The gray deal in the mouth of the young aristocrat should refer to the deal between him and Antoine on the green skin.

However, Xu Yichen did not know what supported him. He used this ridiculous reason to accuse a demon hunter who had just received a reward from the church.

After all, why can't you sell a brain that you can cut off with your own skill?

Even if the priest in front of him was related to the young nobleman by blood, he could not find anything wrong with this matter.

Unless, the woking church is going to tear its skin off with the demon hunters.

To be fair to all, a religious organization with believers all over the world and able to make waves in the financial market can really do what he wants when facing a small organization with a total number of no more than 300 people.

But this world, after all, is a world of true gods. If the Church of woking really wants to do this, even if the goddess woking herself turns a blind eye, other forces in the church will not agree.

Those orderly and kind gods can't rub any sand in their eyes.

Xu Yichen looked at the young man who was a little nervous but full of confidence.

As a well-educated aristocrat, although the person in front of him was spoiled and had not experienced any setback education, he could not be an idiot to interrupt a meeting involving three forces with this reason.

Unless he's really out of his head, he's got some kind of curse, maybe Antoine's poisoning him? After all, mages have developed a lot of magic to control human thought and behavior.

Maybe that fat man is going to use this method to solve this annoying guy who has been following his butt to make small reports once and for all?

However, in front of his aunt, who was the golden shepherd of the woking church, the two schemes could not succeed. Xu Yichen also believed that Antoine had the courage to provoke this young nobleman with a prominent family background.

"Auntie, I have solid evidence that there was a shady deal between this demon hunter apprentice and Antoine." The young nobleman said in his aunt's puzzled eyes, "I hope you will allow me to bring my witness."

After the young man's forehead began to sweat, she said in a deep voice: "since you insist on this, I will give you a chance to let your people speak."

This is the temple of wealth. The Reverend Shangjin is the undoubted master here. She doesn't need to discuss with anyone. She can give orders directly.

She hesitated for a moment because she did not know what kind of medicine her nephew was selling. This nephew of sarira was one of the best of the younger generations of the talbrontan family.

He's not a fool whose mind is filled with family glory, unless he's sure it's good for him or for sarira to do what he wants to do.

Or both, sarira looked at her confident nephew and decided to give him a chance.

"I hope you won't let me down, or I'll have to reconsider your value, nephew." With the voice of sarira, the pastor of Shangjin, Mr. Richard also took up his shoulder, intending to see what these people were doing.

As the sound of footsteps approached, a man who was tied up was carried up by the servants of the young nobles. In this man, the demon hunter felt a familiar wave of power.

The companion of the shadow assassin Colin, the lucky one who escaped in the hands of a demon hunter last time.

"From the time I arrived at port Antony, I felt that what was happening here was a bit of a coincidence." The youngest successor of the talbrontans arranged his collar and began to perform: "in this city of natural and man-made disasters, little change of Lord is hardly noticed by anyone."

"Except for us nobles themselves." The young nobleman gradually found self-confidence in his words. He was very skilled in this scene: "after all, in the eyes of adults, we are just shepherds, responsible for maintaining the order of the world, but we also have our own pride!"

"Please cut into your subject quickly, shepherd." Reverend Richard said impatiently, "as you said, we don't have much time to waste on these common things."

Pastor Shang Jin looked at Richard and didn't speak. From the root, sharila also agreed with what he said, except when it was related to family interests.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I want to say that, as the first aristocrats to colonize the far south, the complete destruction of the Antony family is a matter of great importance in the aristocratic Council." The young nobleman bowed to Reverend Richard: "so I was given the responsibility of investigating the whole matter by the parliament."

"Judging from the existing information, the death of the Antony family is the result of their own fault, and collusion with chaos is not allowed! It is also reasonable for Antoine to be righted at a critical moment as the Acting City Lord. " The young nobleman, holding out his hand and laughing at himself, said, "but I am a suspicious person. I am an aristocrat myself. I understand our way of doing things. We are not good people.""I am more used to infer from the results that in this case, I found that the biggest beneficiaries were Antoine and -" the young nobleman turned his eyes to Xu Yichen: "this respected Mr. demon hunter."

Hearing this, Xu Yichen frowned slightly, kneeling on the ground all the time. The silent shadow assassin grinned at the demon hunter with a look of winning.

And Xu Yichen finally saw through this young nobleman's scheme and cheered for it.

"From the outbreak of the chaos crisis, to Antoine becoming the city Lord of Antony, to Mr. devil hunter taking possession of the territory, there are a lot of stories in between." The young nobleman boasted: "for example, after Antoine was in power, the treasure in his treasure house suddenly disappeared. According to statistics, it was almost 30000 gold coins worth of wealth."

"More coincidentally, since then, the revered Mr. demon hunter, and his companions, have become extravagant." The young nobleman seemed to be in a position to win. He asked Xu Yichen, "have you recently purchased a seagoing ship in the port through captain EMUs Rockefeller, together with the sailors and cargo on board?"

Xu Yichen, smiling at the young nobleman, replied, "yes."

"That night, the paladin of the temple of war was on duty in the Lord's house. I can testify that the burglars had nothing to do with the demon hunters." Reverend Richard gave a brief introduction.

In fact, he couldn't understand what the matter had to do with the devil hunter. If so, what would happen? After all, for the extraordinary, such a thing, if not caught on the spot, is a bad debt.

"You may not know that there are a lot of magic equipment in this wealth." The young noble respectfully said to Reverend Richard, "I can provide you with a complete list of equipment."

