Chapter 107 - Chapter 107: Chapter 106 New Year

Chapter 107: Chapter 106 New Year

Translator: 549690339 |

So everyone inexplicably started watching an Anti-Japanese War drama.

They say Anti-Japanese War dramas pair well with the New Year’s Eve dinner right?

The remote control was in Sir’s hands, Jiang Feng had already watched this famous Anti-Japanese War drama several times. The famous “Turning Point of World War II”-the Battle of Ping’an County-had even swept through Bilibili’s ghostly areas and video editing sections, with Italian cannons successfully changing the course of history.

But Jiang Junqing and Jiang Junlian, the two sisters, hadn’t seen it before; they only knew about the Italian cannons, nothing else. Sir skipped through the drama, and despite not quite understanding the plot, the two of them were enjoying it immensely.

“How many more episodes until the battle for the county town?” Jiang Shoucheng turned his head to ask Jiang Ran.

“Two or three more episodes, I think. Look, Xiuqin has been captured, the village has been massacred, and Li should be leading his group soon to attack the enemy’s crystal and push forward,” Jiang Ran replied.

Jiang Junqing turned her head and glared at her two cousins.

Spoilers should not be spread around the house.

By now it was also almost ten o’clock, and everyone had finished eating. Everyone had a bowl of the Clear Soup Happy Family, and the once full large casserole had been drunk down to the bottom by everyone. The sea cucumber and shark fin remained untouched-they were left for the elderly to nourish their health.

The womenfolk cleaned up the dining table, put away the leftover food in the fridge, and whoever wanted to watch TV could just move a chair over to the front.

Jiang Weiguo and Jiang Weiming, inspired by the TV drama, started reminiscing about the days when they had to flee from danger. Jiang Junqing and Jiang Junlian quietly mumbled to each other, trying to figure out how the drama was related to Italian cannons, Italian pasta, and Italian madams.

Jiang Feng and Granduncle Weiming’s grandsons formed a row, all four of them thoroughly familiar with the plot, only needing to glance at the show casually.

“Actually, I think Italian pasta is just so-so,” Jiang Shoucheng suddenly said.

The ones with tomato aren’t tasty, the meat sauce ones are a bit better,” Jiang Zaidi chimed in.

The seafood ones are alright too, but Western restaurants are such rip-offs, charging over a hundred just for adding a few shrimps,” Jiang Ran joined the conversation.

It’s just that your school’s area is too expensive. The ones downstairs from my company are 68 yuan, but really not tasty. I’d rather have the ten yuan stir- fried noodles,” JiangZaidi commented.

“Don’t you guys think that actually there’s no difference between the pasta in Italian food and the noodles in stir-fry?” Jiang Feng joined the discussion.

“They do seem similar, but no way is Italian pasta as delicious as stir-fried noodles. Egg stir-fried noodles, pork stir-fried noodles, beef stir-fried noodles, Nine Turns Intestine stir-fried noodles… getting a spicy beef stir-fried noodles without spring onions after work—that’s the good stuff!” Jiang Shoucheng felt a little hungry again.

And green pepper pork stir-fried noodles have the best flavor. There’s a Changnan stir-fried noodles in our school that’s delicious with a clay pot soup!” Jiang Ran said, “If only Grandpa knew how to make clay pot soup.” “Even if he did, you’d be unlikely to taste it,” Jiang Zaidi quipped, “Changnan stir-fried noodles are too spicy. Yanshan stir-fried noodles are slightly better; it’s just that the small stalls fry them with too much oil. Last time I was there ‘ on business, I ate stir-fried noodles and rice for a few days and ended up with mouth ulcers.”

“Spicy is where the flavor’s at, you just haven’t been to the authentic places.

Last time I went to Changnan, there was this place…”

Jiang Shoucheng looked puzzled as he interrupted Jiang Ran, “Aren’t you studying in Magic City? When did you run off to Changnan?”

My girlfriend is from Changnan. She took me there to hang out for a couple of days, I…”

“Shut up!” The three uttered in unison.

Among these single dogs, a traitor had snuck in.

Jiang Ran was removed from the group chat.

The three brothers continued their discussion about noodles.

