl to the room with his sword. At the other end of the chain, a rusty foot cuff was attached to the girl's ankle.The little girl looked at the shadow disappeared in the light of the door, did not know what to do, if the group of women suddenly come back? What if the man just left and left himself here?

"Mom, what should I do? I miss you so much The little girl stood up with tears in her eyes. Her hairy tail swayed around with the girl's movements, as if confused as her master.

The hunter turned and walked out of the cell. He didn't pay attention to the girl behind him. Time was running out. He had two people to look for. The most important thing is that the special door, unlike other rooms, uses chains to lock the door outside. Xu Yichen just glanced at it and didn't know how to open it later.

Ideally, there is no one in the house. With this in mind, the demon hunter intends to bypass the gate directly.

"Open it, you can do it, demon hunter. It's fate." A voice suddenly appeared in his mind. The demon hunter held the sword and turned around vigilantly. He startled the little Lori who had just left the house. He immediately turned around and wanted to run back to his cell. As a result, his head hit the doorframe and squatted on the ground with both hands in his arms, choking in a low voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!