"Hey, wait a minute." When Ning Mengyao saw that the man was at the foot of the mountain, he turned around to leave and hurriedly called.

Before Qiao Tianchang saw Ning Mengyao standing there, heard her voice stop, a pair of calm eyes to her, eyes with doubts.

Sorry to touch his nose, Ning Mengyao found that her tone just a little impolite.

"Can you sell me a pheasant for your prey?" Ning Mengyao goes to Qiao Tianchang and looks up at him.

I haven't found it just now. After walking in, Ning Mengyao found that this man is really tall. She is one meter six in front of this man, just like a child.

Qiao Tianchang nodded and took out a pheasant from his hand and handed it to Ning Mengyao.

"How much is it?" Ning Mengyao took over the pheasant he handed and asked.


"Well, wait for me. I'll get the money back." He turned to enter the room and came out after a while with a handful of copper in his hand.

Put away the copper plate, Qiao Tianchang turns around and leaves. If there is a fragrance on the tip of his nose, the copper plate in his hand still has her warm temperature.

Ningmengyao turns around and starts to pick up the pheasant she bought. She eats chicken and mushrooms at noon.

In the afternoon, Ning Mengyao didn't plan to go outside. After eating, she was going to embroider her screen. But as soon as she was going to move the embroidery rack, Yang Xiu'er came here with the embroidery basket, which was filled with embroidery thread and some purses and pouches.

Seeing her, Ning Mengyao didn't want to embroider the screen either, but turned around and went to the sundry room on the side.

When she came out, she had a very small hoe in her hand.

Looking at the things in her hands, Yang Xiu'er tooted her mouth and complained, "why don't you do embroidery in Mengyao?"

She came here with her embroidery work to steal her master from ningmengyao, but now she even goes to the vegetable field in front of the house with her hoe to weed.

"Look up to Yang Xiuer's silent smile:" well, there are a lot of grass in the vegetable field, you have to get rid of it

Yang Xiuer sat down with a stool on one side and put her small basket aside: "what's the hurry? You can weed whenever you want. Making money is the most important thing."

Although she didn't know how much Ning Mengyao could sell for her embroidery work, she had a feeling that it would not be too little.

"No, I'm not in a hurry to use the money." Ning Mengyao shakes her head, ignores Yang Xiuer, and continues her movements.

Yang Xiu'er's movements were slightly stiff. Her hands were rough with needles and threads. Her fingertips were slightly white and her face was slightly ugly.

In this way, the two get along with each other in a strange manner. One is doing embroidery work. He looks at Ning Mengyao in the vegetable field from time to time, but the latter doesn't even give her a look.

In many times feel her line of sight, Ning Mengyao looked up and stared at Yang Xiuer, who didn't know what she was thinking: "what's the matter?"

Yang Xiuer shook her head awkwardly, looked down at the embroidery work in her hand, and her eyes brightened: "Mengyao, would you help me to see how to embroider in this place? I can't embroider well. "

She was holding a silk pad with light colored flowers. It was very beautiful, but the flowers lacked some aura.

Ningmengyao put down the matter in her hand, went to Yang Xiuer and looked down at her handkerchief: "this place is better to embroider without flat needles. Try it."

"Oh, yes." Said with the method that Ning Mengyao said embroidered up, after embroidering some, she looked up a little bit, found that the effect is really much better than what she just embroidered.

Immediately satisfied with the nod, but also because this time, as long as Yang Xiuer does not understand the place to keep calling Ning Mengyao, make her do their own things.

Ningmengyao's eyes flashed a trace of impatience. When Yang Xiuer called her again, she just looked up and said, "did you know all that you just said? You can't chew too much. " Finish saying also ignore what expression Yang Xiuer is, bow to continue to do the thing in hand.

For a moment, Yang Xiuer's expression was so ugly that she felt that Ning Mengyao was too stingy. She didn't want to tell her about this little thing. It was too much. She took her as a good friend in vain.

If she can't get what she wants, Yang Xiuer will stare at Ning Mengyao all the time, and her eyes are like eating her.

"Mengyao, I just want to ask you about embroidery. Why are you so fierce?" Yang Xiuer looks at Ning Mengyao wrongly, muttering in a low voice.