"It wasn't long after my informant reported that the equipment appeared in the hands of Mr. demon hunter and his companions, and played a huge role in the fight against chaos." The nobleman bowed to Xu Yichen and expressed his admiration: "I think these weapons and equipment are also willing to play a role in more useful occasions, rather than being put in the secret room as a collection by a fat headed aristocrat."

Xu Yichen can't deny this. After all, he didn't want to keep secret. I'm afraid that people in half the city and Antoine himself, the owner, knew that the weapons were in his hands.

"What are you trying to express?" The Reverend Shang Jin waved impatiently. Her patience was almost exhausted. She was indifferent to the game in the aristocratic Parliament.

"Sorry, aunt." The young nobleman said politely to his aunt. He was full of heroic spirit and did not show any shyness at the beginning: "I now suspect that this demon hunter and Antoine have usurped the throne of Lord in the name of chaos!"

This time, Reverend Richard could not help changing his face, and even the Reverend sarira of King frowned. She felt that her nephew had played a little too much fun.

"Do you know how serious the charges you are controlling?" Reverend Richard asked with a cold face. He personally led people to eliminate little Anthony who had taken refuge in chaos. This is an indisputable fact.

"Do you know that the man you are accusing is a demon hunter!" Pastor Richard's tone was more severe, he could not allow someone to throw this kind of muddy water on the demon hunter.

This is an insult to all warriors who fight against chaos!

"Reverend Richard, don't be excited." At this time, sarira, the pastor of Shangjin, had already seen through her nephew's intention, though somewhat naive.

Under the gaze of all the people, the Reverend Shangjin said quietly: "after all, no one can understand chaos as well as the demon hunters. Moreover, there have been some demon hunters who have turned to chaos recently..."

although sarira's words have not been finished, the meaning has been clearly revealed.

In the past, no one could have doubted the devil hunter, and no one could have examined the purity of the demon hunter by excuse of being too deep into chaos.

However, now that the demon hunter has organized a traitor, his position is embarrassed. The dirty water of the young successor of LeBron Tan really makes the demon hunter a little confused.

"Since you and your teacher appeared in port Antony, chaos and erosion have occurred frequently. Do you admit it?" The young nobleman did not wait for the people in the temple to speak, and then he asked in a hurry: "for the first time, chaos has eroded, you have gained a piece of territory outside the city!"

"The second chaotic erosion event happened in Xiacheng District, you have got more than half of Xiacheng's leaders!" Although the young nobles used honorifics, the sarcasm in their tone had already been exhausted: "what do you want to say about these benefits that we can see and see?"

For the previous accusation, Reverend Richard closed his mouth. At this time, he could not and should not come out to stand in line.

Within the church, there have been many voices of distrust in response to this change in the organization of demon hunters. The work style of the organization over the past few years has caused dissatisfaction among many forces.

But in the name of the sharpest blade against chaos, no one dares to stand up and blame the evil Hunter organization. Now retribution has come."Of course, I'm not accusing Mr. hunter of colluding with chaos. I just suspect that Mr. hunter and Antoine have made an agreement in advance through this chaotic erosion event." As a good man, the young nobleman turned the topic back: "Antoine's wealth of 30000 gold coins may be the reward."

"Most importantly, do you admit that Antoine has these weapons in your hands?" The young nobleman turned gracefully and asked the demon hunter again.

"No, it's not in my hands." Without any hesitation, Xu Yichen answered calmly.

Sometimes, it is also a kind of ability to tell lies with open eyes, such as the demon hunter himself.

If there is a paladin or priest using a magic technique to detect lies, the green light will also represent honesty. Anyway, the sword has been broken and the robe has been torn. Xu Yichen feels from the bottom of his heart that he is telling the truth.

In a way, he didn't lie, he just changed his concept.

"You The young nobleman called out in a rage and looked at his aunt with a look of help.

The Reverend Shangjin frowned and looked at the demon hunter. For a moment, she was fooled by the hunter's calmness. If she released the magic skill of detecting lies, she would probably prove the other party's innocence.

"I have a witness!" The young nobleman, seeing that his aunt did not come forward, pointed to the shadow assassin on the ground anxiously and said, "this is a shadow assassin of the shadow organization. He can testify that the man who appeared in the Antoine treasure house is now in the castle of the demon hunter!"

"I am willing to testify, your honor, I have abandoned the secret and left the shadow organization!" Another former shadow assassin responded in good time: "I have evidence that members of the shadow group who had been active in port Antony now live in his territory."

Waiting for other people to continue to question themselves, Xu Yichen said lazily: "you said that person does not exist, I have never seen."

"How can you get so much money?" The young nobles widened their eyes and felt that they had been educated today.

"I'm a sailis. We have plenty of money. It's none of your business." The demon hunters are starting to play fair and square.

"Antoine's daughter lives in your territory, too! Mix up with a man named Max, who is your housekeeper. It doesn't matter how you explain to both of you! " The young nobles threw out another piece of evidence, trying to increase their chips.

This time, even the demon hunter was shocked. He really didn't know, so he denied without pressure: "I haven't heard of this man. I don't know Antoine has a daughter."

"Are you willing to accept our investigation?" The priest interrupted his nephew to regain control of the situation.

"I don't accept it, but you can send someone to have a look. It's just that there are green skins around my territory. I'm worried about something wrong with your people." The demon hunter gave a sneer. When he was unreasonable, he was going to lift the table. , the fastest update of the webnovel!