Chapter 52 - Chapter 52: Chapter 52 Pickled Vegetable Dumplings

Chapter 52: Chapter 52 Pickled Vegetable Dumplings

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

The recipe turned out to be the dumplings Nanny Li had made on her last night.

[Pickled Vegetable Dumplings E-grade]

Creator: Li Sanya

Dish Details: A food that was quite simple in both ingredients and taste, crudely made, was Li Sanya’s self-proclaimed “most difficult” dish. Due to practice makes perfect and the good intentions infused, it had become the first touch of warmth Jiang Weiguo tasted after arriving in Magic City. After eating, it could significantly increase the feeling of fullness.

Can be made 10 times a day. (0/10)

So, the greatest advantage of the dumplings made by Nanny Li is… they stave off hunger?

In terms of quantity, they are indeed substantial.

When Nanny Li was making the dumplings, Jiang Weiguo was in the next-door kitchen finishing cooking for Mr. Huang, Jiang Feng was fully focused on Jiang Weiguo, and didn’t see the process of Nanny Li making the dumplings at all.

Open the video tutorial, Jiang Feng figured out the specialty of these dumplings.

It was proficiency.

When she made the dumplings, she did so naturally, her movements seamless, never skipping a beat, just like a pastry chef with decades of experience.

The plain steamed buns Nanny Li made were small in size; another reason for using less ingredients was because she didn’t leaven the dough well, always making it too dense, creating hard buns, but the steamed cornbread she made was much better than the steamed white buns, despite the poor ingredients affecting the taste.

Her steamed cornbread was better than her steamed white buns, her cooked rice paste was better than her rice porridge, and her cooked porridge was better than her rice paste, because she was more familiar with coarse grains than with fine grains.

Proficiency made it even more effortless for her.

When she used ingredients, she always did so sparingly, same with rice porridge, always adding rice little by little, cringing with each addition, even though the rice she used was not hers, and she wouldn’t get a single grain to eat. Housekeeper Wang didn’t care if Nanny Li and the others sneaked some rice paste and steamed cornbread, but if they dared to steal fine grains, they would certainly be kicked off the boat.

The rough cornmeal that would scratch the throat when eaten, became soft, smooth, and delicate under Nanny Li’s hands. Stealing cooked porridge from the pot, she would mix it into the dough little by little, kneading and pounding for close to an hour before she even started adding the pickled vegetables.

The way she added pickled vegetables was also quite unique; instead of wrapping the filling inside, she mixed it into the dough. A small spoonful of pickled vegetables was scattered throughout, despite it being time-consuming and strenuous, it was very sparing with the pickles, allowing for a taste of pickled flavor in every bite, a frugal characteristic of Nanny Li’s dumplings.

After that, it was simple, just put them in a steamer to cook.

Furthermore, Jiang Feng noticed, Nanny Li didn’t use leavened dough.

Her dumplings were made with unleavened dough.

With such a hefty weight, how could they not be filling?

Jiang Feng had no plans to make these dumplings, taste aside, the heft of them meant that six would suffice, and Sir wouldn’t have to prepare dinner that night; one dumpling each would keep them full until the morning.

His current priority was to hone his cooking skills for next year’s competition while also finding ways to make some extra money.

Several million in renovation costs.

When Jiang Feng was young, his dream was just to be a millionaire.

Who knew he would end up a debtor of hundreds of millions.

He closed his eyes, and slept till dawn.

Today was Sunday, the day of happiness for homebodies. Jiang Feng woke up at eleven o’clock, and Wang Hao was still sleeping, the entire dormitory quiet as a whisper.

Sir didn’t bring enough winter clothes, Jiang Jiankang and his wife had closed their shop today to accompany the old man shopping. Mrs. Wang Xiulian had now completely let go, with debts of several billion; being in debt didn’t worry her, not earning for one day wouldn’t pay back much anyway.

Jiang Feng was wondering if he should go to the library to read some books. Finals were just a month away, and even if his skills were maxed out, he still needed to read books to understand and integrate the knowledge to pass the finals smoothly.

Just as he took out some books that hadn’t been touched in a month or two, Jiang Feng received a WeChat message from Liu Qian.

“President, why aren’t you opening the store 0o(°>o<0°0”

Her livestream was always full of emoticons flying all over, and now her messages were also inseparable from emoticons with every sentence she sent.

Before he could reply, Liu Qian sent another message.

“I’m so hungry. Even if you close the shop, can you make a special meal for a club member(

“I want to eat fish-flavored shredded pork(©>0<©)”

Jiang Feng:…

“Didn’t buy vegetables, only have pork and no greens,” Jiang Feng replied.


How many emoticons did she have anyway?!

Ever since Liu Qian got into livestreaming, she no longer limited herself to streaming only during meals. She would stream almost all the time except when attending classes or sleeping, and she even bought a second phone professionally for it.

Jiang Feng had visited her stream a few times. The angle was still a mystery, she still got high on her own, and most of the time, she didn’t look at the screen or pay attention to the audience. Her viewers were even more baffling, chatting away without paying attention to her, making her stream seem like an ancient QQchat room.

Jiang Feng guessed that she was probably squatting and streaming at the storefront, so he took out his phone, opened the streaming app, and sure enough, a chin took up half the screen, squatting right at the entrance of Healthy Stir-fry Restaurant. The screen was filled with laughter, taking pleasure in her misfortune of getting shut out of the restaurant.

“Can’t believe there’s only pork.” Liu Qian made a pained face, placing her streaming phone directly on the ground. Now the angle was even more confusing, with most of her body showing but her face not visible, “Pork it is then, it’s still better than the swill they serve in the cafeteria. Last night, they had strawberry stewed pear and bitter melon stir-fried with cured meat in the cafeteria, disgusting!”

“I want braised pork(=•□•=)”

Looking at the chat room, Jiang Feng had an idea and clicked on the donation ranking list.

It seemed like livestreaming could actually make some decent money.

“By the way, how much money can you make in a month from streaming now?” Jiang Feng messaged and asked.

“2ooo!( ‘ • w-‘) , President, are you short on cash(G)0o0®)? If you want to stream, I can help you promote!—==Z(((o»w)o”

It would take him more than a hundred years to save enough money for renovations…

“Just asking, wait for me, I’m coming over now,” Jiang Feng messaged before putting the books down and heading to the restaurant instead.

Liu Qian was the only one who, after tasting Sir’s cooking, could still provide him with forty to fifty experience points for every bite of his food. It was worth it for him to make a special dish for her.

When Jiang Feng arrived at the entrance of Healthy Stir-fry Restaurant, Liu Qian was squatting on the ground hugging her phone and chatting with her livestream viewers. Seeing Jiang Feng, she jumped up in a trice.

“My President is here to make me a special meal, I’ll see you all at dinner time,” Liu Qian said as she quit the stream.

Jiang Feng:…

“President, can you make an extra-large portion? I haven’t eaten breakfast today,” Liu Qian looked at him expectantly.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make you a serving of vegetable meatballs too, that will definitely fill you up!” Jiang Feng said with a slight smile, modest in his skills and reputation.

Open the shop, go in, then close it up again..