But the noodles from Changnan are indeed delicious, both the stir-fried and mixed noodles are good, just way too spicy. I feel like it’s almost the same as Shu cuisine,” Jiang Zaidi said.

“Shu’s Nine Turns Intestine noodles are tasty,” Jiang Feng recalled fondly the Nine Turns Intestine noodles, “Actually, all of Shu’s snacks are good, the spicy boiled fish too, just way too spicy. Ah, I didn’t stay long enough last time, I should find a chance to eat there for a few more days.”

“Doesn’t Granduncle Weiming live in Shu? Let’s just send Granduncle back to Shu for the New Year!” Jiang Zaidi suggested.

“I think that’s a great idea!” Jiang Ran attempted to rejoin the conversation.

Hey, I’m losing my hair day by day. At 40 yuan per hair follicle, I can’t afford a hair transplant,” Jiang Shoucheng abruptly changed the subject.

“Heh,” Jiang Zaidi casually grabbed a handful of hair and immediately several short strands appeared in his hand.

The three men:…

“This… De, your hair loss seems pretty severe.” Jiang Feng was shocked.

“Ah, it’s the stress of life!” Jiang Zaidi sighed, “Half a year ago, I too was a dashing young man with a full head of hair.”

“Heh.” Jiang Shoucheng, not to be outdone, grabbed a handful of his own hair and came away with several strands in his hand.

Jiang Feng:…

The competitive nature of young people nowadays is so intense, they even compete over hair loss.

With that thought, Jiang Feng also grabbed a handful of hair, and one hair appeared in his hand.

Jiang Ran:…

Jiang Ran was still in the state of being kicked out of the group chat, while the three brothers continued their messy chatter, pulling the conversation this way and that. Finally, on TV, the plot had reached a critical moment.

“Company commander, where the hell is your Italian cannon? Bring it up here damn it!”

The iconic scene had finally arrived, and the brothers perked up, eyes glued to the TV drama.

Under the emotional BGM and the excellent acting of the cast, the slow-motion replay was shown three times, and Ping’an County was bombed.

They just fired three shots?” Jiang Junqing didn’t quite understand.

“One scene, shown three times. It was just one shot.” explained Jiang Ran.

“No, they showed the replay for a reason. It must’ve been fired three times.” Jiang Junqing didn’t believe it.

“It was just once. Look closely, all three times are the same. It’s a replay.” Jiang Feng said.

“No, it was three times. Forget it, I can’t make you understand, can’t even watch TV properly.” Jiang Junqing said, and then continued watching the show. Jiang Feng:…

This familiar feeling of wanting to hit someone when explaining problems to her came back again.

A few minutes later, it was 12 0 ‘clock.

Quick, quick, quick, Jianguo, go set off the firecrackers!” Mrs. Jiang urged.

Jiang Jianguo, holding a lighter and firecrackers, ran outside.

Accompanied by the crackling sound of fireworks, the New Year had arrived.

“Happy New Year!”

Everyone greeted each other with smiling faces and exchanged wishes. Sir turned off the TV, ending the night of staying up late to see in the New Year. Everyone went to their respective rooms to sleep.

“Dede, the dish your grandpa made today, the rice-stuffed duck, was truly exquisite. It was almost on par with the clear soup family feast; the duck meat and the sticky rice were so flavorful!” Jiang Jianguo shared his thoughts on the New Year’s Eve dinner with Jiang Zaidi.

Jiang Zaidi: ???

“Rice-stuffed duck?”

Yeah, didn’t you have any? I saw your table was empty, your grandpa’s cooking has gotten quite good, even better than the Nine Turns Intestine.” Jiang Jianguo was perplexed, wondering how his son’s taste had become so picky when he used to praise everything he ate.

Jiang Zaidi suddenly understood; Jiang Feng had intentionally said the duck meat was average and only praised the sticky rice, along with his sudden concern for Jiang Junqing. Now it all made sense.

Jiang Zaidi was enraged!

He had always thought his younger brother was a straightforward guy, but to his surprise, he was playing the same game!

Of all his brothers, the most cunning one turned out to be his youngest!

*Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!