"What did you say? Say it again. " Ning Mengyao stared at the man in the opposite direction, his voice and body were trembling slightly, which was unbelievable.

Ling Luo looks at Ning Mengyao's unbelievable appearance and opens his mouth. It seems that he can't say something when he comes to his mouth.

The people around him gave him a gentle push. Lingluo looked up again, with firm eyes: "Yao'er, you know my identity. In order to be a son of the world, I have to marry Xiao Zixuan, so So... "

Ningmengyao smiled sadly and looked at Lingluo, who couldn't even speak out, and looked at each other with self mockery: "so you want me to be your concubine?"

Ling Luo quickly shook his head: "no It's not a concubine, it's a flat wife. "

"Ha ha, Ping wife?" Ningmengyao's body swayed back a step and looked at Lingluo with dead eyes: "it seems that you still don't know me enough."

Who is her Ning Mengyao? As a person of two generations, she will compete with other women for the man she likes because of the change of environment?

She and Ling Luo were a couple in their previous lives. When they were about to get married, they came to this strange era by accident. After arriving here, he was the little master of Lingyun Houfu and was loved by thousands of people. She was just an orphan abandoned by her family.

At that time, he met unexpectedly. He was as good as ever to her. She didn't care about her status. She thought they would know each other and love each other as they had in their previous lives.

Six years, six years since she came to this place, she hasn't changed, but he has changed. For power, status wants her to share a man with other women.

When did she fall into this state?

"Yao'er, listen to me, I love you, but..." Seeing the gradually cold eyes of Ning Mengyao, Ling Luo goes to Ning Mengyao and holds her arm in front of her, explaining eagerly.

"Love? Lingluo is not worthy to say that you love me? You love your rights and status more. Don't you know me after so long? I have my pride. It's impossible for me to share other men with a woman. " Ningmengyao reaches out and pats Ling Luo's hand, opening coldly.

Lingluo looked at the hands that were mercilessly knocked down, and her body was slightly stiff: "Yao'er, how can you do this? Three wives and four concubines are very normal in this place." For ningmengyao's resistance, Lingluo was helpless.

Ningmengyao's pupils shrink, lifting his eyes and looking at Lingluo: "three wives and four concubines? Normal? Then you will live the life you think is normal. Don't look for me again. "

These words come out, she thinks she won't feel bad, but when the words come out, she finds that she's not as strong as she thought, and her heart is too painful to breathe.

Poor she didn't know that his thought had become as pedantic and stupid as the people of this era since when.

"Yao'er, why can't you understand me? I'm for our good." Lingluo looks at Ning Mengyao's eyes, which are more and more unfeeling. He is also a little upset and roars at Ning Mengyao loudly.

Ningmengyao walked to Lingluo step by step, lifting her hand and shaking two slaps on his face: "for our good? Lingluo, you are just for yourself. From now on, you and I will be merciless. Goodbye is just a passer-by. "

I took a deep look at Lingluo. There was no love in those beautiful eyes. Some of them were just cold and merciless. A common white cotton dress was her elegant body. Her long hair had a beautiful arc in the air because of her turning around, just like the ink butterfly flying in the flowers.

Ling Luo covered his face and watched Ning Mengyao leave. He didn't go after him or ask for help. He didn't know that his letting go for a while was forever. When he saw you again, things were different.

Ningmengyao didn't know how she came back to her home. She looked at the delicate courtyard in front of her in a daze.

Looking at the small courtyard, Ning Mengyao laughs at herself. She thinks that he will live with her, the life she wants, but reality slaps her heavily on the face.