It was a bit of a hard night for the players on the border of Europa. The sense of morning church in the hearts of EU players is just like that. Most players don't like this group of privileged aborigines in the territory of Europa empire. They don't want to see the scene of Xinhua people beating angels violently in the bottom of their hearts.

You New China in the earth, the earth, all the people dare not beep loudly, here for players to find the field is also should it?

Of course, it would be a happy ending for the EU if the angel appeared and killed the new Huaxia. The magnificent Xinhua people are not more popular than the angels.

On the defense line, hundreds of thousands of EU players have a sense of expectation that the world cup will start tomorrow. The casters have built a live broadcast system all night. In this regard, EU people have accumulated technology. They want to hold the glory war soul competition, and recruit a large number of casters to do nothing for three months, focusing on live broadcast magic. Now they have almost raised this device to the level of high-definition television 。

However, considering that the fighting party is the angel of light, the light pollution may be very serious. Some EU officers with some privileges still rush to the scene all night to watch the scene closely.

"There are almost forty or fifty thousand people gathered outside. I don't know what they are excited about. They can fly without a hierarchical stand?" Ma chaoshou played cards with several veterans at the gate of Xu Yichen's tent and acted as a bodyguard: "if the leader wins this time, do you think the glorious soul of EU people can still be done? What's the arrangement of the contest

Several new Chinese soldiers suddenly burst into tractor like laughter. This is really a problem. Who else has the courage to stand in front of Xu Yichen and fight in the arena? EU spent money to hold a publicity Conference for Xinhua in the capital.

Deputy commander Jon didn't sleep this night. He stayed at the brilliant cross cavalry camp outside the celestines. The morning church would rather lose face this time and set the competition time at dawn, and would not use some small means at night. As a knight, although he could not influence the decision of dawn church, he could guarantee that anyone who wanted to do so would have to face one first The rage of a legendary knight.

Fortunately, the dawn church did not fall off the line and was safe all night. However, the whole camp was not quiet for a moment. More than 100000 players and aborigines gathered together seemed to be whispering in secret.

With the retreat of the chaos army, the crisis of the civilized world seems to have passed for a while. The scouts who ventured deep into the occupied area of chaos only found a small number of new chaotic demons. Those surviving champion warriors, evil witches, evil women, and nagou pioneers seem to have retreated all the way back to their former territory.

The war seemed to have ended overnight. This time, the duel between the sailis and the angel's sword almost became a celebration of peace. Everyone was venting their pressure.

The EU military is also deliberately guiding this sentiment. The news that 100000 players have played out in reality has not been spread on a large scale. In order to carry out the dimensionality reduction plan smoothly, Torchwood and the EU's intelligence departments have already ignored the domestic panic. Large media enterprises and the government are in collusion with each other, and journalists and we media people who try to expose the truth have been physically eliminated.

Katherine's small efforts in front of the cruel reality like the waves on the sea, flash past without leaving a trace, this strong woman was finally knocked unconscious by the relevant department's receptionist, loaded into the freezer and transported out of the border line. When she woke up again, it was estimated that she had already been in the moon base.

Countries all over the world have done a good job in the consequences of the EU's overall dimension reduction. The Maoist Federation and the African Union, which are closest to the EU continent, have divided their respective control areas after the implementation of the dimension reduction plan according to their own capabilities, and the Americans have also eaten the cake in line with their national strength.

The new Chinese military, relying on its own brilliant achievements, directly marked out all the regions and nodes of interest with maps before everyone started to attack. No one could move these places.

The EU government is gradually handing over and destroying its own weapons of mass destruction. The departure of a main country will undoubtedly cause worldwide shock. Even if the five hooligans are working together to cover up the truth of the matter, the people will still notice the abnormality from every detail.

In the arms market, all arms dealers are in a carnival, and a large number of nearly free high-end weapons flow into the market, and everyone is hoarding goods; the financial market is almost a muddy water, and some people realize what is happening, but they soon receive the sealing order from the powerful authorities. Numerous companies have closed down in this catastrophe, and the unemployment rate of the whole society has increased by 17 Fortunately, the Maoist Federation and new China jointly launched a Mars transformation program, attracting the public's attention.

Even so, the impact of EU's dimension reduction program on the whole world has gradually surpassed the impact of the "listener war" on the earth. This kind of feeling is like four good friends playing mahjong happily. Suddenly, someone left the game. Although the remaining three people changed to fight, the landlord could continue to play, but the rest of the people could not bring the atmosphere back Playing mahjong is so lively.

What happened in reality has not affected Xu Yichen for the time being. Others are still drifting on the immigration ship in outer space, but in the game, the horizon has been polished.

"Elder martial brother, the dawn church is ready." Long Ze walked into the tent and saw that Xu Yichen, who was fully armed, saluted: "leave them a profound lesson!"Xu Yichen knocked on his armor: "definitely."

With that, the grey Knight walked out of his tent, and pachuli, the Knights of kittens, immediately followed behind. Although she was still sleepy, her face was full of excitement. She did not know what angels were. Their kittens did not see any gods coming out to save them when they were in the most difficult period in the occupied areas.

Along the way, the kitten demonstrated to the onlookers of EU, as if it was her who was going to challenge the angel. The big cat, who was disturbed by Qingmeng, pretended to be a tiger and blew her hair to make pachuli strong.

Knight Jon, deputy head of the brilliant cross knights, stood guard at the gate of the camp. Xu Yichen nodded and did not open his mouth. However, people walked in the front to open the way for him. At the same time, a whole group of armed brilliant cross knights were divided into two columns, separating the europans who gathered outside to watch the excitement.

"Xinhua Xialao! Fight for breath, kill that Birdman, I put five gold coins on you! I'm counting on you

"Die, Xinhua! This time, I'm going to see how you're going to show off! "

"For the glory of Europa! You're dead! "

EU players shouting, let the distant dawn church people frown, especially several angels floating in the air. , the fastest update of the webnovel!