The monk Feng Wuyi felt as if he was walking in the stomach of some huge monster. His calf leather boots had become pitted. Feng Wuyi estimated that it might still last for an hour?

His concept of time is a little vague. The environment is warm and humid all the time, and the light is always dim with dark red. In addition to his breath and heartbeat, there is only the cry that does not exist in the real world.

Feng Wuyi and master Sanzang have learned a lot about martial monks. There are many methods to keep people calm. However, his Buddhism is not profound enough to completely shield the outside world.

Feng Wuyi fantasized that he would meet the Achan in a few seconds, or any monster, a rotten sailor, an undead who only had a skeleton to whine about. Even if he was lucky enough, it would be even better to meet some of the captured Marines.

Even if they may come back from the dead and become their own enemies, they have to surmount them with their own hands.

But there is nothing. It's a road without turning. If Feng Wuyi is not a martial monk, he has not learned so many Buddhist dharmas that ordinary martial monk players don't want to learn. If he was not a natural optimistic person with a big heart, he would have been driven crazy by this environment.

If you are imprisoned in this environment for decades, or even longer, maybe you will choose to corrupt without hesitation?

The monk left a mark on the wall with the sharp spines on the finger tiger. This kind of finger tiger, which specially enhanced the lethality, has always been the worry of master Sanzang. He thinks that this apprentice is good at everything. Just like other people in the retribution battle group, he always relies on foreign things.

This is not the mentality that a monk should have. Master Sanzang prefers to use his iron palm to solve problems and use his body to collide with the soul of the enemy. He thinks that this can help you understand the value of life more deeply and surpass each other in a real sense.

It would be better if we could persuade the enemy to surrender without seeing blood. Master Sanzang once demonstrated that he broke 75% of the bones on a green skin, but the green skin was really a stubble. In the end, master Sanzang failed to succeed, and all the unseen seals gave the other party a good time.

Feng Wu wants to list dozens of infectious diseases transmitted through skin contact or blood contact to advise his master to be kind. However, he has learned to speak cautiously with each other's iron fist.

Later, with the improvement of Feng Wuyi's level, he finally understood his teacher's spirit. The combination of professional skills, such as reflexive Dodge, fighting Qi attack, disease free, Hunyuan body, Vajra spirit, made the monks transform themselves from human to humanoid mecha. They tempered themselves bit by bit, and finally became a perfect human without weakness.

Feng Wu has come all the way, constantly realizing the skills that have been learned, but not yet learned, and feeling the vigorous vitality in his body. These capital make him even so deep into the chaotic exploration, he still has the strength to fight against one another.

He couldn't imagine how terrifying it was for him to learn how penetrating, ethereal and even supernatural beings were at the end of his journey to become a monk. Even if he was fighting against the head one-on-one, he was not vain at that time?

"No seal!" The monk suddenly shivered. He just had a trace of disrespect for Xu Yichen. He heard the voice of his head in his ear.

Really so smart? Our political commissars in New China have popularized telepathy?

Feng Wuyi is frozen in place, constantly peeking around. Is this a new trick of chaos? Well, I would never admit that this is not only effective, but also very creative!

"No seal! Look up The monk subconsciously raised his head and looked on the Internet. There was still a blood color, as if the blood and flesh structure of the stomach wall made it look full of wrinkles.

Then, an arm stretches out behind the stomach wall, squeezing the blood film from the inside out, becoming more and more transparent.

This is the end of the day, isn't it? The monk was ready to fight, as if he had been understood: "come on, you monster, I'm ready!"

"Damn it, give me a hand!" The voice belonging to Xu Yichen made the monk's brain in a trance for a moment.

Finally, he can't bear the decadent body space which belongs to another body.

Even in the last few seconds, the evil plot gave him a chance to completely destroy his will, because even before his death, he had only one chance to destroy his will!

"There's nothing here. It's just a false space imagined by traitors. Get out of here, demon hunter!" The moribund Hunter regained his voice: "my name is... Forget it, that's it. Goodbye."

The demon hunter who is shy of mentioning his name cleanly inserts a finger into his eye socket and smashes his brain tissue. From the perspective of movement proficiency, he must have planned countless times in his mind what angle to start from and how to carry out the subsequent steps to end his life in the fastest time.Xu Yichen decided to believe him and left here. He stretched out his hand at the mirror like space debris and reached for the big bald head.

"Don't be so anxious. We will meet again in the future. I have plenty of time to play this game with you. For your safety, I will keep the little secret between us. I hope you will too." The voice of the traitor appeared from the dead demon hunting population. He did not make any further action, so he let Xu Yichen draw himself closer to the space debris.

Until the figure of Xu Yichen disappeared completely, the body of the corrupt Hunter also completely collapsed into a pile of useless protein garbage. The traitor sighed helplessly: "you stupid people, you never know what you have missed."

Feng Wuyi finally stretched out his hand, grabbed the bloody palm, pulled the figure out of the ceiling, and then watched him stop bleeding quickly in less than a minute, repair muscles, regenerate broken bones, and finally grow skin.

Yes, the man in front of him is the chief commander of the retribution battle group, Xu Yichen. The martial monk who witnessed the whole process quietly forgot his bold words just released. His commander is more and more impersonal. He is a little flustered.

"What is this place?" Just experienced a unprotected space jump, Xu Yichen was almost torn to pieces by the ubiquitous space cracks, but when he spoke, he was as calm as if he had just gone out to have a urine. , the fastest update of the webnovel!